Those pipeline doomsayers

Now comes the Keystone XL Pipeline. Same bunch of Chicken Littles, just a different version of the sky is falling. The environmental wackos that can't fathom building a new safe pipeline in the United States are the same Anthropological Global Warming chicken littles who willingly suspend reality and think that humans can start and stop climate change.    

Back in the day, Alaska Pipeline Doomsayings Revisited, they were the many of the doomsayers who gave us the horror stories in 1974, about what would happen if the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System were to be built? Remember the frail Caribou that would go the way of the buffalo? Not. Caribou herds have increased four fold since 1997.The earthquakes that would cause horrific breaks in the pipeline? Well a 7.9 earthquake in 2002, causing tremors in Yellowstone NP and boats to rock in Louisiana, with an epicenter only 60 miles away from the TAPS didn't spill a drop of oil.

I've driven from Fairbanks to the Arctic Circle along the pipeline road and marveled at the engineering that has transported over 15 billion barrels of oil to the lower 48 safely since 1977. It had been estimate that the pipeline would only last till 2011 but as the pipeline ages it's life expectancy has been extended to 2034.

The latest is that our One Term President has now decided to not lead from behind but to not lead at all, punting till after the 2012 elections. Opportunity, gone. Tens of thousands of high paying jobs for Americans, gone. Not to worry, you and I will pay trillions at the pump to countries that are not friendly to us at all and force Canada, to consider selling their oil to China.

What could go wrong?

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