Another female accuser for Cain? Not likely.

This one belongs more in the Supermarket Tabloid genre than a serious accusation.

That's because the lawyer for the mystery woman is Gloria Allred. USA Today:

In a news release sent out by Allred, the woman allegedly sought Cain's help on an employment issue when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s. Allred said her client is not one of the three women mentioned in news reports about the scandal, which has roiled Cain's campaign.

Cain has repeatedly said he has been falsely accused of sexual harassment. He said this weekend that he's done talking about the issue and wants his campaign to get back on message.

This description of Allred sums it up:

Allred, who calls herself a feminist, is noted for representing women in high-profile incidents. The New York Times once described Allred as "a feminist avenging crusader or a deluxe ambulance chaser catching a ride on the latest tabloid scandal."

She is the biggest loudmouth on cable news, never letting anyone get a word in edgewise. She has represented porn stars, glory hungry former employees of the rich and famous, and professional grievance mongers, among others. I would hope that the press ignores this latest attempt to grab headlines and garner attention from this shrill harpie of a woman who cares more about publicizing herself than she does defending her "clients."

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