Tell All book about Anthony Weiner will reveal attraction to men

There have been rumors about the sexuality of former Queens, NY, Congressman Anthony Weiner. His appearing naked in camera phone messages taken in the Congressional gym indicates a certain instability.

Today's New York Post has a cover story concerning Weiner proposing "a threesome with texting pal Traci Nobles and a man." When Ms. Nobles asked more about this, the following exchange was texted:

"Are you turned on by other guys?" Nobles asked.

"Well it depends on the guy, but generally yes," Weiner said.

The revelation came from conversation excerpts that Radar obtained from Nobles' proposal for a tell-all book.

There are more sleazy details which can be read at the link above.

Since leaving office, Weiner has moved out of middle class Forest Hills to Manhattan's Greenwich Village.  This move could be in connection with Weiner's considering a possible future run for office from a district that is more socially liberal and has a large gay community. But even that would not be a sure thing for Weiner.

I recall an election in the New York City Council district just north of Greenwich Village, Chelsea, in 1992 where then-candidate Tom Duane outed himself as the nation's first HIV-positive gay  candidate for office.  He won with that "platform," was reelected, and has recently represented Greenwich Village and the West Side of Manhattan in the New York State Senate.  It is conceivable that in the Greenwich Village that Weiner might want to represent in the future that there are other candidates, exclusively gay, who would claim to be more authentically in favor of gay rights because they have not "sold out" by marrying a woman and fathering a child, as Weiner has. I'm not necessarily saying Weiner's potential opponent(s) in a Democratic primary would phrase it that blatantly. Their language would be more artful, but it is definitely an issue that would be talked about and politicians of both parties have been known to appeal to local emotions and fears in an attempt to sink their opponents' chances.

One thing is certain. Weiner, a man who used his cell phone to transmit naked photos of himself, has not gone to much effort to hide his personal secrets. There could easily be many more revelations in the media next year.

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