Mr. Romney, Time to Show us The Money

Mr. Romney, the time for bold truth is now. Americans are adults and we crave truth.  Voters deserve your respect and our current dire conditions demand your candor.  Without use of vile invectives, hateful tones or childish insults, you must take the gloves off and speak truth to grossly corrupted power.

Our Constitution is being trashed, disrespected and ignored. Congress, both the House and Senate, have been utterly neutered and circumvented by Presidential executive appointment of more than fifty unelected Czars vested with extraordinary powers. No longer are federal budgets required, new legislation needed from our elected representatives or the voices of the citizen being heeded. 

Today, three individuals, President Obama, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have thuggishly acquired absolute, iron fisted control over the healthcare decisions impacting 310 million American citizens, the business model of every insurance company, and all investment firms, banks and financial services firms.  Obama, Kathleen and Timothy have total control over industry sectors representing almost 50% of our private sector economy.

ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank are multi-thousand page laws, each imbedded with more than one thousand references to the terms "shall," "may," or "at the discretion of," with each serving to transfer complete and final decision making authority to Kathleen, Timothy and ultimately, Barack.  If you believe any of the thousands of rules, regulations or decisions to be made by these three individuals are illegal, unfair or unconstitutional, Attorney General Eric Holder eagerly stands ready to offer you social justice.

Quite simply, these two massive bills have eradicated our founding constitutional principles of checks and balances over almost fifty percent of the private US economy.

Obama has shattered all historical campaigning records, yet almost never shares the campaign stage or even a single dollar of his donations with down ballot House or Senate democrat candidates.  Why? Because he simply no longer needs a democratic majority in the House or the Senate to press his fundamental transformation of America forward. 

Phase one of Obama's "fundamental transformation" is complete; he has masterfully rendered our Congress virtually impotent. With the Executive, Judicial and "4th Estate" branches of our government in perfect ideological alignment, and the legislative branch fully neutered, Obama would operate with maximum hubris and without restraint during his second term. 

Equipped with his veto pen, unlimited executive orders, more unelected Czars than existed in all of Russian history, ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, Eric Holder, and an utterly shameless, lapdog media in his pocket, the second and final phase of Obama's promised fundamental transformation will be realized.

President Obama's pledge of fundamental transformation and the United States Constitution cannot coexist. In 2012, the American people can elect twenty new Jim Demints, one hundred new Marco Rubios and two hundred Sarah Palins.  All to no avail if Obama is reelected.  Without Mitt Romney sitting in the White House, we will have been checkmated by the anti-America, anti-western, progressive movement. I know it, Obama knows it, the media knows it.  And now, you know it.

Mr. Romney, do you truly understand this truth?  Today, with our nation's fate resting in the balance, you are best represented by the lead actor in the movie, "Jerry McGuire."  Far more than 50% of American citizens are best represented by Cuba Gooding, Jr.  I pray that you will, with all your heart and soul, "Show us the money."  Communicate your core convictions with inspiration and sincere passion. Speak from your gut.  Lead with your heart. The people will follow.

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