Time to Tame Wild Feds

A common piece of knowledge on animal behavior is to exercise extreme caution when a wild animal is cornered since it becomes desperate and will lash out. One gets a similar sense of desperation recently out of Big Labor and it's Federal Government extension - the National Labor Relations Board.

Union membership has been declining over the last half century to single digit percentages, major legislation written by union bosses to harm employers and employees has continued to fail, and many states are following Wisconsin's lead and repairing the budget damages that public sector union lobbyists have inflicted over the years. And just like the wild animal that finds itself cornered, the teeth are out and it is proving more dangerous than ever.

The most recent desperation move, of course, was the NLRB seeking to stop Boeing from adding jobs at a new manufacturing plant in South Carolina.

The Washington Examiner today details some info found in a leaked NLRB memo. Of the memo, the Examiner says:

A memo leaked from the National Labor Relations Board makes clear that President Obama and the radical labor advocates he put on it are embarked on a calculated campaign to make unionized firms even harder to manage. The NLRB's recent suit against Boeing Aircraft Co. is merely the first step.

and continues on to say:

The memo instructs NLRB regional operatives to flag all cases in which unionized firms made relocation decisions without submitting detailed economic justifications to their unions. The board plans "case-by-case" reviews, followed by prosecutions of selected cases. The intended consequence is that all major business decisions will become subject to approval by unions.

For a business owner like myself, or anyone who values capitalism and free markets, the thought of a government-funded, Big Labor-promoting agency taking away the freedom of doing business where we can prosper along with our employees is a disastrous step too far.

The NLRB has shown itself to be so completely past the point of reasonableness that the only course of action left is to examine its funding and scale it back to an appropriate level. For a rather small agency, the budget available to push their radical agenda is quite large...roughly $1 million for every day of the year. Reducing those numbers would go a long way to taking the bite out of their attacks on jobs and the economy.

Brett McMahon is Vice President at Miller & Long Concrete Construction and a spokesman for the Halt The Assault campaign.

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