Romney Versus the Ruthless Obamanauts

The Romney campaign faces a ruthless enemy, headquartered in Chicago. Many fear Romney is bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

Richard Baehr writes:

Seeing the way the Obamanauts spin the statement from Roanoke last week should be all the evidence our side needs that truth or accuracy mean nothing to the other side. Four Pinochios will not stop the ads on outsourcing in Ohio. Romney is a felon, he paid no taxes, he is using illegal tax shelters. Each day a new attack, all false or innuendo.

Our side seems satisfied when an article shows an Obama campaign claim is false.  We will lose if this is how battle continues. Our side needs to be on the attack all the time.

There is very close coordination between Obama campaign, selected investigative  journalists, and certain opinion writers. Greg Sargent at the Washington Post is in the middle spreading each new lie of the day. 

Today's innuendo is that Romney paid no taxes for those missing years.

Our side needs to be on message with the Romney campaign to be most effective. Thw Romney campaign seems like a tight ship. In primaries they were ruthless going after Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum. Now they seem flatfooted waiting for sinking economy to elect Romney. It won't. 

If the election were today Obama would win with either 332 or 303 electoral college votes, depending on Florida which is a tie.  Romney is being defined today. September is too late. There is money to spend. We are headed for defeat.

Rick Moran writes:

Where are Romney ads? I was watching USA network for a couple of hours last night and there were 6 Obama ads with Romney singing God Bless America and zero Romney ads. I have yet to see a Romney ad on national cable -- not that I watch that much but it seems a disastrous strategy when we're heading into August.

Who's in charge? Do they know what they're doing?

Joel Pollak writes:

The bad news is we just re-lived October 2008. The good news is that it's still only July 2012 and Obama has spent $100m to gain zero in the polls.


Ed Lasky writes:

I do think O's attacks will hurt his fundraising . Independent businessmen -- and that includes professionals who run their practices -- will not forget his attacks and belittling.  Obama is spending a lot of money and I suspect he is killing off one source of continued flows.

Unions will blow a lot of money on Obama. One more reason to hope he loses


Richard Baehr writes:

The pacs can spend right now,  and they did most of the damage against Romney's opponents in the primaries.  I am not as optimistic as far as the Obama money not changing the race.  Purple Strategies poll moved six points in two months in Ohio.   We cannot win without North Carolina, Florida and Ohio, which gets us to 253.  Then it is a crapshoot with tougher hurdles, Virginia , Iowa , New Hampsire and Colorado the best prospects . Michigan looks close now but Obama is not running ads there, suggesting they ate not worried. New Mexico is. Hopeless. Nevada, Wisconsin Minnesota and Pennsylvania all tougher than the earlier set of states. We have to thread the needle to win.


Lauri Regan writes:

Like Rick, I'm not seeing any ads and you shouldn't have to go to YouTube to find a Romney attack ad (which they can't even manage to keep up).  Why aren't the surrogates, who are presumably on the campaign trail,  hitting the news shows to make the case?

Romney may be taking Rove's advice and not stooping to that level but these people aren't playing fair and the GOP needs to be much more aggressive in playing offense.  Op-eds should be published in major newspapers as well.   I too fear that waiting until after the convention is a mistake given the direction and tone of the campaign.

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