Save the children

Child graduates of a kindergarten in Gaza run by Islamic Jihad dressed up in military uniforms, waved toy rifles in the air and chanted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slogans at their recent graduation ceremony, all with the active encouragement of their parents and relatives and the schools director and teachers.

This is no surprise. Palestinian society is consumed by anti-Israel and anti-Semitic vitriol and bile and Palestinian children are constantly bombarded with it...they are taught to demonize, vilify and hate Israelis and Jews, that murdering Israelis and Jews is perfectly reasonable and legitimate and that dying the death of a martyr is the best thing that can possibly happen to them, all from virtually the minute they are born. That is indoctrination of the worst kind because it fills the minds of helpless, impressionable children with hatred, turns them into robotic, unthinking killing machines and limits and victimizes them for life even if they don't go on to commit murder and mayhem. The children are filled with propaganda, manipulated and used from birth...that is a form of child abuse, pure and simple.

That is not the only form of child abuse that is endemic in Palestinian society or in Islamic societies worldwide either. Children are used and abused in Islamic societies everywhere in any number of ways...from clitoridectomies to honor killings to sexual abuse in all its forms to beatings to mutilation to slavery to refusing to allow a child to think or reason to forced conformity to filling their heads with venom to forced marriages to devaluing them to demeaning them to abandoning them to murdering them and on and on...children are used and abused in Islamic societies wherever they are in any number of ways and this use and abuse is intrinsic to them and to Islam itself.

Tragic, inhuman, disgusting, barbaric and completely unacceptable to civilized human beings.

Save the children indeed.

For humanitarian reasons if nothing else.

Like peace, security, prosperity and the survival of Western civilization, among other things.

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