Romney's official June fundraising total: $106 million

We knew it was going to be over $100 million but the official word now is that Romney and the RNC raised a total of $106 million in June alone.

President Obama hasn't released his fundraising totals yet but considering the fact that he was panicking last week about his cash, it will probably come in considerably short of that.


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney raised $106.1 million in June for his campaign and party, the campaign said on Monday, confirming a record fundraising month in the 2012 presidential campaign.

Romney's campaign said it had $160 million left in cash on hand at the end of last month, turning up the heat on Democratic President Barack Obama, who will not likely enjoy the dramatic cash advantage he had in the 2008 campaign.

Obama's campaign has yet to release its June numbers.

"This month's fundraising is a statement from voters that they want a change of direction in Washington," Spencer Zwick, Romney's finance chief, said in releasing the June haul. "In the months to come, these resources will be crucial to highlighting the difference between President Obama's broken promises and Mitt Romney's plan to get America on the right track again."

The November 6, 2012, election is poised to be the most expensive in U.S. history, as both campaigns rush to bring in as much cash as possible and rely on outside spending groups with no fundraising limits instead of public financing.

The June haul came in donations to Romney, the Republican National Committee and the Romney Victory fund the two use jointly.

It said about $22.3 million of the $106.1 million total came in donations of $250 or less. The campaign said those smaller donations, generally seen as a gauge for grassroots support, accounted for 94 percent of total donations, meaning much of the June cash came in a form of a few large contributions.

The Obama campaign has been urging its supporters to kick up giving since early May, when they started ringing alarm bells about the possibility of the president being the first incumbent about to be outspent in a re-election effort.

Coupled with Super Pac spending, Romney is going to be in very good shape come November. His total may very well be close to a billion dollars.

Regardless of who wins, we are going to have the best president that money can buy.

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