American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2011
Exposing demonizers of shale gasJune 30, 2011
America's Ticking Bankruptcy BombJune 30, 2011
Our partners in peace, the Muslim Brotherhood?June 30, 2011
Rick Perry calls out Eric Holder on Gaza FlotillaJune 30, 2011
The media think they get a vetoJune 30, 2011
All is not well in Obamaland as fundraising falls shortJune 30, 2011
Obama-supported tax break for private jets comes under fire - from ObamaJune 30, 2011
Let's have a Light Bulb Party!June 30, 2011
Chris Wallace and Michele Bachman, A Different Look.June 30, 2011
Latino lawmakers hinder immigration enforcement: Truth-O-MeterJune 30, 2011
Who is raping whom in Norway?June 30, 2011
Imagine John Lennon as a RepublicanJune 30, 2011
9/11 Launch of 'The Audacity of The Infidel'June 30, 2011
The Real Problem with the Gingrich CandidacyJune 30, 2011
Obama goes for broke - literallyJune 29, 2011
Houston Cemetery Bans the Word 'God' from Military FuneralsJune 29, 2011
Michelle O's $800,000 Entitlement?June 29, 2011
Going for really brokeJune 29, 2011
WaPo adopts Palestinian vocabulary in 'news' reportJune 29, 2011
More on Wisconsin Supreme Court Prosser-Bradley confrontationJune 29, 2011
Obama's Afghan troop withdrawal not among options presented by his generalsJune 29, 2011
Historian Timothy Meagher thinks Obama too smart for the American peopleJune 29, 2011
Kucinich says Syrian press 'mistranslated' his effusive praise of AssadJune 29, 2011
Attack on Hotel in Kabul by TalibanJune 29, 2011
Rally 'Round Melanie PhillipsJune 29, 2011
TSA cancer danger coverup?June 29, 2011
Hamas Rejects German Swap Proposal for SchalitJune 29, 2011
Unions 'off Target' at Apple, tooJune 29, 2011
Erdogan: Imprisoning Turkish Generals -- and Ending Secularism June 29, 2011
Israeli Defeatism In The FleshJune 28, 2011
Soros-supported group behind trumped up choking charge against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser June 28, 2011
Time Magazine's Buffoonery ExposedJune 28, 2011
North Korean Army reportedly going hungryJune 28, 2011
The Chris Wallace insult to Michele BachmannJune 28, 2011
GOP standing firm on taxesJune 28, 2011
Big money fundraising getting harder for Obama campaignJune 28, 2011
Consumer confidence dips in JuneJune 28, 2011
With friends like these...June 28, 2011
Dog bites man: Greek protests against budget cuts turn violentJune 28, 2011
Texas to defund Planned ParenthoodJune 28, 2011
No Budget Senate to 'streamline' appointments June 28, 2011
Helen Thomas wants her old job backJune 28, 2011
Michelle's Media Pals 'Care About Children'June 28, 2011
Our Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani 'Allies' Attend and Support Iran's Anti-Western 'Counter-terrorism Conference'June 28, 2011
Libya, the test caseJune 27, 2011
A Man and a Message Whose Time Has ComeJune 27, 2011
Blago found guilty on 17 countsJune 27, 2011
Remembering 1948 through the WaPo's pro-Arab, anti-Israel lensJune 27, 2011
Eight Year Old Girl Used As 'Suicide' BomberJune 27, 2011
Down To The Wire?June 27, 2011
Why so many presidential mistakes in so little time?June 27, 2011
Medical secret police calling doctorsJune 27, 2011
Irradiate the Manure in 'Organic' FarmingJune 27, 2011
The Shocking Truth about What's Going on in LibyaJune 27, 2011
Texas...the Very Best of the 57 StatesJune 27, 2011
In Rose Bowl, Mexico is 'home' team as U.S. soccer team is booed (updated)June 27, 2011
Folks with 'low, sloping foreheads'June 27, 2011
POTUS the SneakJune 27, 2011
Where do we go to get our reputations back?June 27, 2011
Have the Democrats Given Up on Governing?June 26, 2011
Israel Law Center Stops 'Audacity of Hope'June 26, 2011
It depends on who is doing the disparaging...June 26, 2011
Obama trips promote profits for his donors, not jobs for AmericansJune 26, 2011
Media deep thinkers grapple with the rise of the internetJune 26, 2011
Where is Gilad Schalit?June 26, 2011
Sarkozy dismisses US complaints about NATO, LibyaJune 26, 2011
Israel hits back at foreign journalists who seek passage on Gaza flotillaJune 26, 2011
What is going on at the Wisconsin Supreme Court?June 26, 2011
Headline: 'One dead, 10 injured in overnight shootings' - Chicago or Baghdad?June 26, 2011
Teachers Union fights closure of NYC's 'school from hell'June 26, 2011
60 al-Qaeda terrorists escape from Yemeni prisonJune 26, 2011
Hugo Chavez in 'Critical' Condition in Havana Hospital - Socialism or Death?June 26, 2011
Mitt Romney Plays Mitt Romney on TVJune 26, 2011
I Wonder...June 26, 2011
God & Country Banned in Public Schools?June 25, 2011
Waiting for SarahJune 25, 2011
5 Russian nuke scientists helping Iran die in plane crashJune 25, 2011
Gay marriage in New York state approvedJune 25, 2011
Flying FolliesJune 25, 2011
'Cars 2': Hollywood screws up againJune 25, 2011
Obama's furry new plan unveiled in PittsburghJune 25, 2011
Expecting the Unexpected June 25, 2011
Netherlands abandoning multiculturalismJune 25, 2011
The Liberal tea party?June 25, 2011
With libertarians like this, who needs statistsJune 25, 2011
Michelle Obama Tells Tales to South AfricansJune 25, 2011
ACLU finds another reason to stop detaining border violators: gay and transgender abuse by fellow illegal aliensJune 24, 2011
Geithner: Taxes on 'Small Business' Must Rise So Government Doesn't 'Shrink' June 24, 2011
Dumbest creatures on the planetJune 24, 2011
'Settled science' chroniclesJune 24, 2011
The Constitution's Demise According to Time: Nothing to See HereJune 24, 2011
If the economy is being sabotaged, who is the saboteur?June 24, 2011
The Reality of the Federal Government's Fiscal HoleJune 24, 2011
Another Rent Control TriumphJune 24, 2011
Obama implements disastrous Afghanistan strategyJune 24, 2011
Obama Losing Voter Support in Green and Blue StatesJune 24, 2011
Minimum wage madness exposedJune 24, 2011
A Clueless, Callous Commander-in-ChiefJune 24, 2011
Obama's pathetically sad gaffe at Fort Drum (Update: WH blames lack of teleprompter for misstatement)June 24, 2011
'Border Hawk' Babeu Speaks OutJune 24, 2011
Terror plot foiled in Seattle (updated: DOJ's curious press release)June 24, 2011
Cantor, GOP House members, walk out of Biden debt ceiling talksJune 24, 2011
Susan Rice's Whopper on battling 'anti-Israel crap' comes up a CropperJune 24, 2011
Mobster 'Whitey' Bulger's Arrest and the Mitt Romney Connection June 24, 2011
Monique Lawless is tough on crimeJune 23, 2011
Greek showdownJune 23, 2011
John Huntsman, meet Karl Rove (updated)June 23, 2011
James Hansen, Government Employee, Climate Scientist on the TakeJune 23, 2011
Thomas Geoghegan's Shameful Stereotyping in the Wall Street JournalJune 23, 2011
Ex-CIA Spy: Obama Administration is delusional, it's weak, and it's confused.June 23, 2011
Fill in the blank: 'Jobless claims rise more than _____________.'June 23, 2011
The widening racial divide of the Obama eraJune 23, 2011
Geert Wilders acquitted of 'hate speech'June 23, 2011
Democrats accuse Republicans of 'sabotoging' the economyJune 23, 2011
Bernanke clueless about bad economyJune 23, 2011
Obama's troop withdrawal speech: when politics trumps victoryJune 23, 2011
Food stamp crime waveJune 23, 2011
The Trojan ElephantJune 23, 2011
Was it gullibility? Or was it anti-Semitism? Or was it both?June 22, 2011
Obama's economy: three strikesJune 22, 2011
Deepwater Horizon Update: Transocean's InvestigationJune 22, 2011
Watching the Charity RegulatorsJune 22, 2011
Medicare Trustees Confirm Democrats' Medicare Plan Would Result in 'Actual' 17% Medicare CutJune 22, 2011
President 'words matter' Obama's doubletalk on IsraelJune 22, 2011
The Full Biblical MontyJune 22, 2011
Obama's speech tonight to announce beginning troop withdrawal from AfghanistanJune 22, 2011
Rep. Hastings in hot water againJune 22, 2011
Bachmann surges into primary lead - ZogbyJune 22, 2011
Federal Appeals Court's Decision Could Expand Affirmative Action, says Chief JudgeJune 22, 2011
The Flotilla's useful idiotsJune 22, 2011
Not another Texan? How about not another Ivy League Lawyer?June 22, 2011
California's Controller: 'The Legislature will forfeit their pay'June 22, 2011
There are more US troops separating the Koreas than along the US-Mexico borderJune 22, 2011
The 'Real' Tax Rates on Top EarnersJune 22, 2011
Eileen Toplansky on the airJune 22, 2011
The IMF Has Been HackedJune 21, 2011
John Huntsman is a lover not a fighterJune 21, 2011
Unbelievable: A 'mistake' in ObamaCare will allow millions of middle-class Americans to get 'free' medical care meant for poorJune 21, 2011
A Bill Inventors Cannot AffordJune 21, 2011
Why Did John Boehner Play Golf With President Obama?June 21, 2011
Existing home sales fall to 6-month lowJune 21, 2011
Obama's foreign policy: where's the credibility?June 21, 2011
Have you ever tasted toasted grain flakes without sugar?June 21, 2011
SCOTUS rejects CO2 lawsuit against power companiesJune 21, 2011
Doug Mataconis, Monica Showalter, and Fausta Wertz on Moran's ShowJune 21, 2011
Obama to announce big drawdown of Afghan troopsJune 21, 2011
No 'hostilities' in Libya but troops get pay boost for serving in 'imminent danger'June 21, 2011
Confusing the Myth and Reality of Job CreationJune 21, 2011
Dog Days of SummerJune 21, 2011
Acting ATF Director to resignJune 21, 2011
Supreme Court refuses to hear ACORN appeal of defundingJune 21, 2011
Spot the idiotsJune 20, 2011
Overlooking Bonner's other legacyJune 20, 2011
With So Much At Stake, No Allowance For ErrorJune 20, 2011
SCOTUS throws out massive class action sex discrimination caseJune 20, 2011
Blogs busting open AGW 'science' fraudsJune 20, 2011
Ramping Up to Another Jihad Genocide in The Sudan?June 20, 2011
Gary Becker on the slow economic recoveryJune 20, 2011
Spanish protestors decry 'austerity' measuresJune 20, 2011
Dems' goal is punishing Big OilJune 20, 2011
Utah voters think Hatch should be retiredJune 20, 2011
Assad offers reforms - opposition unimpressedJune 20, 2011
The Color Purple Author Calls America and Israel TerroristsJune 20, 2011
Tom Friedman's latest folly of a peace plan -- totally blind to Hamas's existence and agendaJune 20, 2011
NBC edits out 'under God' from the Pledge (twice)June 20, 2011
Fatah-Hamas unity government on holdJune 20, 2011
Temporary debt limit hike possibleJune 19, 2011
Jon Stewart Does Cable News (again)June 19, 2011
My Little Chat With Tony KushnerJune 19, 2011
More UN IPCC Climate NonsenseJune 19, 2011
Sen. Claire McCaskill Running Scared Claiming to be 'Feisty Independent'June 19, 2011
Did a NATO airstrike in Libya kill civilians?June 19, 2011
Why Obama's hometown has the highest gas prices in AmericaJune 19, 2011
Greece's Papandreou asks for a vote of confidence - no, reallyJune 19, 2011
Ron Paul landslide in GOP Conference straw pollJune 19, 2011
House committee seeks to impose restrictions on Pakistani aidJune 19, 2011
La Raza taxpayer support boosted by WH hiring of their VPJune 19, 2011
Obama's Homeland Security SNAFUJune 19, 2011
Obama impersonator physically removed from stage at SRLCJune 19, 2011
Afghan peace talks: Viet Nam reduxJune 18, 2011
Wash. Post smears Israel, stands history on its headJune 18, 2011
Please bear with us: technical difficultiesJune 18, 2011
RFK Jr: Air America 'was beating out right wing radio,' but evil corporate advertisers boycotted itJune 18, 2011
Civil unrest in ChinaJune 18, 2011
Mom gets probation for spanking her kidJune 18, 2011
Getting rid of a political millstone - Obamacare waivers to endJune 18, 2011
Obama's chief of staff calls economic policies 'indefensible'June 18, 2011
Obama went lawyer shopping for War Powers Act opinionJune 18, 2011
Governor Christie: 'Where I send my kids is none of your business.'June 18, 2011
Taking the Longer, Unsettled, View...June 18, 2011
Defiant Spanish Language lecture of Texas legislators goes viral with videoJune 18, 2011
'Adolf' Christie says NJ union bossJune 18, 2011
Marriage Wins Again in the Court of Public OpinionJune 18, 2011
Operation 'Fast and Furious' the last straw against HolderJune 17, 2011
Sharia Finance Wins in Great BritainJune 17, 2011
Obama's Father's Day FraudJune 17, 2011
A Liberal defends WeinerJune 17, 2011
IMF cuts US growth forecast; warns west they are 'playing with fire' on debtJune 17, 2011
Cowardly British Cops Cover Up Muslim CrimeJune 17, 2011
California budget circus gets even more bizarreJune 17, 2011
Another scathingly brilliant idea from Jimmy CarterJune 17, 2011
The cost of 'green cars' to the economyJune 17, 2011
Imported from Detroit...Misguided MarketingJune 17, 2011
Romney Far Removed From Average AmericansJune 17, 2011
Boehner threatens to cut off funds for LibyaJune 16, 2011
What is Really More Fattening -- Chocolate Milk, or Government Dependence?June 16, 2011
The lengths the Wash. Post will go to defame IsraelJune 16, 2011
Weiner reported to be resigning (update: he's gone)June 16, 2011
AMA may withdraw support for health insurance mandateJune 16, 2011
In Texas, lawmakers lectured by open-borders SPANISH!June 16, 2011
Riots in Vancouver after hockey lossJune 16, 2011
'Return of the Dreaded Misery Index'June 16, 2011
While Americans struggle, Pelosi getting richerJune 16, 2011
The Most Shovel-Ready Job in AmericaJune 16, 2011
Herb Keinon, the only witness in the crowdJune 16, 2011
Wasserman-Schultz: Democrats 'Own the Economy'June 16, 2011
President Obama has revealed that he occasionally thinks 'one term is enough'June 16, 2011
Why is this man smiling?June 16, 2011
The Debt Ceiling Showdown in an Uncertain RecoveryJune 15, 2011
Obama economy good for some peopleJune 15, 2011
Good Morning, Muammar June 15, 2011
AT taken down this morning by DOS attack (updated)June 15, 2011
A mini-ice age on the way?June 15, 2011
White House of MirthJune 15, 2011
Boehner demands Obama comply with War Powers ActJune 15, 2011
Dems decide not to punish WeinerJune 15, 2011
Pakistan arrests CIA informants who fingered bin LadenJune 15, 2011
Big brother gets biggerJune 15, 2011
Perry will be targeted by Ambulance ChasersJune 15, 2011
Michelle Obama shows a real flare for comedyJune 15, 2011
Checklist Climate $cienceJune 14, 2011
Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds law limiting public employee unionsJune 14, 2011
Obama and the automation mythJune 14, 2011
Debating Islam Last NightJune 14, 2011
Armed US Drones will be deployed in YemenJune 14, 2011
Retail sales down in May for first time in 11 monthsJune 14, 2011
Ed Morrissey, Stephen Green, Jazz Shaw on Moran's ShowJune 14, 2011
How the left winsJune 14, 2011
The real news about Obama that's fit to printJune 14, 2011
Lots of empty seats at Obama Miami fundraiserJune 14, 2011
WikiLeaks? How about WeinerLeaks?June 14, 2011
What Would Lord Nelson Say?June 14, 2011
GOP New Hampshire debate kept the gloves onJune 14, 2011
Flag Day 2011June 14, 2011
Obama jokes about his own incompetenceJune 14, 2011
US in even worse shape than Greece - Pimco founder GrossJune 13, 2011
Weiner's Public ServiceJune 13, 2011
AZ legislature lets Obama off the hook (updated)June 13, 2011
Toll of dead civilians in Syria climbs to nearly 1300June 13, 2011
Reports: Obama pressuring Netanyahu on negotiations based on '67 bordersJune 13, 2011
Whatever happened to that $6.6 billion in cash we sent to Iraq?June 13, 2011
About Those Pro-Weiner 9th District PollsJune 13, 2011
Graph for the Day for June 13, 2011June 13, 2011
'Lesbian Syrian blogger' confesses to being an American manJune 13, 2011
Retired Cop Gets $293,000 Thanks to Union ContractJune 13, 2011
Weiner's 'Official' ProblemJune 13, 2011
Abortion Good, Circumcision Bad: Celebrity Empty-Headedness on Grand DisplayJune 13, 2011
Politics Stand between a Church and the Disadvantaged in VirginiaJune 13, 2011
Little known hero Mietek Pemper laid to rest in AugsburgJune 13, 2011
'Miracle on Hudson' survivors united (and saved) by shared values June 13, 2011
The Palin that every American should knowJune 12, 2011
Obama and his Jewish supportersJune 12, 2011
NY Times hankers for 'Arab Spring' revolt in West BankJune 12, 2011
Woman not charged in accident that killed guitaristJune 12, 2011
Delta baggage kerfuffle not the airline's faultJune 12, 2011
Obama and Russia's descent into tyrannyJune 12, 2011
NYT editor: 'This is not a witch hunt'June 12, 2011
'Obama's Road to Nowhere'June 12, 2011
Huge increase in electric bills seen in the next few yearsJune 12, 2011
Syrian tanks and helicopters attack civiliansJune 12, 2011
Forget the death threats and find some dirt on Sarah Palin!June 12, 2011
GOP Governors a Boost to Obama?June 12, 2011
Graph for the Day for June 12, 2011June 12, 2011
Weiner takes the 'I'm sick, not a degenerate' lineJune 12, 2011
Rick Perry's Conservative CredentialsJune 12, 2011
Circumcision protects against HIV in AfricaJune 12, 2011
US African embassy bomber deadJune 11, 2011
Politically Correct Washington Supreme Court Overturns Murder ConvictionJune 11, 2011
Good news: China ratings house says US already in defaultJune 11, 2011
Who Will Weep Over Newt's Ashes?June 11, 2011
'We didn't sign up to be hucksters'June 11, 2011
Why Weiner can't quitJune 11, 2011
Coulter's new book describes 'The mob mongering left'June 11, 2011
Obama sides with Argentina, against Britain, in Falklands disputeJune 11, 2011
America's PoochatroopersJune 11, 2011
Top Democrat operative launches plan of attack in Wisconsin recall electionsJune 11, 2011
Robert Gates ShrugsJune 11, 2011
Cruising with Freedom and Hillsdale College in the BalticsJune 11, 2011
Bobby Fischer Against the WorldJune 10, 2011
European E-coli outbreak traced to organic farmJune 10, 2011
Dalai Lama: 'I am a Marxist'June 10, 2011
Fact-Checking Limbaugh's Seminar CallerJune 10, 2011
Perry: It's a go?June 10, 2011
Obama's missile secrets betrayalJune 10, 2011
Palestinians change bargaining stanceJune 10, 2011
Fighting rages outside of Misrata (update: report that Gaddafi's son seeks terms)June 10, 2011
WaPo and the Times call for Online activists to help smear PalinJune 10, 2011
The President's lies about why employment growth is so anemicJune 10, 2011
The Broussard Interview: Was Weiner's sexting partner an innocent bystander?June 10, 2011
Weiner is no Tiger WoodsJune 10, 2011
Spewing Red Ink, Red Tape and Red PoliticsJune 10, 2011
Chuck Roger on the airJune 10, 2011
Newt staff exodus no surprise June 9, 2011
Apparently, 75% of Americans want to be dragged back to the Jim Crow eraJune 9, 2011
Newt's senior staff bail outJune 9, 2011
Defiant Weiner won't resignJune 9, 2011
Obama's Libya debacleJune 9, 2011
Maxine Waters ethics probe being stalledJune 9, 2011
Citigroup says bankcard accounts hackedJune 9, 2011
Our secret war in YemenJune 9, 2011
Reuters headline: 'New Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise'June 9, 2011
Debt Ceiling Negotiations: the GOP's AdvantageJune 9, 2011
The First Amendment LivesJune 9, 2011
Rev Guard website article: 'The Day After Iran's First Nuclear Test is a Normal Day'June 9, 2011
Democrats very late to board the Weiner resignation bandwagonJune 9, 2011
Commies on paradeJune 9, 2011
DOE 'SWAT' raid still troubling after story correctionsJune 9, 2011
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Democrats to Form 'Perfect Slavery to Allah Party'June 8, 2011
OPEC does it againJune 8, 2011
AT updated software teething period nearly overJune 8, 2011
Bernanke channels his inner Pollyanna for growth estimatesJune 8, 2011
Revisiting administration unemployment projectionsJune 8, 2011
Obama's troubled personal relations with foreign leadersJune 8, 2011
Graph for the Day for June 8, 2011June 8, 2011
The light bulb policeJune 8, 2011
A Texas Town Honors a Soldier Killed in Afghanistan on Memorial DayJune 8, 2011
How to sweep Weinergate under the rugJune 8, 2011
Weiner resignation: Be careful what you wish for, GOPJune 8, 2011
Pointing Fingers at Weak FieldsJune 8, 2011
College board asks for 'alternative' to national anthemJune 8, 2011
General Motors CEO Dan Akerson Calls for Hike in Federal Gasoline TaxJune 7, 2011
A likely GOP pickup in House of RepresentativesJune 7, 2011
US Mosque Data Bill O'Reilly Requested Now AvailableJune 7, 2011
New Civility Chronicles (continued)June 7, 2011
Slave masters, real and imaginedJune 7, 2011
Those who seek to run our livesJune 7, 2011
Misunderstanding Obama's MommaJune 7, 2011
What's important about Weinergate...And what's notJune 7, 2011
3 in 10 companies will drop health insurance coverage once Obamacare takes effectJune 7, 2011
NPR defends Palin?June 7, 2011
Obama no longer receiving daily economic briefingsJune 7, 2011
Obama even with Romney in new ABC pollJune 7, 2011
Big Media Eats Crow While Palin Plays GotchaJune 7, 2011
Bernanke's Posturing Ignores Inflation Reality and Hurts Americans June 7, 2011
Anti-gun physicians in Florida claim right to ask patients about gun ownershipJune 7, 2011
Democrats are's not about Sex...June 7, 2011
Romney's Scarlet LetterJune 6, 2011
NYT ignores 'Salute to Israel' paradeJune 6, 2011
Weiner: 'I haven't told the truth'June 6, 2011
Krugman says Medicare is 'sustainable'June 6, 2011
Sarah Rides Roughshod over Media MuttsJune 6, 2011
Bostom Interviewed About Survey Revealing 81% of US Mosques Promote JihadJune 6, 2011
Wasserman Schultz watch: Dim bulb Debbie is at it again (updated)June 6, 2011
Weinergate not petering out (updated - new pictures)June 6, 2011
AT writers on the airJune 6, 2011
Graph for the Day for June 6, 2011June 6, 2011
Assad stages bloody confrontation at border with IsraelJune 6, 2011
Obama's lock-step liberals on the Supreme CourtJune 6, 2011
Obama's Commerce Nominee Wants to Limit Energy Consumption and Redistribute Wealth June 6, 2011
Will the Arab Spring Turn into Winter?June 6, 2011
Palestinian who slaughtered Fogel family has no regretsJune 6, 2011
Is it time to push Cass Sunstein over the cliff?June 6, 2011
David Brooks is willing to give war a chanceJune 6, 2011
A Strange Death in Strange CircumstancesJune 6, 2011
Remembering D-DayJune 5, 2011
Israel demonstrates more efficient mettle in guarding its border against Syrian provocationsJune 5, 2011
Wasserman Schultz looking ridiculous againJune 5, 2011
Mitt Romney's global warming blunderJune 5, 2011
4 dead, 12 hurt on Israeli-Syrian border in 'Naksa day' clashesJune 5, 2011
Yemen's Saleh in Saudi Arabia for 'medical treatment'June 5, 2011
Will Bono and U 2 save the world?June 5, 2011
Blago's retrial less of a circus, more focusedJune 5, 2011
Howard Dean: Palin could beat ObamaJune 5, 2011
'Cornered' Obama and the administration's lies about the economyJune 5, 2011
Gunfight at the DC Corral: Palin vs Obama. June 5, 2011
Afghanistan as it really isJune 5, 2011
Top jihadist leader killed in drone strikeJune 4, 2011
The liberal mindset hits reality againJune 4, 2011
Obama and Boehner: Golfing buddiesJune 4, 2011
NATO deploys Apaches in Libya for first timeJune 4, 2011
Where is Yemen's President Saleh?June 4, 2011
Is Paul Ryan going to run for president?June 4, 2011
Dennis Kucinich and Michele Bachmann on the same side?June 4, 2011
Faithful Democratic Presidents Serve Just One TermJune 4, 2011
Why Libs do Not Deserve a Pass on Ethics ScandalsJune 4, 2011
The grim math facing the joblessJune 3, 2011
Jaw-droppingJune 3, 2011
Fiddling while Rome burnsJune 3, 2011
Unemployment rate much worse than 9.1%June 3, 2011
NYT scrubs the new editor's embarrassing words (update of earlier post)June 3, 2011
Dorothy Rabinowitz Dismisses Doomsday Talk about Big GovernmentJune 3, 2011
Obama camp knows he has a problem with Jewish votersJune 3, 2011
It's official: John Edwards indictedJune 3, 2011
Yemen's president injured in attack on palaceJune 3, 2011
May unemployment up to 9.1%June 3, 2011
Is there really a connection between the unemployment rate and presidential elections?June 3, 2011
Congress, White House showdown on War Powers Act June 3, 2011
In TX school district, say 'Amen' and go to jailJune 3, 2011
China's 'blue army' just warming up with cyber-attacksJune 3, 2011
Democrat State Senator punches colleague on chamber floorJune 3, 2011
Detroit's Death RattleJune 3, 2011
Romney in: Says Obama has 'failed'June 2, 2011
Dumb... dumber... dumbest... Wasserman SchultzJune 2, 2011
The Jewish video Obama doesn't want on the webJune 2, 2011
RomneyCare vs. ObamaCare: Does Page Count Matter?June 2, 2011
Arab leaders betray the Palestinians -- againJune 2, 2011
Illinois Democratic gerrymander a disgraceJune 2, 2011
Obama and his cronies give his base in Chicago a big favor-free internet and PCsJune 2, 2011
Manufacturing sector not recovering during Obama recoveryJune 2, 2011
The bitter harvest of ethanolJune 2, 2011
Administration shoots down IN denial of funds to Planned ParenthoodJune 2, 2011
Newspaper death throes (continued)June 2, 2011
Scientific discovery that changes our notions of life here and elsewhereJune 2, 2011
Fined for 'illegally' selling rabbitsJune 2, 2011
Obama fails to impress House GOP at WH meetingJune 2, 2011
Planning vs. the Free MarketJune 1, 2011
Anthony Weiner 'can't say with certitude' that the picture isn't himJune 1, 2011
Andrew Bostom Interview: 'Islamo-Nazism in Egypt'June 1, 2011
Giving a whole new meaning to the term 'Limousine Liberal'June 1, 2011
Geert Wilders Closing Remarks at His Kafkaesque TrialJune 1, 2011
77,000 federal workers paid more than governorsJune 1, 2011
Muslim man gets sexual assault sentence reduced because of 'culture shock'June 1, 2011
WI panel OK's 3 more GOP recall electionsJune 1, 2011
House rejects debt ceiling increaseJune 1, 2011
What's in a name, and what isn'tJune 1, 2011
This year, next year, all the years in JerusalemJune 1, 2011
The beach is closed; Heat related illnesses?June 1, 2011
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Dismantling Mubarak's State for a Sharia State
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