The fruits of Obama's 'engagement policy' told in 4 headlines

Egypt to prosecute Americans in NGO probe 

Russia, China veto U.N. resolution on Syria

Iran's leader: War would be detrimental to U.S.

Obama's Popularity in Arab World Now Lower than Bush's

Admittedly, these are just a sampling of what could have been a wide selection of news stories illustrating the utter failure of Obama's feckless and continuing policy of engagement. Obama forced Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak to allow Muslim Brotherhood members to attend his widely heralded Cairo speech-promising a new policy of engagement with the so-called Muslim world. Then Obama pushed the Egyptian Army to force Mubarak out of leadership.

Then Obama's State Department worked with the Muslim Brotherhood to help them towards electoral triumph. Now Egypt is going to prosecute Americans who work for Non-Governmental Organizations, such as human-rights groups and groups working to protect minorities.

Obama "re-set" relations with Russia. One way he did this was by violating agreements with our Eastern European allies to station missiles there to shield us and our allied from Iranian missiles.  The Russians did not want these bases so close to their own nation so we abruptly terminated these  understandings. We have also agreed with the Russians on steps involving our own nuclear forces and anti-ballistic missile defenses that weaken us strategically and strengthen Russia. How do they reciprocate? By continuing to defend Syria and by continuing to help Iran in its nuclear development.

Obama, in the first days of his Presidency, extended an open-hand to the mullahs in Iran. He continues this feckless policy of appeasement to this day. How have the Iranians responded? By continuing to shield Al Qaeda leaders, by helping terrorists kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, by threatening us, and by expanding its nuclear weapons program with impunity.

Yet-all this outreach, all this appeasement, all this pressure against our only true ally in the Middle East -- what has it led to over the last few years? Obama's popularity is even lower than George Bush's who supported Israel and who invaded two Muslim nations.

The Arab world knows what it respects: strength, loyalty shown to friends, a man with a backbone.

Apparently, that is not what they see when they consider Obama.

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