Does Rep Pelosi know how many Americans are employed?

How far out of touch with the American people is one per center, the first grandmother to be Speaker of the House and present House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)? Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit explains it all for us.

Countering Pelosi's assertion that if the payroll tax cut extension fails, 160 million Americans will get a tax increase, Hoft points out some inconvenient facts.

That's more Americans than there are in the entire work American workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are only 140.5 million Americans employed today.

Uhm, that's a glaring error--or is Pelosi counting all the illegal aliens and others in the underground economy?

But of course the latter two don't pay taxes.

Hmm, so maybe she's counting American workers the same way votes are counted in President Barack Obama's (D) city of Chicago and state of Illinois?

Or maybe this is what the Democrats would call a Bushism. Except it is a Pelosiism, a Democratism. And it is to be expected because in the ultimate Democratism

Thanks to Pelosi and Barack Obama the work force is at its lowest rate in years.

But don't expect to hear about this from the so called media fact checkers because, as Hoft further points out, the media are equally out of touch.

By the way... 3,000 mainstream media outlets ran with this bogus number.

Somewhere out in the alternative media universe at least one per cent still checks facts.

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