Two accused in New York terror plot

For those on the left who want to declare victory and end the war on terror:

Two men were arrested today on accusations they tried to purchase weapons as part of a suspected terror plot against a Manhattan synagogue, authorities said today.

Mohammad Mamdouh, 20, and Ahmed Ferhani, 26, both of Queens, were arrested Wednesday night and are expected to be charged under the state's terrorism laws.

Both men are American citizens and not at all connected to al Qaeda, officials said.

In an unusual move, Manhattan DA Cy Vance's office decided to prosecute the duo after the FBI declined to get involved.

Ferhani brought three guns and a grenade from an undercover cop, officials said.

The synagogue was located in Manhattan, but never identified by the suspects, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said during a news conference this afternoon.

"They're treating us like dogs," Ferhani said once, according to Kelly.

The plot was not in retaliation to last week's the killing of Osama bin Laden, sources said, since it had been planned before his death.

"Fortunately, long before their aspirations could take hold, New York City police officers were watching them and were in a position to take them into custody, before they could maim and murder innocent New Yorkers," said Mayor Bloomberg.

What does it matter if they were in the wilds of Pakistan or American citizens? It is the ideology animating their hate that we're at war with. Killing Osama won't end that nor will irrelevant declarations of "victory" coming from politically correct liberals change the fact that we must continue to be vigilant in the wake of their constant plotting.

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