What the White House 'Likes'
This morning , when you read the political stories you will find articles about the Virginia GOP denouncing a political advertisement that depicts the President as a zombie, with a bullet hole in the head. This morning theblaze.com has a write up on a video from the website: http://republicanzombiedefense.com/ with a satirical video about an organization called the " Republican Zombie Defense Force." The premise of the video is to recruit volunteers to kill Republicans.
In the video the narrator asks you to check them out on Facebook , so I did. At the site I clicked on the "likes" button to see what kind of people would " like " this kind of video , and you will be interested to know who " likes " this video.
Here are screenshots of the most interesting " likers ":
Interesting. I guess Zombies (Republicans) are not human.
It seems that the White House will be working on a new mission for the military as OPERATION NEW DAWN wraps up. How does OPERATION KILL REPUBLICAN ZOMBIES (OKRZ) roll off your tongue? At least until we have a mission to do until we go back to Iraq to fight the Iranians.
And the First Lady can dabble in something other than dictating what we can eat. Maybe Republicans have a use after all as Zombie Soylent Green.