Good news, bad news about Libyan weapons

First the good new about weapons, conventional and not, in Libya. According  to Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan:


"The Pentagon said Aug. 24 that Libya's stockpile of chemical weapons are "secure" '

but the bad news is

"an arsenal of thousands of shoulder-launched missiles remained cause for concern."

Regarding the chemical weapons, Lapan


"declined to offer more details, only saying that "clearly those are dangerous agents and weapons ... we continue to monitor that."

There were no plans to send U.S. troops in to secure the chemical weapons sites, he told reporters.

Although Moammar Gadhafi's regime retained the mustard gas, it lacked the military means to launch an attack with the chemical, according to arms control experts."

That's good to know.  However, shoulder-launched missiles are dangerous because of their "portability;"  they easily bring down a plane.  Can their whereabouts be monitored? 

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