All is not well in post-Gaddafi Libya

This is a society so fractured - even before Gaddafi was overthrown - that tribal rivalries will probably dominate for the forseeable future. Two separate incidents involving shootings between Gaddafi supporters and opponents in the tribes show that all is not well in post-Gaddafi Libya.


At least two Libyan fighters were killed, their comrades said, in a second day of clashes on Saturday near Tripoli which have raised fears that tribal rivalries and lingering support for Muammar Gaddafi could rupture the postwar calm.

Several anti-Gaddafi fighters from the port city of Zawiyah said at least two of their comrades were killed by fire from an armed tribal group which was in control of an area at Imaya, between Zawiyah and the capital. At least two had been killed on Friday after tension flared between the two groups.

As gunfire continued nearby, Nidal al-Akrout, a fighter from Zawiyah loyal to the Libyan interim government, told Reuters at the scene that two men from his brigade had been killed.

The fact that the National Transitional Council is hardly a representative group will also play into what happens in the next several months. Humpty-Dumpty has fallen off the wall and no one has figured out yet if they can put all the pieces back together again.

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