US withdraws diplomats from Yemen as fighting escalates

President Saleh of Yemen has promised to step down at least 3 times in the past few months and has reneged each and every time. The anger in the streets at this behavior has now escalated to near civil war as there are reports that at least 72 people have died in clashes between a powerful tribal group and government forces.

The violence has gotten so bad that the State Department is evacuating all "non-essential" personnel and dependents while  issuing a travel warning for Americans about Yemen. They are also urging American citizens in Yemen to get out while there are still commercial flights out of the country.

The BBC:

Fighters from a powerful tribal group, the Hashid, are said to have taken control of several public buildings in the capital Sanaa after several days of fighting government troops.

Sanaa's airport was reportedly shut temporarily on Wednesday after tribal fighters opposed to President Saleh clashed with government forces.

Witnesses say hundreds of people are fleeing the violence in the capital, where residents said fighting was continuing on Thursday.

"There are still sporadic artillery hits and gunfire in Sanaa and we're unsure what's happening outside the city," said the Yemen Times' managing editor, Jeb Boone, in a telephone interview with BBC World News.

"We don't know whether tribesmen are forcing their way into the city or whether the government forces are pushing them out."

Meanwhile, various terrorists groups, including AQ of the Arabian Peninsula is benefiting from the chaos. At the moment, Yemen is a failed state and in virtual civil war. Even when a new government - if there is a new government - takes control, they will need massive help to retake control of terrorist infested areas.

Why do the terrorists need Afghanistan when they've got Yemen?

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