NY-26: Jack Davis is the First Tea-In-Name-Only

NY-26 special election may not be in the forefront of conservative minds, but the race has serious national implications:

"A win by the Democrat in this Republican district -- even if created by a phony Tea Party candidate siphoning off votes from the Republican-- will be spun as a major victory for Obama.  You will hear nothing but how it signals Obama's turnaround, how it reflects Obama's new found popularity after the bin Laden kill, and how it signals unhappiness with Republicans. 

You will not hear a word in the MSM about the fact that Davis is not a real Tea Party candidate, and instead this will further be portrayed as part of a schism in the Republican Party and reflecting how the Tea Party movement hurts Republicans."

A recent NY-26 poll
clearly shows that progressive Kathy Hochul has taken the lead in NY-26 special election due to Jack Davis' showing on a ballot line called the Tea Party. While Jack Davis is running as a Tea Party candidate, his record shows that he does not share the same beliefs.

Jack Davis has been endorsed by ACORN's own NY political party, the Working Family Party. He is ardently pro-abortion and even supports partial birth abortions.

Davis' signature issue is a new tariff program that is advocated by Keynesian and far-left economist Paul Krugman. In short, it is another central planning scheme that makes Smoot-Hawley look like free-trade. He is opposed to any and all entitlement reform at the federal level. His campaign manager is a progressive consultant who called the Tea Party "a harbinger of midlife crisis."

While the Tea Party was protesting Obama's socialist agenda in 2009, Jack Davis was sending campaign donations to Democrats who voted in favor of Obama policies. One donation in particular was sent to Louise Slaughter one week after cap and trade passed. Louise Slaughter is one of the most liberal congresswomen in the House and was the Democrat leader who came up with the "deem and pass" rule for Obamacare.

Jack Davis has been subject to allegations of fraud and bribery. When asked to clarify his liberal past, Jack Davis told the media "I've always believed in smaller government and less taxes." I wonder which smaller government, less taxes principle was at play when he supported Barak Obama in 2008.

In supporting Democrats under presidential candidate Obama, Jack Davis said he'd "do everything in (his) power to get them elected in November." Seemingly, Jack Davis hasn't changed much in two years.

Sam Foster is a freelance political writer living in NY-26. He blogs at Left Coast Rebel and Lonely Conservative

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