Obama campaign, DNC, raise $68 million in 4th quarter

It's an impressive haul, even if you take away the $24 million raised by the DNC.

CBS News:

President' Obama's re-election campaign announced this morning that it raised over $68 million, in conjunction with the Democratic National Committee, in the fourth quarter of 2011.

Mr. Obama's campaign team, Obama for America, raised more than $42 million, while the DNC brought in more than $24 million, OFA Campaign manager Jim Messina announced in a video emailed to supporters.

Messina boasted that the president's grassroots support remains strong, with more than 1.3 million donors. The average donation size in the fourth quarter was $55. Still, Messina warned of the misconception that the Obama team doesn't need small donations.

Mitt Romney did pretty well himself in the 4th quarter raising $24 million. But come the fall when the crunch comes, the GOP will almost certainly have to rely on the Super-PACs to make them competitive with the Obama team.

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