A Dangerous Point of View...Indeed
Congressman John Conyers, Democrat from Michigan, has just served up the money quote regarding his party's true position on doing something about our nation's budget woes:
"This is the first time that I can remember being confronted by members of the Congress, my colleagues, who say, 'I don't care if I get reelected or not, I want to cut the budget by $100 billion or whatever,'" said a bewildered Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who was first elected to Congress in 1964. "I've never seen that kind of a member before. ... It's a dangerous point of view from my perspective."
Those weren't Democrats he was referring to but Republican congressmen who have demonstrated their serious intent to do something about this economic crisis even if it costs them their jobs. As Conyers makes clear, this is a concept completely alien to Democrats. And he's assuredly right about one thing-it is indeed dangerous-especially to old dinosaur Democrats like him for whom re-election trumps all else. Whoever becomes Conyers' opponent in 2012 should hammer him with this unintended admission.