Clint Made My Day
Mr. Clint Eastwood made my day during his speech at the Republican Convention. As I sat listening to him for American Thinker, I enjoyed the truths he told through humor. Eastwood did what Governor Chris Christie neglected to do, fire up the audience. But that should not come as any surprise considering he is an actor, director, and writer. Jon Voight, who had the same impression, came to Eastwood's defense in an interview with American Thinker.
The empty chair representing President Barack Obama was very symbolic. As Eastwood spoke, I thought of his Dirty Harry character: the tough, no nonsense guy who gets his point across with just a few words and sometimes with added humor. Voight told American Thinker, "He did the speech in his own personal way, just like his persona. We enjoyed his performances because they are fun, which is the same thing that happened at the Republican Convention. He was the same guy as in the movies, a righteous guy who steps up and tells the truth. What do you expect him to do, make a speech as a politician?"
I thought that the empty chair symbolized the empty promises made by President Obama when he ran for office in 2008. Voight thought the symbolism was for "those in Iran who cried out for intervention against the Mullahs and all they got was an empty chair. Many people can have their own ideas of what issue they thought it represented since there are so many aspects of the Obama Presidency and leadership, where all we get is an empty chair. This President is not around when stuff happens."
Mr. Eastwood made a great impression because he talked about issues that mattered to the American people: closing Gitmo, moving the terrorists to New York, giving a target date to the Taliban in Afghanistan, Vice-President Joe Biden being the intellect of the Democratic Party, and why Mitt Romney is the best candidate to be President.
Instead of pointing this out, the mass media tried to make him out as rambling, foolish, elderly, and senile. Yes, there were a few statements that were over the top, such as "I can't tell him to do that. I can't tell him to do that to himself," but wouldn't Dirty Harry do it that way as well? Voight commented, "This just shows how the cruelty of the left is very much in evidence. This is how they work when they are threatened by anybody. Look what they have said about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. They don't have anything to do except demonize these people and bring them down. That is what is happening here after Clint Eastwood showed up."
During Mr. Eastwood's speech there were cheers, laughter, and standing ovations. Jon Voight summarized the symbolism of the speech by quoting William Hughes Mearns poem, "Antigonish:"
"Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away"
According to Voight, "Eastwood is suggesting in November we can make our invisible President do just that," by electing Mitt Romney as the forty-fifth President of the Unites States.