American Thinker Blog
August 31, 2012
He Made My DayAugust 31, 2012
Chris Matthews Praises Jeb Bush! What's Going On?August 31, 2012
The Greatest Piece of Performance Art in American Political HistoryAugust 31, 2012
'The most extraordinary moment of the convention'August 31, 2012
Pentagon may prosecute ex-SEAL for bin Laden bookAugust 31, 2012
Harvard investigates cheating in 'Introduction to Congress' classAugust 31, 2012
Persuasion vs. CompulsionAugust 31, 2012
That Chair Was RacistAugust 31, 2012
Condi Rice Speaks Again. And AgainAugust 31, 2012
Imagine if a Republican...August 31, 2012
An Islamic Festival to Jump Start the DNCAugust 31, 2012
Crucified in Yemen August 30, 2012
Mr. Ryan Goes to WashingtonAugust 30, 2012
Liberal Women Speak with a Whole New VoiceAugust 30, 2012
Republicans are Offering Governance and LeadershipAugust 30, 2012
NYT bias bleeds through photos of Ryan at RNCAugust 30, 2012
Egypt's Morsi calls for end to 'oppressive' Syrian regimeAugust 30, 2012
Ryan to skeptical America: 'We can do this'August 30, 2012
Rand Paul speaks hard truths to GOPAugust 30, 2012
Where are all the protestors?August 30, 2012
MSNBC's newest race code-wordAugust 30, 2012
Romney may get a convention bump after allAugust 30, 2012
Condi Rice: A star is born?August 30, 2012
And the 'mystery speaker' at the RNC is...?August 30, 2012
Focusing on the Real Abortion IssueAugust 29, 2012
At NY Times and WaPo, Arab pain trumps Jewish painAugust 29, 2012
About that fairy tale where Osama bin Laden is killed...August 29, 2012
A subdued Keynote address from ChristieAugust 29, 2012
Opening Day Fracas in TampaAugust 29, 2012
Ann Romney a winner even if her husband losesAugust 29, 2012
Fox News pundits ignore National Anthem, continue their chatterAugust 29, 2012
Obama calls for full disclosure, almostAugust 29, 2012
Juan Williams Spreads Democrats' Racist NarrativeAugust 29, 2012
The false equivalency of the Obama campaignAugust 29, 2012
'Fun Facts' from Barbara Shelly on Wacky, Ignorant MissouriAugust 29, 2012
Barack Obama, Global Has-Been'August 28, 2012
Clarice Feldman guests on Moran's showAugust 28, 2012
Israeli judge dismisses damage suit in death of Rachel Corrie, but NY Times still clings to the mythAugust 28, 2012
Chavnobyl: Hugo Chavez's ChernobylAugust 28, 2012
Declining MSM's last gaspAugust 28, 2012
Spain may seek additional euro aid next monthAugust 28, 2012
Actor Samuel L. Jackson says it's 'unfair' that Isaac missed the GOP conventionAugust 28, 2012
Terror plot uncovered in Georgia murder caseAugust 28, 2012
A 21st century definition of the liberal mediaAugust 28, 2012
Compromise reached on rules controversyAugust 28, 2012
David Brooks take on Romney biographyAugust 28, 2012
5 GOP conventions speeches to rememberAugust 28, 2012
The dream Democratic National Convention scheduleAugust 28, 2012
Barry Rubin Goes There August 28, 2012
No uncredentialed children on the Democratic convention floorAugust 28, 2012
Retreat to the Past August 27, 2012
Neil Armstrong: 'There Was Work to Do'August 27, 2012
A Silver LiningAugust 27, 2012
Preemptive Ridicule of the RNCAugust 27, 2012
Face it: The EU won't let Greece out of the euro zoneAugust 27, 2012
Errors of OmissionAugust 27, 2012
Dancing in Afghanistan is hazardous to your healthAugust 27, 2012
Broadband internet tax in the worksAugust 27, 2012
Barack Obama, made in the USAAugust 27, 2012
Barack's beer initiativeAugust 27, 2012
Captive AudienceAugust 27, 2012
Climatists on Water Vapor August 27, 2012
One Message Two Conventions, School Reformer Plays Both SidesAugust 27, 2012
Economic outlook for the electionAugust 27, 2012
Ron Paul blowing up his bridgesAugust 26, 2012
Wash. Post plays up Israeli-on-Palestinian violence, plays down Palestinian-on-Israeli attacksAugust 26, 2012
Semi-tough love from NY Times public editorAugust 26, 2012
Massacre outside of DamascusAugust 26, 2012
Chicago needs Wyatt EarpAugust 26, 2012
GOP cancels first day of convention due to Hurricane IsaacAugust 26, 2012
Romney says Obama has 'admitted defeat' on the economyAugust 26, 2012
Obama, the ultimate birther jokesterAugust 26, 2012
Todd Akin, His Foot-in-Mouth Fiasco, and the Unspoken Truths Behind itAugust 26, 2012
New Republic admits how bad Obama economy isAugust 26, 2012
Army Report Buried Islamic Motivations For Afghan Murders of US TroopsAugust 26, 2012
Is Nidal Hasan Army or Islam?August 26, 2012
Why Voting Democrat Is Voting against YourselfAugust 26, 2012
Administration 'cooked the books' on deportation numbersAugust 25, 2012
Neil Armstrong dead at 82August 25, 2012
Iran trying to cover up work at nuke siteAugust 25, 2012
Drone strike may have killed Haqqani leaderAugust 25, 2012
70% of Obama Twitter followers are fakeAugust 25, 2012
1001 Lies to Propagandize ChildrenAugust 25, 2012
Corzine gets the New Black Panther treatment. August 25, 2012
Romney's favorability rating improves in new CNN pollAugust 25, 2012
Left goes ballistic over Romney birther jokeAugust 25, 2012
Anti-Obama movie '2016' opens a shocking #3 in the countryAugust 25, 2012
Jobs: Reagan versus ObamaAugust 25, 2012
Obama Administration Desperate Not to Talk about JobsAugust 25, 2012
Obama Is God, I GuessAugust 24, 2012
Norway Murderer to Serve 21 Years for Massacring 77 VictimsAugust 24, 2012
Has the predicted play of the Mormon Card against Romney begun?August 24, 2012
Durable goods orders drop for 4th month out of last 5August 24, 2012
Syrian refugee crisis getting out of controlAugust 24, 2012
Obama's Work Ethic Criticized AgainAugust 24, 2012
Germany, France talking tough to GreeceAugust 24, 2012
Finally, an Israeli politician who tells it like it is about AbbasAugust 24, 2012
Housing crisis reduxAugust 24, 2012
Energy Independence by 2020 Isn't Fast EnoughAugust 24, 2012
American Thinker Scoops The New York TimesAugust 24, 2012
The Sideshow at the DOJAugust 24, 2012
Romney to Call for Energy Independence by 2020August 24, 2012
Speaking of Rape and the War on Women - Democrats Oppose Mandatory Sentences for Child RapistsAugust 23, 2012
Gloves Are Off: Mitt Said 'Bless His Heart' to BarackAugust 23, 2012
Errors in the CBO Report on ANWRAugust 23, 2012
Academic model predicts big Romney winAugust 23, 2012
Typical: Energy loan watchdog an Obama donorAugust 23, 2012
GOP Platform Addresses Sharia EncroachmentAugust 23, 2012
Howard Dean: A Piece of WorkAugust 23, 2012
Limited convention coverage by networks may keep Ann Romney off the airAugust 23, 2012
Is re-education a part of Obama's transformation of America? August 23, 2012
Cruel 'Islamophobic Crime' in Staten Island, Solved!August 23, 2012
Lawless DOJ Reports on Itself in Fast and FuriousAugust 23, 2012
'A Nation Adrift From the Rule of Law' August 23, 2012
LA Times column prioritizes talking points over basic mathAugust 23, 2012
Congressman Akin: A Rush to a Political ExecutionAugust 23, 2012
GOP Convention theme: 'We Built This!'August 22, 2012
The Obama IdentityAugust 22, 2012
The titanic denial of Todd AkinAugust 22, 2012
Romney-Ryan: Much Needed Innovative ThinkingAugust 22, 2012
Sandra Fluke is back and the Democrats have herAugust 22, 2012
Barack Obama's Idea of Staying in the Word and Living Like JesusAugust 22, 2012
'Forward.' The Perfect Campaign Slogan for Obama?August 22, 2012
WH tells reporters what questions to ask Barack ObamaAugust 22, 2012
It's Okay to LaughAugust 22, 2012
Ron Paul supporters will strike a deal with establishment GOPAugust 22, 2012
If All Else Fails: What to do if Akin doesn't step asideAugust 21, 2012
Bridget Johnson of PJ Media to guest on Moran's showAugust 21, 2012
NY Times indicts Israeli society as steeped in 'racism, violence'August 21, 2012
The Real Question for AkinAugust 21, 2012
Dem poll pushes Todd AkinAugust 21, 2012
Should the Democrats disinvite Bill Clinton to the convention?August 21, 2012
Poll: Change didn't work, Hope's goneAugust 21, 2012
Funding FailureAugust 21, 2012
Chavez Attacked By His ProletariatAugust 21, 2012
How stupid does the Obama campaign think Americans are? August 21, 2012
Word on the street: Disarray in Obama campaignAugust 21, 2012
More evidence of Obama's poor work ethicAugust 21, 2012
Don't Dismiss IDAugust 21, 2012
Kids Eat Kale at State DinnerAugust 21, 2012
The Impact of ObamaCare on the EconomyAugust 21, 2012
Todd Akin Must GoAugust 20, 2012
It's the Economy that's in 'Chains'August 20, 2012
Salvation and Koranic Crucifixion of CorruptersAugust 20, 2012
Obama Underwater in Cook County?August 20, 2012
'Cooling off Israel' and Riling up AmericansAugust 20, 2012
The most generous states in America: Republican and religiousAugust 20, 2012
After holiday lull, Assad resumes shelling of AleppoAugust 20, 2012
Obama's MSM shield starts to crumbleAugust 20, 2012
Cornyn demands answers from Pentagon about Russian sub in the GulfAugust 20, 2012
Christine O'Donnell has some explaining to doAugust 20, 2012
Should Todd Akin withdraw from the Missouri Senate race?August 20, 2012
Obama campaign not the well oiled machine we're led to believeAugust 20, 2012
Obama's plans for a second termAugust 20, 2012
Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors. AgainAugust 20, 2012
USS Constitution sets sail in Boston HarborAugust 20, 2012
US drones may be after a high value target in PakistanAugust 19, 2012
Debate Commission BluesAugust 19, 2012
Did the Democrats select Republican Senate nominee in Missouri?August 19, 2012
Will Syria become ungovernable?August 19, 2012
Is the Muslim Brotherhood crucifying opponents of Morsi? (Updated)August 19, 2012
Great news! Our Iraqi allies helping Iran skirt sanctionsAugust 19, 2012
Ryan better qualified to serve as president: RasmussenAugust 19, 2012
How long before the attacks on Paul Ryan's mother begin?August 19, 2012
Administration Seeks to Explain Ammo PurchasesAugust 19, 2012
Madison's cure to 'the dangerous violence of faction'August 19, 2012
Greens Re-discover Hydrogen Car August 19, 2012
Cant over ClarityAugust 19, 2012
Sayings of My FatherAugust 18, 2012
Wash. Post sees aggressive intentions by Israel. but not by IranAugust 18, 2012
Ayatollah Khomeini's Al Quds Day is celebrated in Toronto. August 18, 2012
New York Times misreports Pussy Riot caseAugust 18, 2012
Algerian succeeds Annan as point man for UN efforts in SyriaAugust 18, 2012
The liberal media vs. your lyin' eyesAugust 18, 2012
Lebanon close to the edge of chaos as Syrian civil war rages onAugust 18, 2012
Unemployment rises in swing states in JulyAugust 18, 2012
The Barack Obama Tasting Tour Hits a Bump in the RoadAugust 18, 2012
Republican convention to focus on Romney's professionalismAugust 18, 2012
The Late Great Joe BidenAugust 18, 2012
Romney's Tax Returns Don't MatterAugust 18, 2012
Ryan and Rand: A Radical Connection?August 18, 2012
Racism, Diversity, and the Irritating Insufferableness of Liberals August 18, 2012
It's Really Up to YouAugust 17, 2012
New accounting rules to expose pension funding gapsAugust 17, 2012
More Ryan fallout: CNN moves Wisconsin to 'toss up state'August 17, 2012
Obama thinking of tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve August 17, 2012
Is Obama a Ventriloquist Dummy?August 17, 2012
Joe Biden twisting in the windAugust 17, 2012
GM headed for bankruptcy - again?August 17, 2012
The Gold Standard of RacismAugust 17, 2012
Romney's swing state bumpAugust 17, 2012
Obama Ain't No Ralph Waldo EmersonAugust 17, 2012
Making Too Much Money?August 16, 2012
Our Transformational PresidentAugust 16, 2012
Doddering Biden in VirginiaAugust 16, 2012
Ecuador grants Julian Assange asylumAugust 16, 2012
AL Congressman who supported Obama in 2008 to speak at GOP conventionAugust 16, 2012
A History Lesson for Joe. An example of selective outrage for others.August 16, 2012
Brewer denies public benefits to illegals given work permits under modified DREAM actAugust 16, 2012
Spot the hatersAugust 16, 2012
Former VA Governor Implies Biden Not Allowed to Use Race CardAugust 16, 2012
Do Subpoenaed Documents Contain Information on U.S./Drug Cartel Deal?August 16, 2012
Who really unchained Wall Street?August 16, 2012
What Would Jesus Tax?August 16, 2012
IRS plagued by ID TheftAugust 16, 2012
Is Hillary Clueless or Cavalier? Neither HelpsAugust 16, 2012
Elvis Would be AshamedAugust 15, 2012
Biden UnchainedAugust 15, 2012
'The Crazy Uncle in the White House Attic' is one heartbeat away from the Presidency.August 15, 2012
Romney takes off the glovesAugust 15, 2012
Special Ops group takes on Obama claims regarding Bin LadenAugust 15, 2012
McMahon, Thompson win GOP Senate primariesAugust 15, 2012
Chains Reaction: Romney Missing the Point on Biden RemarkAugust 15, 2012
Michelle Obama Chastises Olympian for Eating Egg McMuffinAugust 15, 2012
Gallup judges Ryan with methodology it disparaged in '08August 15, 2012
The Copycat Girls think Ryan is just, well, cruelAugust 15, 2012
Beer-Drinking Barack Charms Iowans at the Bud TentAugust 15, 2012
You Might Be a Progressive Ideologue, if...August 15, 2012
America: Still the Best Hope August 15, 2012
Paul Ryan Young, Joe Biden OldAugust 14, 2012
Ed Morrissey to guest on Moran's showAugust 14, 2012
Unusual Government Agencies Stockpiling Ammo (turns out to be a clerical error)August 14, 2012
Morsi Elevates 'Closet Muslim Brotherhood General' With US EncouragementAugust 14, 2012
Ryan attracting younger votersAugust 14, 2012
If the Olympics Were 'Fair'August 14, 2012
28 dead, up to 100 injured in Afghan suicide bomb attacksAugust 14, 2012
French riots in Amiens by 'unknown youths'August 14, 2012
Obama's 'Shared Prosperity'August 14, 2012
Do You Have an Inalienable Right to Your Neighbor's Labor?August 14, 2012
The Second Amendment Is Not a 'States' Rights' Issue, Governor PerryAugust 14, 2012
Anonymous GOP 'pros' tell Politico Ryan pick a 'disaster'August 14, 2012
Plagiarizing writer was to speak on ethicsAugust 14, 2012
Obama's sanitized history for Iftar dinnerAugust 14, 2012
Objective Fact-Checkers Still Can't Get the Facts Straight on Romney's TaxesAugust 14, 2012
'Knuckleheads' 4 GovernmentAugust 14, 2012
A.Word.A.Day gets political August 14, 2012
Christie to deliver keynote address at GOP conventionAugust 13, 2012
London Olympics now a memoryAugust 13, 2012
Another round of liberal debate moderatorsAugust 13, 2012
Even The N.Y. Times Admits It: 'Obama AWOL In Syria' August 13, 2012
Spanish and Italian commercial real estate markets meltdownAugust 13, 2012
Big Wisconsin homecoming for RyanAugust 13, 2012
Anti-Israel Narrative FailAugust 13, 2012
46 Gold Medals - No ApologiesAugust 13, 2012
Obama 'Not the President of Black America'August 13, 2012
The New Generation Offers a LeaderAugust 13, 2012
The Race to Define RyanAugust 13, 2012
Jerusalem dare not speak its name in Wash. Post travel sectionAugust 13, 2012
Syrian rebels call for no-fly zoneAugust 13, 2012
Conservatives rally to Romney-Ryan ticket August 12, 2012
Romney campaign raises $3.5 million in first 24 hrs after Ryan pickAugust 12, 2012
Morsi courts trouble again; orders two top generals to retireAugust 12, 2012
Will public ignorance of Ryan and government in general doom the GOP?August 12, 2012
Hey, Fareed, You've Got a Paragraph; You Didn't Write ThatAugust 12, 2012
Can the GOP pick up a Senate seat in Hawaii?August 12, 2012
A laundry list of broken promisesAugust 12, 2012
Compare and contrastAugust 12, 2012
A national media that retains its honourAugust 12, 2012
The Secretary DeterminesAugust 12, 2012
Pandering to Adversaries Precarious for ChurchAugust 11, 2012
The Ryan RolloutAugust 11, 2012
6 US soldiers killed in 'rogue attacks' in AfghanistanAugust 11, 2012
Has Obama gotten a new, more worrisome NIE on Iran?August 11, 2012
US weighs 'no fly zone' for SyriaAugust 11, 2012
The Return of the 'Radical Republicans'August 11, 2012
Obama lickspittle busted on plagiarismAugust 11, 2012
Obama's predictable first shot at RyanAugust 11, 2012
Ryan: 'We won't duck the tough issues...we will lead'August 11, 2012
A man, a plan, an election, RyanAugust 11, 2012
Ryan and Obama have mixed it up beforeAugust 11, 2012
Awaiting the Obama PAC ad that jumps the sharkAugust 11, 2012
US accuses Hezb'allah of being deeply involved in Syrian civil warAugust 11, 2012
Budget deficit at $974 billion for the year August 10, 2012
The Chicago Tribune and reporter John Chase are leaking, againAugust 10, 2012
Allen West attack ad depicts him punching a white womanAugust 10, 2012
Romney and the Future of AmericaAugust 10, 2012
Environmentalism is unhealthy for the planetAugust 10, 2012
Obama forgets that Robin Hood was against bloated, corrupt governmentAugust 10, 2012
What's next from Team Obama?August 10, 2012
California town pioneers in fiscal irresponsibilityAugust 10, 2012
Veepstakes feverAugust 10, 2012
Paranormal Pelosi and the Suffragists August 10, 2012
Federal Hiring ExpertiseAugust 10, 2012
Fiscal FailureAugust 9, 2012
The beginning of accountability in Egypt?August 9, 2012
Educating Dana Milbank About the Abedin Family JournalAugust 9, 2012
Mr. President, who're you foolin'? Oh, there they are.August 9, 2012
'Fiscal gap' grew by $11 trillion last yearAugust 9, 2012
GSA scandal just got a lot more interestingAugust 9, 2012
Pelosi heard voices of suffragists at White HouseAugust 9, 2012
Obama Dazzles Denver Dames August 9, 2012
Unemployment applications drop slightly; trade deficit narrowsAugust 9, 2012
Sheldon Adelson sues Jewish Democrat group for $60 millionAugust 9, 2012
Surviving a Mixed RelationshipAugust 9, 2012
The Obama ClassicAugust 9, 2012
My Boxing Lesson with Global Warming BillAugust 9, 2012
Raw Footage: Charlotte Abortionist Slurs BlacksAugust 9, 2012
100 Million Americans now on some form of welfareAugust 8, 2012
You call this 'compromise'?August 8, 2012
Another example of Obama's Chicago ValuesAugust 8, 2012
Was Government to Blame for the Closing of GST Steel?August 8, 2012
Romney and the Chick-fil-A BattleAugust 8, 2012
Akin in MO and Hoekstra in MI to face incumbents in Senate racesAugust 8, 2012
Is it Romney's race to win?August 8, 2012
Romney smeared but the media nitpicks GOP welfare adAugust 8, 2012
Ominous silence for ObamaAugust 8, 2012
Rich Frenchmen might emigrate rather than pay Hollande's taxAugust 8, 2012
Cruz to get prime speaking slot at conventionAugust 8, 2012
Andrew McCarthy on Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration and the 'Grand Jihad'August 8, 2012
Obama's Columbia YearsAugust 8, 2012
Obama's Collectivist Response to the Sikh Temple ShootingAugust 8, 2012
Did Senator Obama dodge taxes on a $400,000 gift from Tony Rezko?August 8, 2012
More Questions Raised by 'You Didn't Build That'August 7, 2012
Andrew Malcolm guests on Moran's showAugust 7, 2012
Campaigning Mitt Romney makes joke about Road Runner and CoyoteAugust 7, 2012
Santorum, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul to speak at GOP conventionAugust 7, 2012
Iran says it won't let Assad fallAugust 7, 2012
New Romney ad touts Obama's rollback of welfare reformAugust 7, 2012
One in three doctors will not accept new Medicaid patientsAugust 7, 2012
'Call Obama's bluff!'August 7, 2012
Voting fraud? Sometimes, it changes historyAugust 7, 2012
More 2008 Obama voters plan to switch sides than 2008 McCain votersAugust 7, 2012
Vetting Conference Exposes More of Obama's Marxist Ties August 7, 2012
Lefty Wannabe Superman v homeless manAugust 7, 2012
Is Bigotry Compatible with the Huffington Post?August 7, 2012
Obama Stoops to New Fundraising LowsAugust 7, 2012
The Sikh Temple Massacre and Gun ControlAugust 7, 2012
Athlete tossed from Olympics for 'not trying'August 6, 2012
Syrian rebels take 48 Iranian Rev Guards into custodyAugust 6, 2012
Romney, RNC raise $101 million in JulyAugust 6, 2012
Huckabee, McCain, Condi to headline GOP conventionAugust 6, 2012
Do You Know Frank Marshall Davis?August 6, 2012
Syrian Prime Minister defects; reported to be in JordanAugust 6, 2012
Liberal appeals court judge removed from hearing Tom DeLay's caseAugust 6, 2012
'Curiosity' Rover Lands on MarsAugust 6, 2012
Rush Flushes CriticsAugust 6, 2012
Obama's inner circle and Iranian influenceAugust 6, 2012
Sikh temple gunman identified as ex-militaryAugust 6, 2012
Why is Harry Reid riding the mail pony?August 6, 2012
In Memoriam: The 31 Heroes of EXTORTION 17 August 5, 2012
NY Times gives platform to notorious self-hating IsraeliAugust 5, 2012
Roseanne Barr, Cindy Sheehan head up Peace and Freedom Party ticketAugust 5, 2012
Economy needs 'something dramatic' says RomneyAugust 5, 2012
Rep. Jackson's wife says the congressman is still 'very depressed' (updated)August 5, 2012
Chick-fil-A kiss-in protesters show their colorsAugust 5, 2012
Harry Reid, attack dogAugust 5, 2012
Are US Bishops Doing A Mexican Hat Dance?August 5, 2012
Former governor sentenced to 78 months in prisonAugust 5, 2012
A reader asks...August 5, 2012
Horace Mann School on Trial in the PressAugust 5, 2012
Wife of Rep. Jackson says husband 'completely debilitated' by depressionAugust 5, 2012
OWS Protestors Vandalize Obama Campaign OfficeAugust 4, 2012
Truman grandson visits Hiroshima memorialAugust 4, 2012
Mars Rover 'Curiosity' set for hair raising descent to the surface tomorrow nightAugust 4, 2012
Battle for Aleppo rages in SyriaAugust 4, 2012
Clint Eastwood endorses RomneyAugust 4, 2012
Tennessee Democrats disavow own Senate nomineeAugust 4, 2012
Disarming Americans?August 4, 2012
On Demanding ToleranceAugust 4, 2012
Trainers in Front of Gleason's EntranceAugust 4, 2012
For God's Sake Mr. President...Man up!August 4, 2012
The Chick-fil-A PhenomenonAugust 3, 2012
Media finally find something to cover at Chick-fil-AAugust 3, 2012
Misleading PollsAugust 3, 2012
Agrarian Unrest comes to AmericaAugust 3, 2012
July employment stats bad, but give Obama a talking pointAugust 3, 2012
The Return of TOTUSAugust 3, 2012
When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?August 3, 2012
Chick-fil-A's record setting appreciation day in ChicagoAugust 3, 2012
The Shame of the DemocratsAugust 3, 2012
Kiss-Off Free Speech August 3, 2012
Obama campaign sues to restrict voting by military (Update: We are withdrawing this story)August 3, 2012
Chick-fil-A, Obamacare and UsAugust 3, 2012
Hollywood to the RescueAugust 3, 2012
Has the MSM fallen in love with Capitalism?August 3, 2012
You drop fifteen tons an' whaddaya get?August 3, 2012
The Hijab at the OlympicsAugust 2, 2012
Putrid PollAugust 2, 2012
NY Times uses McCarthyism to attack Romney adviserAugust 2, 2012
Italians hold moment of silence for Israeli athletes murdered in Munich August 2, 2012
Egypt spokesman: Morsi never sent friendly letter to PeresAugust 2, 2012
Syrian rebels use captured heavy weapons against Assad's forcesAugust 2, 2012
Reid doubles down on hearsay tax charges against RomneyAugust 2, 2012
My strictly kosher experience at Chick-fil-A Appreciation DayAugust 2, 2012
Mammary Mavens and Other Government BoobsAugust 2, 2012
What al Qaeda decline?August 2, 2012
Government Motors Troubles Means Troubles For US TaxpayersAugust 2, 2012
Win an Olympic Medal, Pay the IRSAugust 2, 2012
Poverty: The Shtick That Keeps on GivingAugust 2, 2012
Caroline Glick: The grim truth about Obama and IsraelAugust 2, 2012
Chicago virtue versus Chicago valuesAugust 2, 2012
Maybe for Obama 'Stuck in the Mud' is exactly what he wantsAugust 1, 2012
House to Take action on Ecuador August 1, 2012
Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: Great TurnoutAugust 1, 2012
History you never heard of, from MSNBCAugust 1, 2012
Happy 'Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day'August 1, 2012
Rahmbo's pirouette in a tea potAugust 1, 2012
Propaganda poll shows Obama aheadAugust 1, 2012
In Texas, the Tea Party Hobbits Rehearse their November March (updated)August 1, 2012
Obama Targets SuburbanitesAugust 1, 2012
Harry Reid, rumor monger, with an assist from the Washington PostAugust 1, 2012
Obama's Slave Roots?August 1, 2012
James Madison's catAugust 1, 2012
Crime and Timely PunishmentAugust 1, 2012
Bully is as Bully DoesAugust 1, 2012
How culture affects the landscapeAugust 1, 2012
The Palestinian Culture of Slapping Israel
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