Fluke's Medical Inaccuracies

The most irresponsible story in Sandra Fluke's presentation to a Democrat-organized panel is that of a law student who has been raped and refuses to seek medical attention.  Reportedly, the student was concerned that her insurance wouldn't cover the cost of the exam since contraception is not a covered expense.  It would be difficult to be more demeaning to the intelligence of a woman who has suffered a violent crime.  As per the Violence Against Women Act, a forensic gynecological exam is provided at no cost to any rape victim, even if the rape goes unreported to legal authorities.   Although it may be that many rape victims are afraid to let anyone know about these crimes, it is ludicrous to suggest that the Catholic Church could rectify this problem by providing contraception.   

The highlight of the absurd testimony occurred when Ms. Fluke emphasized the medical need for contraception, describing a gay (to illustrate a non contraceptive use) friend taking contraceptive pills to control polycystic ovarian disease (PCO).  When the pills became too expensive, she stopped taking them and subsequently developed a massive ovarian cyst, which required removal of her ovary.  Now with early menopausal symptoms, the 32 year old is distraught.  Ms. Fluke quotes her.  "I will have no chance at giving my mother her desperately desired grandbabies, simply because the insurance policy that I paid for totally unsubsidized by my school wouldn't cover my prescription for birth control when I needed it."   PCO is a disease in which multiple tiny cysts arise in the ovary; large cysts do not occur secondary to this disease.  Although contraceptives can help control the symptoms, they are not curative.  Moreover, most women have two ovaries; only one is needed for pregnancy.   I suspect that this case will be the foundation for Ms. Fluke's next congressional testimony, during which she will demand that the Catholic Church also cover the cost of in vitro fertilization.  

Finally, as the basis for most liberal anti Catholic testimony, Ms.  Fluke uses the ever popular "94% (any high number can be used) of the students opposed the policy."   Can we expect tuition to be reimbursed if 99% of Georgetown law students are opposed to paying for their education?  Since Catholic principles are anchored in the teachings of Jesus Christ, their veracity remains regardless of public opinion; to suggest otherwise is true arrogance.  Unfortunately in the public opinion battle which is being waged against the Catholic Church, liberals with the aid of the MSM have the power to ignore principles and truth.   Unquestioned testimony from many more Ms. Flukes can be expected before this attack on Catholicism is over.     

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