Weiner resignation: Be careful what you wish for, GOP
The GOP is, perhaps, second only to the PLO in never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
No good can come of a Republican call on Rep. Weiner to resign. A Republican with keen political instincts and populist passion, would instead, I submit, have noted Rep. Weiner's contention that he did not violate his oath of office, pointed out that Rep. Weiner made false accusation, and conclude that as it is not unusual for Democrats to make false accusations against Republicans -- perhaps most notably when asserting that Republican policies will bring death and suffering to young and old, and all ages in-between -- for Democrats, making a false accusation against one's political foes is a violation neither of of the Constitution, ethics or morality but, rather, a political imperative.
True, uttering a false report is prohibited in the Bible (see, e.g. Exodus 23:1) but, in view of the source, Democrats may well dismiss this as an illicit church-state relationship.
If a Republican is going to demand that Rep. Weiner resign for making false accusation in what is now known as "Weinergate," shouldn't similar demands should be made of all Democrats who make false accusations against Republicans?
Perhaps the wiser course would counsel swift and clear objection by Republicans to all false accusations made by Democrats, while acknowledging, with sadness, that mendacious mutterings seem to have become a liberal political trait.