OWS child abuse

What kind of political cause would motivate a mother to place her child at grave risk?  The incoherent self-righteousness that characterizes the occupiers has found a frightening new level of irresponsibility in Portland, Oregon. Pictured in a video below, a woman identified as "Lotus" places her four year old child on train tracks, in order to block freight trains entering the port.

The innocent child, through no fault of its own, is being placed in jeopardy of life and limb in order to strike some vague blow for... delaying goods from reaching their destination. This woman is too stupid and irresponsible to be allowed further custody of her child. She expresses confidence that nobody would drive a train over the protestors, obviously unaware that stopping a train takes a lot more distance than a car or truck.  She should ask Brian Wilson, who lost both of his legs when attempting to stop a train from entering the Concord Naval Weapons Depot in California, in 1987 by lying on the tracks.

It is one thing for an adult to place him- or herself at jeopardy of mutilation or death, and quite another to inflict such a potential fate on a child.

The child protective authorities in Oregon need to identify "Lotus" and remove her child from risk at the hands of this obviously unfit mother.  Watch the video and weep for our children.

Hat tip: Hot Air

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