Pro-Romney Super-Pac out raises Obama group 3-1

Don't worry. There are still plenty of rich people who support the president. Most of them are giving directly to his campaign rather than to his Super-Pac. As a result, Obama big donor money is down from 2008.

But Mitt Romney's Super-Pac is having no such problem.


As the presidential campaign turned toward the general election last month, the super PAC supporting Mitt Romney raised three times more money than the super PAC supporting Barack Obama. But the president's campaign committee ended the first quarter of 2012 with ten times the cash on hand as the Republican challenger's.

During March, the pro-Mitt Romney super PAC raised $8.7 million and spent $12.7 million, according to its required monthly fundraising report with the Federal Election Commission. Some of its biggest givers were a Koch brother, investor Charles Schwab, tycoon Harold Simmons, and the hotel-running Marriott brothers.

Restore Our Future bumped up its donations by $2 million compared to the month before, and the pro-Romney group continued to out-pace the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action. Priorities USA raised $2.5 million in March, leaving it with $5 million entering April. It has already spent close to $1 million this month to run a pair of anti-Romney ads in general election battleground states - Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia.

The pro-Romney super PAC came into March with $10 million cash on hand but reported having only $6.454 million coming into April. So far this month, Restore Our Future has spent at least $1.6 million on ads in Wisconsin - which held its primary April 3 - and in New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Delaware, which all hold primaries on Tuesday.

That amount spent on primaries is miniscule considering the expensive media markets in New York and Pennsylvania. No doubt the pro-Romney Super-Pac will husband its resources for the big push starting in late summer.

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