Weiner is no Tiger Woods
Some time back a true American hero, Tiger Woods, fell from grace as the result of an alcohol and possibly drug-induced incident that brought his many infidelities out into the glaring light of the mainstream media. His downfall was immediate and profound. The handsome, glamorous multi-ethnic champ who had unprecedented broad appeal across all demographics was suddenly America's most in-your-face philanderer. A man who had it all, great golfing talent which earned him tens of millions, a beautiful wife and darling kids, tossed it all over in the blink of an eye because he failed to think of the consqeuences of his actions.
So why do I bring up all this old news? Because I think Anthony Weiner may be looking at other famous philanderers like Tiger and seeing how they rode it out and restored their careers. There's a problem with that line of thinking though Anthony: America liked Tiger and his infectious smile; they distinctly do not like you and your infected sneer.
You gotta face it Weiner; you went out of your way to get in peoples' faces and to demean them at every opportunity. I used to watch your televised interviews and silently pray for the day that someone cut you down to size, a prayer that I'll bet was shared by tens of millions of Americans. That you were the one who did it to yourself makes it all the more delectable, a longed-for justice to be savored, a rare proof that sometimes there actually is some fairness in life. You set yourself up so high and mightily and you shot yourself down in total flames. A few years ago, being a good ol' boy from Texas, I didn't understand the concept of schadenfreude; today, thanks to you, I'm wallowing in it.
And that, Anthony, is the difference between you and Tiger Woods; America liked Tiger; he was a smiling, easy-going, cultural hero who took advantage of his celebrity and wealth to satisfy his adolescent sexual dreams for which we are in the process of forgiving him. You, on the other hand, were a smug, hostile, uptight antagonist who alienated everyone and took advantage of your high office to impress gullible young women into satisfying your twisted fantasies electronically. Hey, at least Tiger actually got in bed with some really good looking babes, while all you did was show your junk all over the Internet universe. Here's the hard truth, Anthony:
We Americans knew Tiger Woods, and you, son, are no Tiger Woods.