Democrats inadvertenly open the door to Obama's past

In the recent kerfluffle over gay marriage two things have happened: 1) Barack Obama officially declared his support and 2) the Washington Post published a hit piece on Mitt Romney implying that he engaged in gay bashing while in high school (factually incorrect but I digress). It's obvious to anyone with a brain that these two events were coordinated. What's not obvious is the door that has been opened by them.

The Democrats, in their zeal to destroy Mitt Romney by any means necessary have opened the door to the candidates' histories. There's only one problem. Barack Obama, as his first official act as President, sealed his records.

The media is investigating every single pimple that Mitt Romney ever had simply because they can; because the records are available for all to see. Where are Barack Obama's records? Where are the high school friends of Barack Obama? Where are the college friends of Barack Obama? Where are the records? So, every single time the media decides that Mitt Romney's high school and college years are fair game, he needs to fire back that Barack Obama's high school and college years are also fair game. But, oops, we can't look at them because they have been hidden. And then ask "Why?"

Most people don't know about BO's records being sealed. They might think differently about him if they did. Because, as everyone knows, the only people that hide things are the ones that have something to hide.


Sara Goss

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