Conservative Optimism

A conservative friend asked me if there are reasons for optimism concerning the future of America in the upcoming national elections. My answer was "yes" and these are the reasons:

I see that a number of conservative factions have managed to unite in their support of Mitt Romney. Their support is of the man, and not of his party. There is hope that Mr. Romney will recognize this tentative trust in him and honor it by promoting conservatism as did Ronald Reagan. One can point out that the support of Romney is based more out of fear of Obama and the socialist order that he has promoted and pursued rather than belief in Romney's commitment to conservative principles of governance. There remains a distrust of the Republican Party and its current leaders as to their primary motivation, methods, and commitment to the Constitution. But rather than settle for despair, I see reasons for optimism which may be summed up in one word; "Benghazi".

The emerging story of Benghazi will eventually highlight the very quality that inspires hope at the heart of every American patriot. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods offered up their own lives in defense of America and other Americans in an act reminiscent of those Revolutionary War patriots who gave their all at the very founding of this country. Such an act is so far outside commonplace thinking that it is very nearly beyond belief. "Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends." Do such men only exist in the military? Are there any in the political class; in the citizenry?

And yet there are many conservatives who sense that the danger to this nation is such that this is a time for  acts of this kind. The sacrifice of these men has pointed the way. Further, it appears that an admiral and a general have forfeited their careers in an attempt to heed the call for help issued by these dying men. Pray God that such men exist today in national leadership, and in our nation!

Yes, there are reasons for optimism.

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