American Thinker Blog
July 31, 2011
Blame the Jews and RepublicansJuly 31, 2011
Atheists Cross Over 'Cross'July 31, 2011
About that 'trigger' to automatically cut spending if Congress doesn't act...July 31, 2011
At least 45 dead in Hama as Syrian tanks fire into crowdsJuly 31, 2011
Hard Hearts and HonorJuly 31, 2011
Iran to announce fate of US hikers soonJuly 31, 2011
Sources on the Hill: Tentative deal is reachedJuly 31, 2011
Reid: The perfect partisan record on voting to raise debt limitJuly 31, 2011
A Fine Weekend in WashingtonJuly 31, 2011
Perry's Practical PointJuly 31, 2011
First McDonald's in Bosnia Drawing Huge CrowdsJuly 31, 2011
'They sure as hell didn't call him a leader'July 31, 2011
George Washington on Congress July 31, 2011
Pages from the DNC Handbook July 30, 2011
'Jesus is a Muslim and worships Allah'July 30, 2011
Reid Strikes BackJuly 30, 2011
An alternate default; inflationJuly 30, 2011
Big Labor: The Real Hostage TakersJuly 30, 2011
America AbdicatesJuly 30, 2011
Presiding over the downgrade of our political systemJuly 30, 2011
Collecting more than they spendJuly 30, 2011
'Arab Spring' becomes 'Sharia Summer' on Tahrir SquareJuly 30, 2011
Peggy Noonan's Dear Barack letterJuly 30, 2011
Fort Hood II suspect yells Major Nidal Hasan's name in courtJuly 30, 2011
SC Democrats hit new low in race baitingJuly 29, 2011
Ho hum. Boehner's third version of debt ceiling bill passes the HouseJuly 29, 2011
Tim Geithner on the U.S. Debt Rating in February 2010July 29, 2011
Turkey's Military Leaders Resign En Masse In Disagreement With Erdogan GovernmentJuly 29, 2011
Speaker Boehner, Please Stop Saying 'How High?'July 29, 2011
Boehner's credibility gapJuly 29, 2011
US accuses Iran of working with al-QaedaJuly 29, 2011
Economic 'growth' at a near standstill (updated)July 29, 2011
'Durban III' conference mulling anti-Israel statement July 29, 2011
Indies fleeing Obama July 29, 2011
Geithner's 'unworkable' plan to prioritize debt paymentsJuly 29, 2011
'Fast and Furious' traced to White HouseJuly 29, 2011
Sign of the times; the hungry young victims of ObamanomicsJuly 29, 2011
Picket Across AmericaJuly 29, 2011
McCain, the Republican Joe LiebermanJuly 29, 2011
Our Historic CompromiseJuly 28, 2011
Crisis Delayed?July 28, 2011
The Protocols of the Elders of LiberalismJuly 28, 2011
NY Times empathizes with PA's financial woes, ends up blaming IsraelJuly 28, 2011
Geithner's Tattered CredibilityJuly 28, 2011
AOL begins its Arianna eraJuly 28, 2011
3 soldiers arrested near Fort Hood in connection with possible attack (Updated)July 28, 2011
Obama on the People's HouseJuly 28, 2011
Suicide bombers kill 19 in AfghanistanJuly 28, 2011
What most Democrats secretly believeJuly 28, 2011
Back to square one on debt ceiling?July 28, 2011
Hysteria at the DNCJuly 28, 2011
Obama Makes Empty Appeal to 'Bone-Tired' AmericansJuly 28, 2011
Food Totalitarians on Parade - Part DeuxJuly 28, 2011
Norwegian Ambassador: The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are 'Different'July 28, 2011
Disappointing LongfellowJuly 28, 2011
Wall Street in denial about Debt Ceiling ArmageddonJuly 27, 2011
No Van Jones, it is You Versus the American DreamJuly 27, 2011
John McCain Spikes Tea Party, Attacks Sharron Angle and Christine O'DonnellJuly 27, 2011
Through the Looking Glass: the Injustice DepartmentJuly 27, 2011
NY Times hits new depth in Israel coverageJuly 27, 2011
What's the backstory on Obama's new Executive Order?July 27, 2011
Go for it!July 27, 2011
WFP to call terrorist's bluff on food aid to SomaliaJuly 27, 2011
It's the downgrade, stupid.July 27, 2011
Would Albert Einstein Trust This Congress?July 27, 2011
Lockerbie bomber appears on live Libyan TVJuly 27, 2011
Kandahar City mayor assassinatedJuly 27, 2011
Was Russian intelligence behind US embassy attack?July 27, 2011
Food Totalitarians on ParadeJuly 27, 2011
Did Jay Carney slip and almost say something obvious?July 27, 2011
Remember the US Postal Service? They're closing nearly 4000 rural officesJuly 27, 2011
Rep. Wu to resignJuly 26, 2011
Thanks, Matt DrudgeJuly 26, 2011
Tina Korbe, Doug Mataconis, Jazz Shaw on Moran's showJuly 26, 2011
White House Switchboard SwampedJuly 26, 2011
Rush Gets It Right AgainJuly 26, 2011
Telegraphing TyrannyJuly 26, 2011
Democrats: The Party of Pain and SufferingJuly 26, 2011
This CFL bulb almost burned my house down!July 26, 2011
Bill O'Reilly Debunks the 'Christian Terrorist' CanardJuly 26, 2011
Obama laying the groundwork for blaming GOP on defaultJuly 26, 2011
Kerry spokesman stripped of Silver StarJuly 26, 2011
Obama's abandons base, shoots for the middleJuly 26, 2011
Mark Twain on the Oslo TragedyJuly 26, 2011
Libertarianism Is the Antidote for 'Public Policy' on PovertyJuly 26, 2011
Reader bewareJuly 26, 2011
On bullet train crash, China up to their old communist tricksJuly 26, 2011
US funds ended up with TalibanJuly 25, 2011
Another GOP pickup opportunityJuly 25, 2011
Pinning Breivik on critics of IslamizationJuly 25, 2011
Easy way or hard way?July 25, 2011
August Social Security Never At RiskJuly 25, 2011
Party Like It's 1989July 25, 2011
Tax. Spend. Borrow. Repeat.July 25, 2011
Holders of Greek bonds out of luckJuly 25, 2011
Euro-killer ripped off peaceful Euro-criticJuly 25, 2011
Rep. Wu won't resign over allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenagerJuly 25, 2011
Perry readies announcement for second half of AugustJuly 25, 2011
What are the major players thinking about the debt ceiling issue?July 25, 2011
NY Times columnist can't understand the 'simple minded' poorJuly 25, 2011
The Democrats' Demagoguery Paints Them Into a Corner July 25, 2011
Giuliani says Republicans should stay out of bedroomsJuly 25, 2011
'Big Deal' Barack Breaks it DownJuly 25, 2011
CBO: How We Swung From $5.6 Trillion Projected Surpluses to $6.2 Trillion Actual DeficitsJuly 25, 2011
Will the hard left primary Obama?July 24, 2011
Taliban hangs 8 year old boy in AfghanistanJuly 24, 2011
Czechs pull out of anti-Semitic UN conferenceJuly 24, 2011
NYT Making the Motives ClearJuly 24, 2011
Iranian nuclear scientist gunned down in TehranJuly 24, 2011
Boehner to call Obama's bluff on short term debt dealJuly 24, 2011
Obama's Team: Commie Night at US Cellular FieldJuly 24, 2011
Pandora's Box in NorwayJuly 24, 2011
Dissecting DemocratsJuly 24, 2011
Hooray for Captain America!July 24, 2011
Debt Ceiling: The Long Run Is HereJuly 24, 2011
Israel Is Not Being DelegitimizedJuly 24, 2011
A Forgotten Founder on Amending the ConstitutionJuly 23, 2011
Wash. Post hammers settlements, ignores PA glorification of terrorist killersJuly 23, 2011
It's All About the SenateJuly 23, 2011
The blond, blue-eyed terror suspect in Oslo (updated)July 23, 2011
Teenager accuses Rep. Wu of 'unwanted sexual encounter'July 23, 2011
Gaddafi wants more talks with USJuly 23, 2011
LA Lawsuit Bait (updated)July 23, 2011
Final act in debt ceiling melodrama unfoldsJuly 23, 2011
About that August 2 'deadline'...July 23, 2011
Defending the Full Faith and Credit of the United StatesJuly 23, 2011
Is Obama deliberately trying to cause a financial panic?July 23, 2011
Obama losing support of young and poor whitesJuly 23, 2011
Cost-cutting, Federal Government StyleJuly 23, 2011
Anti-terror laws might hinder Somalia food aidJuly 22, 2011
The Crocodile Feeding in NorwayJuly 22, 2011
Note to Bill O'Reilly: Congress Is Self-DestructiveJuly 22, 2011
Massive blast hits OsloJuly 22, 2011
Standing With IsraelJuly 22, 2011
Dark days for AmericaJuly 22, 2011
UN power sharing plan for Libya a non-starterJuly 22, 2011
Poll games: read those crosstabs!July 22, 2011
Obama-Boehner 'Grand Bargain' an invitation to disasterJuly 22, 2011
Credit agencies warn of bond 'death spiral' if credit limit not raisedJuly 22, 2011
There's No Reason Libertarians and Gay Conservatives Can't Support Michele BachmannJuly 22, 2011
Bill O'Reilly Addresses the Tea PartyJuly 22, 2011
Leftist mythology debunked by new autopsyJuly 22, 2011
Rahm blows his topJuly 22, 2011
Poll gamesJuly 22, 2011
Chicken LiberalsJuly 22, 2011
Democrats Want Reagan BackJuly 21, 2011
How fast can spending be cut?July 21, 2011
Packing, Unpacking: Midterms and the 2012 ElectionsJuly 21, 2011
Jobless claims rise; still over 400,000 a weekJuly 21, 2011
Executive truth-tellers about Obama's disastrous policiesJuly 21, 2011
You know you live in a banana republic when....July 21, 2011
Graph for the Day for July 21, 2011July 21, 2011
Are you ready for the UN's 'Green Helmets?'July 21, 2011
Hoyer's unintentional hilarityJuly 21, 2011
Authoritative reports on Michelle Bachmann's migrainesJuly 21, 2011
Obama's Deceit on the Debt Default DeadlineJuly 21, 2011
Arizona Republicans Launch Website to Raise Funds for Border FenceJuly 21, 2011
Same-sex Marriage: No Gay RequiredJuly 21, 2011
The Bicycle OverlordsJuly 21, 2011
Report pinpoints frozen job marketJuly 20, 2011
A NY Times reporter who gets Israel right (and one who doesn't)July 20, 2011
Last Shuttle flight to land on anniversary of Moon walkJuly 20, 2011
France may consider deal that keeps Gaddafi in LibyaJuly 20, 2011
Iran to 'speed up' enrichmentJuly 20, 2011
GOP primary schedule a mess - and getting messierJuly 20, 2011
How Will Murdoch's Mayhem Play Out In U.S.?July 20, 2011
More Obama campaign contributors than Obama new jobsJuly 20, 2011
Carmageddon - The Untold StoryJuly 20, 2011
The truth about the West Bank, those 1967 borders and moreJuly 20, 2011
Gang of Six gambit revives spending shell gameJuly 20, 2011
Obama supports bill to repeal DOMAJuly 20, 2011
Laughter as Political AntidoteJuly 19, 2011
Glossy mass murderJuly 19, 2011
About that astounding turnabout by ObamaJuly 19, 2011
The jobs collapseJuly 19, 2011
Polls all over the map on debt ceiling debateJuly 19, 2011
Taxpayer-funded exhibit slurs GOP govs as NazisJuly 19, 2011
Bachmann 'incapacitated' by migraines at times according to former staffers (updated)July 19, 2011
Israeli navy intercepts lone Flotilla entry (updated)July 19, 2011
What do the states know about budgeting that Obama doesn't?July 19, 2011
The Twisted Budgeting 'Logic' of an Obama LiberalJuly 19, 2011
Jeff Kropf, Jazz Shaw, Monica Showalter on Moran's showJuly 19, 2011
Tea Party Needs Lesson in Art of Political WarJuly 19, 2011
Being poor in America: What does that mean?July 19, 2011
Rupert Murdoch's Journalism, and that of the NY TimesJuly 19, 2011
Death sentence for Christian convert in IranJuly 19, 2011
Do American reporters hack citizens' communications?July 19, 2011
Spenders, Borrowers, Lenders, Guarantors, Taxes and who's on first?July 18, 2011
Three-monkey Authorities Ignoring another Black-on-white 'Hate Crime'July 18, 2011
Misreading the new CBS pollJuly 18, 2011
So clear even a liberal could understandJuly 18, 2011
Herb Meyer: Now (part of) the story can be toldJuly 18, 2011
First Lady smashes another barrierJuly 18, 2011
Syria accelerates arms deliveries to Hezb'allahJuly 18, 2011
Wilders: 'Jews shouldn't emigrate, Antisemitic Moroccans should'July 18, 2011
MSM hysteria against GOP growing as debt deadline nearsJuly 18, 2011
The 'Gimme Mine' mentality and the American SpiritJuly 18, 2011
Obama, the taxman comethJuly 18, 2011
Who is this?July 18, 2011
Clarice Feldman tributeJuly 18, 2011
French Flotilla Departs Under DeceptionJuly 18, 2011
You can count on ObamaJuly 18, 2011
Obama, Clinton and Robert ReichJuly 17, 2011
Obama's Tibet Two-step (updated)July 17, 2011
Obama's selling but Americans aren't buyingJuly 17, 2011
Post-Surge Iraq: 2010 'Worst Year' for Christian MinorityJuly 17, 2011
About that 'deadline' Obama gave for a debt deal...July 17, 2011
Assad forces poised for another bloody crackdownJuly 17, 2011
'Cut, cap, and balance' will get a vote this week in HouseJuly 17, 2011
House passes light bulb billJuly 17, 2011
The Murdoch hacking scandal ensnares former editor of News of the WorldJuly 17, 2011
Soft landing for fired IL school superintendentsJuly 17, 2011
Contempt for court; Detroit Judge sends rape victim to jailJuly 17, 2011
Steyn on 'Barack Obluffer'July 17, 2011
Palestinians give up on full statehood; seek General Assembly recognition at UNJuly 17, 2011
Would Hillary Have Been Better Than Obama?July 17, 2011
Obama Ideology All the Way DownJuly 16, 2011
Is the GOP about to cave on taxes?July 16, 2011
Goldman Sachs report a warning to the Obama administrationJuly 16, 2011
Obama's 2nd quarter fundraising: 40% from his rich croniesJuly 16, 2011
Throwin' Br'er Perry in the BriarpatchJuly 16, 2011
Baer: Israel To Dismember Iranian Nukes in September?July 16, 2011
Just another day of race baiting for Sheila Jackson LeeJuly 16, 2011
Neo-Soviet Russia crawls back toward darknessJuly 16, 2011
The 'Arab Spring' becomes the 'Arab Mobilization'July 16, 2011
Instant Balanced Budget Amendment: Maintain the Present Borrowing LimitJuly 16, 2011
Caylee Anthony's LegacyJuly 15, 2011
Is The First Dude Still Toking?July 15, 2011
Only 73% of Palestinians Want Jews Annihilated (as Per Islam's Canonical Hadith)July 15, 2011
Bachmann haul for 2nd quarter: $4 millionJuly 15, 2011
The Black Code ExposedJuly 15, 2011
Biggest protests in Syria to date - 12 deadJuly 15, 2011
CA mandates teaching of 'gay accomplishments' to American history studentsJuly 15, 2011
Et tu, Gallup?July 15, 2011
Fannie Mae defender trips himselfJuly 15, 2011
NY Times hit job on shale gas dealt another blowJuly 15, 2011
Barack's Bankruptcy/Birthday BashJuly 15, 2011
The network that produced Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.July 15, 2011
What Obama could sacrifice to protect Social SecurityJuly 15, 2011
Our Bully President in the PulpitJuly 15, 2011
A Forgotten Founder on the Tyranny of Legislative AuthorityJuly 14, 2011
Germany's Giant Green ReversalJuly 14, 2011
The Lesson of ReykjavikJuly 14, 2011
Suicide bomber kills 4 at Karzai memorial serviceJuly 14, 2011
What's to like about Obama? An exercise in graciousnessJuly 14, 2011
Bernanke's 'QE3' talk sends dollar into a tailspinJuly 14, 2011
Stop insulting us, President Obama!July 14, 2011
Obama more unpopular in the Middle East than BushJuly 14, 2011
Obama Blunders, Admits Bluffing on Debt CeilingJuly 14, 2011
Civil Disobedience 2011; Standing up to the TSAJuly 14, 2011
Rachel Maddow Goes to Bat for Late-Term AbortionJuly 14, 2011
Obama Should Withhold His Vacation DollarsJuly 14, 2011
Moody's puts US on notice regarding debt ceilingJuly 14, 2011
Another Mumbai attack kills 21July 13, 2011
Tap into the Social Security Trust Fund as if it were the federal oil reserveJuly 13, 2011
Rasmussen generic prez poll predicting GOP debt ceiling win?July 13, 2011
Graph for the Day for July 13, 2011July 13, 2011
Gaddafi isn't going anywhereJuly 13, 2011
Do we really need to know who killed Osama?July 13, 2011
'Raise Taxes or Granny Gets it!'July 13, 2011
McConnell and GOP in a mess of their own makingJuly 13, 2011
'Glad I'm a Union Man'July 13, 2011
The solar plant to nowhereJuly 13, 2011
Obama bleeding Jewish supportJuly 13, 2011
MediaMatters Takes another Shot at Stirring Up Anti-Truth OutrageJuly 13, 2011
When you rely on the governmentJuly 13, 2011
Lightbulb bill probably going down to defeat in HouseJuly 12, 2011
Spending Addiction Must End, If Not Now, When?July 12, 2011
A NY Times bogus article of faithJuly 12, 2011
Fourth largest economy in Europe faltersJuly 12, 2011
Karzai's corrupt half-brother assassinatedJuly 12, 2011
To Fund Liberal Programs Confiscate Liberal WealthJuly 12, 2011
Obama Grabs Credit for South Sudan IndependenceJuly 12, 2011
Less guns, more crime?July 12, 2011
Obama stiffs Egyptian democratic forcesJuly 12, 2011
Rich Baehr, Stephen Green, Jazz Shaw on Moran's showJuly 12, 2011
North Korea chairs UN Disarmament Conference; Canada quits, US downplaysJuly 12, 2011
We Are Expected to Believe...July 12, 2011
Obama's Marxist Immersion Shows in PresserJuly 12, 2011
Finally: Clinton says Assad has 'lost legitimacy'July 12, 2011
Michelle Obama orders 1,700 calorie lunch at Washington bistroJuly 12, 2011
A Terrifying Déjà vu in the Halls of CongressJuly 11, 2011
A Way to Ease the President's Guilt about Book MillionsJuly 11, 2011
He rescued us?July 11, 2011
Assad holds 'dialogue:' Tanks rumble into HomsJuly 11, 2011
June was deadliest month for US in Iraq in 3 yearsJuly 11, 2011
Chicago's long, hot summer of gun violenceJuly 11, 2011
Fewer voters think Obama is more liberal than they areJuly 11, 2011
Happy Birth Day South Sudan!July 11, 2011
McConnell refuses to see opposition to raising debt ceilingJuly 11, 2011
What does 'strategically defeating Al Qaeda' really mean?July 11, 2011
The Silence of the FawnsJuly 11, 2011
Can we afford to pour more money down the Palestinian drain?July 11, 2011
Graph for the Day for July 11, 2011July 10, 2011
A guide to the CA-36 special election TuesdayJuly 10, 2011
Webb telescope may be axedJuly 10, 2011
Barack's 'Laugh Factory' RevueJuly 10, 2011
The turn of ItalyJuly 10, 2011
US cutting millions in aid to PakistanJuly 10, 2011
Sidestepping a Stock Market Crash July 10, 2011
Boehner blows up debt ceiling talksJuly 10, 2011
Dems send out crazed stalkers to shadow GOP candidatesJuly 10, 2011
House plans Monday vote to repeal light bulb ruleJuly 10, 2011
Obama administration approves sale of tanks to EgyptJuly 10, 2011
Assad angry over US envoy visit to HamaJuly 9, 2011
NY Times likens violent 'fly-in' agitators to Christian pilgrims in BethlehemJuly 9, 2011
Holder's Justice Department bullying banksJuly 9, 2011
Did Obama Administration Pressure Teachers Into Cheating?July 9, 2011
Troops move in as 100 are dead in Karachi ethnic violenceJuly 9, 2011
Liberal Dems digging in their heels: No entitlement cutsJuly 9, 2011
What was the point of the president's Rose Garden speech?July 9, 2011
Betty Ford dead at 93July 9, 2011
The Audacity of Dopes love 'Guns, Guns, Guns!'July 9, 2011
Israel blocks flotilla, 'fly-in'' agitprop plansJuly 9, 2011
Obama Administration's missile defense proposal 'simply not credible'July 9, 2011
Coal industry braces for massive layoffsJuly 9, 2011
Obama Adoption Memo Smells of CollusionJuly 9, 2011
AFSCME sues IL governor for pay raisesJuly 8, 2011
Anti-Israel demonstrators hurling stones, Molotov cocktails qualify as 'unarmed' in NY TimesJuly 8, 2011
The friends of Michelle OJuly 8, 2011
Last Shuttle launch scheduled for todayJuly 8, 2011
Salmon: Government will breach debt ceiling even if no deal is reachedJuly 8, 2011
New unemployment numbers upJuly 8, 2011
"The Undefeated" TrailerJuly 8, 2011
Plouffe: Voters won't base their vote on unemployment rateJuly 8, 2011
Gaza Flotilla Foiled: Pro-Palestinians Attempt 'Flightilla' July 8, 2011
Did Obama's father want to give him up for adoption?July 8, 2011
Obamanomics and the commodities redistribution boomJuly 8, 2011
Janet Napolitano's former chief-of-staff one of many at center of Fast and Furious scandalJuly 8, 2011
Budget Deja VuJuly 8, 2011
Job Creating Time, Not Twitter TimeJuly 7, 2011
Debt Ceiling: The Trap of Budget Cuts in the 'Out Years'July 7, 2011
Too Hot for Holder July 7, 2011
Tax increases or massive defense cuts?July 7, 2011
Worse than any czar, Warren building independent fiefdom at CFPB July 7, 2011
Who's Responsible for the Government Schools Cheating Scandals?July 7, 2011
Will Obama invoke the 14th amendment on debt limit?July 7, 2011
Client #9 joins ranks of the unemployed againJuly 7, 2011
Smartest president ever gets lost in the weedsJuly 7, 2011
Fareed Zakaria Offers Advice, Consent to ObamaJuly 7, 2011
After The Palestinians Declare StatehoodJuly 7, 2011
Kyle says GOP senate caved on tax increasesJuly 7, 2011
Ron Paul bill would target TSA gropingJuly 7, 2011
A Democrat's 'Two Minutes Hate'?July 6, 2011
Wash. Post's weekly Israel-bashing pieces -- July 6, 2011
Casey Anthony: Must Everything Be About Race?July 6, 2011
Islamintern Denounces Islamo-realistic Free Speech in Holland (Updated)July 6, 2011
NY Times pushes the Bush-Perry feudJuly 6, 2011
New study shows lowering salt intake doesn't helpJuly 6, 2011
Assad still engaged in bloody crackdown; Libyan rebels going nowhereJuly 6, 2011
Romney raises $18 million in 2nd quarterJuly 6, 2011
Obama rejects short term debt dealJuly 6, 2011
Senate postpones Libya resolution to deal with debtJuly 6, 2011
Buy oil high, sell it lowJuly 6, 2011
Independence Day is a conservative holidayJuly 6, 2011
Hey, it's fine with me, but the hypocrisy is absolutely breathtakingJuly 6, 2011
Krugman's ConJuly 6, 2011
Greece Not Allowing 'Gaza' Boats to SailJuly 6, 2011
A Patriot Sister vs Breast CancerJuly 5, 2011
Casey Anthony found not guilty; TV talking heads found guiltyJuly 5, 2011
Another liberal pundit opens his eyesJuly 5, 2011
The Case of the Missing U.S. Ambassador (Updated)July 5, 2011
Palestine vs. Israel: Pinning the 'Apartheid' Label on the Right Donkey July 5, 2011
Rand Paul to Filibuster a Debt Limit Deal?July 5, 2011
Tommy Christopher, Tina Korbe, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's ShowJuly 5, 2011
A lost era loses its last human threadJuly 5, 2011
Oops! A slight problem with Obama's planJuly 5, 2011
Thaddeus McCotter explains 'how to speak Democrat'July 5, 2011
Hugo Chavez returns home amid reports of 'botched' surgery in CubaJuly 5, 2011
Blowing Smoke with MoneyspeakJuly 5, 2011
The Deportation Busing ArgumentJuly 5, 2011
Flourishing Cuban Black Market Raises QuestionsJuly 4, 2011
WaPo's belated, grudging report on Israel's success against Gaza flotillaJuly 4, 2011
Christina Romer: Good Democrat, Bad EconomistJuly 4, 2011
Obama's 4th of July giftJuly 4, 2011
Hugo Chavez's get-well messagesJuly 4, 2011
ObamaCare: The Antithesis of the Founders' visionJuly 4, 2011
Meeting Ann CoulterJuly 4, 2011
Independence Day in Chicago and in the rest of AmericaJuly 4, 2011
A Lot More Rhetoric than ChangeJuly 4, 2011
A reminder from SolzhenitsynJuly 4, 2011
Wind Farm MadnessJuly 4, 2011
Arabs and Israelis: What Comes Next, I SaidJuly 4, 2011
Business as usual in ChicagoJuly 4, 2011
U.S. Fearful of Pakistan?July 3, 2011
NY Times likens pro-Hamas Audacity of Hope vessel with 1947 Jewish refugees ship, the ExodusJuly 3, 2011
Let's Celebrate SubstanceJuly 3, 2011
An inconvenient JusticeJuly 3, 2011
Obama's secret plan to spin his Libyan misadventureJuly 3, 2011
'Rabid dogs' at the EPAJuly 3, 2011
The 'Arab Spring' explains itself furtherJuly 3, 2011
Mark Halperin and the Selling Out of the Leftist MediaJuly 3, 2011
Laws are for the little people, not President ObamaJuly 3, 2011
The Obama Doctrine: Feckless or Logically Coherent? July 3, 2011
Are dogs self aware?July 3, 2011
Israel in a second Obama term?July 3, 2011
The Improbable DREAM ActJuly 3, 2011
The New York Times' agenda is showing July 2, 2011
Captain of 'Audacity of Hope' Arrested July 2, 2011
Hail Caesar (Rodney)! An American HeroJuly 2, 2011
How bad is Hugo Chavez's cancer? Very bad, say physicians July 2, 2011
Lennon's freedomJuly 2, 2011
Sen. Mike Lee, another GOP Idealist Against the Ideologues?July 2, 2011
Greeks bearing real giftsJuly 2, 2011
Feeling depressed?July 2, 2011
Harvey Milk, the New Gay MLK?July 2, 2011
Ominous worldwide decline in manufacturingJuly 2, 2011
Is the Sun Taking a Holiday?July 1, 2011
Excitement accompanies news Thaddeus McCotter will run for presidentJuly 1, 2011
Hurricanes? What Hurricanes?July 1, 2011
Wisconsin union reforms an early successJuly 1, 2011
Congratulations to Rick Moran!July 1, 2011
Obama continues his war on cheap American energyJuly 1, 2011
A god or a flake?July 1, 2011
A Dangerous Point of View...IndeedJuly 1, 2011
Palestinian Prisoners Plan Hunger StrikeJuly 1, 2011
Obama says no to meet with McConnell, GOP senators
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