Don't Worry

Barack Obama's entire campaign for reelection seems to revolve around the premise that the nation need not worry.  And trusting in him to provide policies that will foster a future of prosperity for America and Americans is a prudent course of action -- even though he won't say what those policies will be.

There once was a famous defense lawyer in the Bronx, where I grew up.  His nickname was "Don't Worry Murray."  There was a time when if you were a Mafioso, and got caught doing whatever, you had to have Murray as your lawyer.  He was, after all, the best.  And he certainly won more than he lost.  His reputation as a defense lawyer was stellar and he seemed bigger than life.  But even the best, can't win them all.  Sometimes the case against a client is just too strong.

"Murray, I'm worried."  Stated Joey Bag of Donuts from Arthur Avenue, sweat forming on his brow, as his pudgy fingers nervously toyed with the tiny white cup of espresso resting in front of him on the stainless steel café table.

"Don't worry."  Murray insisted.

"But Murray, they got me on tape."  Joey, fidgeting in his seat, informed his serene counsel, while pouring a generous portion of anisette into the tiny cup.

"Don't worry."  Murray ordered, taking the time to stretch out the word "worry," in the hope that it would sound soothing.

"But Murray, they got witnesses."  Joey said before taking a tenuous sip of the espresso.

"I said, don't worry."  Murray replied in a hurry. 

"Joey, I have to go."  Murray stated, as he stood up with the finality of a man ending a conversation.

"Check please."  Joey, now comfortably reassured, requested of the comely waitress standing behind the marble counter across from where he sat.

Four weeks later the sentence came in -- 20 to life, but by then, it was too late to worry.

America is in the same position today.  The future looks bleak and all Barack Obama can tell us is "don't worry."  He's got this, and even though he has done nothing in 3 ½ years to improve anything, except his handicap -- and in fact, has made everything much worse -- he's going to fix all in his second term and we shouldn't be concerned.

Sure, if we trust him, the worst sentence we can get is 4 years, but it will take 20 years to a lifetime to fix what he most assuredly will do during that time.

When our sentence is over, if we survive, there may be nothing left.

What happened to Joey Bag of Donuts?  I heard he died in prison -- but no worries, we got Barack.

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