Blues Brothers excuses from our President

President Obama in his speech this week in Florida could only say, in so many words, hey it's not my fault. The first thing that came to my mind was the scene in the Blues Brother's Movie filmed in his adopted home town Chicago, where Jake is pleading with his ex-fiancé not to kill him by saying "...It wasn't my fault. I swear to God."

Of course, Obama expressed many excuses just as Jake did:  "It was the speculators... It was Wall Street... It's the Chinese and India sucking up supply... I had a flat tire... It was George Bush... I didn't have enough money for cab fare...More production won't do any good anyway...My tux got lost at the cleaners... Those darn Iranians... There was a flood, locusts. It wasn't my fault. I swear to god."

The media followed in close step. The best example was Nina Totenburg, NPR sweetheart and Obama administration radio mouthpiece, so eloquently expressing the Liberal Left's talking points about how more domestic oil production won't help the cost of oil on Inside Washington Friday -

"Well, you know, gasoline prices do affect, they take, they are like a big tax in that they take money out of people's pockets, particularly at the lower income levels when they have to get to work, for example. However, let us say, and I think we have seen enough of this for the last 20 years that people have some sense that that politicians don't control this. [in other words, don't blame Obama]

"I mean, there was a study recently that showed if the United States actually was accountable for all, made all of its own gas, all of it was pumped in the United States, it still would only reduce the price of gas internationally and to us at about a few cents a gallon because it's we don't, we don't produce all the gas in the world, all the petrol in the world."

It amazes me that Obama, the Liberal media and Democrats can at one moment claim that tensions with Iran (which accounts for 4% of worldwide production) and the supposed increase in demand due to an improving American economy and Chinese demand are causing the price of gas at the pump to increase by 15% in a week but at the same time claim that if the U.S. becomes oil independent by increasing worldwide production by 11% it won't have any effect on the price of gas.

Obama's people this week engaged in the same double-talk when they mentioned the possibility of releasing more oil from the Strategic Oil Reserves. It seems to me that if they really believed that more oil leases and approval of the Keystone XL pipeline will have no impact at the pump then why would Geithner waste his breath suggesting tapping the SOR?

Truth is that they want oil prices to rise in order to continue justifying their green agenda. This is no secret.  What is Obama's answer to the problem? Somehow he thinks the best way to lower fuel prices lies in his most recent budget which eliminates modest subsidies to oil companies while creating huge wasteful subsidies for alternative energy sources. Alternative energy has no impact on the pump prices (Oil accounts for less than 1% of our electricity demand).

Being the smartest person ever to occupy the Oval Office he is, of course, willing to tell us what the Republican three-part plan is. In his words - drill, drill and of course more drilling. He only missed a few things like fewer regulations, remove regulatory delays and hurdles, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, get moving on permits, etc.

Obama's audience prefers things in three word sound bites like "Hope and Change" or "Drill, Drill, Drill". Well I think I know their new tag line for 2012 - "Don't Blame Obama".

So what happened to Jake's ex-fiancé after she bought all his excuses, dropped her gun and kissed him? She was left lying flat on her back in a Chicago sewer. Let's hope we fare better.

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