Football and politics: Obama's failure as 'head coach'

As you know, the Republicans are allowed "equal time" on the networks after any formal address by the president. 

And, if Obama has the audacity to denigrate the time-honored traditions of presidential addresses to congress and opening night of the NFL season with a taxpayer funded campaign speech, then by all means, in their response, Republicans should be more than willing to accommodate the president's decision to campaign instead of govern.

The Republican response is a golden opportunity to expose Obama's failed attempt at leadership to the American people. And because of the seriousness and gravity of America's economic situation, whoever responds for the Republicans shouldn't mince words or beat around the bush; they should look directly into the eyes of the American people and tell it like it is.

In the spirit of the occasion, maybe the Republican response should go something like this:

(Cue Monday Night Football intro music...)

President Obama begged for a chance to lead America and promised he had what it took to turn around an ailing economy. He boldly told America; "We are the ones we've been waiting for," but as it turns out, political rhetoric and media hype weren't much help when it came time to actually suite up and perform.

Every play the president runs turns into a disaster, and every audible he calls seems to backfire; all the while America keeps falling farther and farther behind on the economic score board. But rather than taking responsibility for his performance or adjusting his game plan, the president just continues doing the same things and blaming everyone and everything for his failure as a leader.  

Well it's late in the fourth quarter and America is way behind on the scoreboard, and tonight the president told America his new game plan is to double-down on the old game plan.

Sorry Mr. President, more of the same just won't cut it. Not for an America that's hates to lose and not for an America that expects nothing less than positive results from their leadership. You had your shot, and quite frankly Mr. President, you blew it big time. So get on board with a proven conservative game plan that could possibly save your presidency, or continue with your failed game plan until America can elect a true leader and team player who can put some points on the board and turn this game around!

Next time you may want to try the European league Mr. President; their game is more suited to your style of play.

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