Precursor to Obama Care 2014?

Couldn't happen here?  Think our bureaucrats and politicians are too smart, too brilliant, too caring to ever let this happen?  British NHC bureaucrats have told General Practitioners  to ration the use of cancer scans including ultrasounds, MRIs and CT scans commonly used to spot tumours in order to save money. (GPs told to ration cancer scans in bureaucratic directive | Mail Online)

Britain already has one of the lowest cancer survival rates in Europe, and experts say late diagnosis is to blame.  If you don't think this is what Obama's 15 member Medicare Panel is about, I have some aquatically challenged land in Florida that I can let you have at a really good price.

Plus patients with ongoing diseases such as lung disease, heart disease and diabetes and others are to be trained to perform their own tests rather than have GP's do it.  Under British NHC, it's no longer "physician heal thyself", it's now patient heal thyself.

Welcome to Obamacare, unless the SCOTUS does the right thing next year and takes this son of a bitching plan out, to paraphrase what is acceptable discourse to our President.

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