Fighting Fire with Ire

In preparation for a drive out to Yosemite, I took the convertible in for an oil change the other day. As usual, I grabbed a magazine to pass the time. Instead of the typical automotive-themed periodical I picked up Fire Fighter a mag published by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), thinking to learn something about innovations in that field. Boy, was that both a mistake and an eye-opener. Here's the table of contents:

Punching Back

IAFF launches powerful response to political attacks                                    8

Silencing Fire Fighters

State lawmakers go after collective bargaining                                              12

Right to Work Gaining Traction

States  push legislation to curb union membership                                         16

Paycheck Deception Laws Aimed at Unions

Lawmakers want an end to dues payroll deductions                                     18

Politicians Target Public Employee Pensions

Politically motivated attacks threaten retirement security                              22

A New Threat

Anti-labor lawmakers attack pensions                                                            28

On the Legal Front

IAFF joins legal fight against anti-union law                                                 30

Threats Head North of the Border

US political tactics migrate to Canada                                                           32

Fighting Back on the Frontlines                                                                  34

And no, I didn't steal the rag so I could write this. Fearing it might not be online, I actually wrote it all down on a piece of copy paper obtained from the cashier. But there it is, the contents of that magazine with the exception of a missing special insert on SAFER grants, a federal funding program used to hire more union members. No articles about educating children or seniors about fire safety; nope, nothing about fire fighting itself,  just self-righteous ire directed at those who pay fire fighters' salaries and benefits and fund those generous pensions. Every legislator in the country should have a copy of this magazine. Bet most of them would hike their homeowners' coverage if they saw how they are so unloved by those who could be called upon to extinguish a blaze in their domiciles.

Me? I'd be burning up the road to my insurance agent's office...

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