AT taken down this morning by DOS attack (updated)
American Thinker suffered a massive Denial of Service attack this morning, taking our websbite down for over three hours during peak traffic time. Thanks to the hard work of our tech consultsants (who have labored mightily over recent software upgrades), we are now back.
Thanks to all our readers for their patience. We are secure in the knowledge that we are making a difference when our enemies seek to silence us. Thomas Lifson, editor
Update: Some details from our chief tech officer:
Update: A former senior internet engineer at a major American corporation writes:
"I can tell you this was carefully planned weeks or months ago -- this sort of thing takes lots of money, time, and organization. Sobering to say the least. Some AT articles must have pissed off multiple powerful constituents. When they can't fight your ideas, like school yard bully, they just start swinging at your face in frustration. "