Susan Rice's Whopper on battling 'anti-Israel crap' comes up a Cropper

When the Obama administration decided to join the execrable United Nations Human Rights Council there was consternation from, among others, supporters of Israel. President George Bush had refused to join the Council because it and its predecessor (The UN Human Rights Commission) had become a haven for tyrants, riff-raff, human rights abusers, adversaries of America, and enemies of Israel.

Susan Rice, Obama's Ambassador to the United Nations, rejected the criticism and said she would battle the "anti-Israel crap." So America joined and added its prestige and imprimatur to the Council's agenda.

How is that promise to get Israel to be treated fairly going, Susan?

As is true of many promises made by President Obama and his appointees, not so well.

Anna Bayefsky reports in the National Post that the anti-Israel venom and activity at the Human Rights Council has soared over the past few years and the promise of reform-well, those plans have been punted down the road for "10-15 years":

With their actual human-rights credentials off the table, Council members adopted a fixed agenda of only a few items to govern their proceedings. One item is devoted to Israel alone and one to all other 191 UN member states. The Human Rights Commission spent 40 years adopting country-specific criticisms, a third of which condemned Israel. Fifty percent of the "reformed" Council's country-specific resolutions and decisions are devoted to Israel-bashing. There have been 12 special sessions in the last five years, and half of them have been on Israel alone. There has been only one "urgent debate" on a country - Israel. There have been more human rights reports commissioned on Israel than on any other state. And only one country is not allowed even to attend the lobbying and information-sharing regional meetings associated with the Council sessions - Israel - while "Palestine" is invited to all of them.

Rather than discredit a body that calls itself a human rights authority but reeks of discrimination, and is tasked with promoting tolerance but provides a global platform for hate-mongering, Barack Obama decided to give it American credibility and taxpayer dollars. His No. 1 excuse was the promise to reform it from the inside.

Obama's minions, from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Susan Rice to other diplomats, promised reforms would happen. They have not.

On Friday, those promises were shown to be utterly fraudulent. Every major reform recommendation that American negotiators made over a process spanning many months, including instituting membership criteria and changing the discriminatory anti-Israel agenda, was rejected. Only four states voted in the General Assembly against the outcome of the non-reform reform: Israel, the United States, Canada and Palau.

To top off the snub, the Council ended its latest session with one more whack at Israel regarding the Turkish extremists killed a year ago trying to ram a legal blockade against terrorist-run Gaza. Nothing on Syria, nothing on Yemen where true massacres numbering in the thousands are happening right now.

Rice's statement regarding "battling the anti-Israel crap" were just words. Susan Rice has been characterized as being "wildly inattentive " in her role as Ambassador to the UN and has been spending time socializing in Washington , purportedly angling to take over as Secretary of State. She has not been fighting the "anti-Israel crap;" instead, she was last heard lambasting Israel in the Security Council. Her promises were meaningless and were probably meaningless as soon as they were uttered.

Time to put an end to this charade.

Now it is time to take action.

Pull America out of the UN Human Rights Council - at least that is a start.

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