At What Point is Spiking the Football Excessive Celebration?

Following a brief stint as Commander-in-Chief, Obama is back to his old playbook -- Alinsky's oldies but goodies playing over and over on the progressive turntable -- snidely framing Republicans and nearly anyone who dares question illegal immigration, as racist.  Like déjà vu all over again -- be it sipping slurpees on the side of the road, teabaggers and bitter clingers, or alligators in the moat -- the only thing missing is capping off his latest insults with an ill-timed round of golf.

When an irreverent egoist tells Americans not to spike the football, and then proceeds to brazenly do so over and over again, it isn't just rude; it isn't just ironic, or even utterly predictable.  In this case, it isn't just a pretense of manliness or military acumen.

It's cover.  Because the fact is Obama doesn't seem to object to terrorism all that much when it comes to advancing his socioeconomic revolution.   If he really wanted to thwart terrorism, he certainly wouldn't ridicule anyone who knows it's just as easy to mastermind terror from within our borders, as it is outside.   

Can a man who is effectively organizing the revolution for open borders and free-flowing illegal immigration in the name of fairness -- call it amnesty, the Dream Act, a path to citizenship, or ‘comprehensive' immigration reform -- celebrate the death of a terrorist as he simultaneously leaves open our floodgates to terrorists?   Spiking the football as you flagrantly endorse the very reason for the touchdown, is not just an excessive celebration penalty, it seems an ejectable offense. 

It should come as no surprise really that a man as gifted in the implementation of Alinskyite organizing would cloud the discussion with accusations of racism.  It's become a bit of a tipoff, in fact.  What better way to divide, create crisis and chaos, seize power, stir resentment, stoke discontent, and freeze his target.  And the ridiculing!  Obama's played every Alinsky card like a champ.

It may even help to explain why Obama seems quite confident in his never-ending Campaign Roadshow, despite record unemployment, an insolvent housing market, skyrocketing oil prices, and a debt threatening to implode us.  Those millions of voters would sure be a kick at the polls, even if social revolution means martyring Osama Bin Laden.

OBL knew community organizing as well as Obama.  It's almost as if he played from the same handbook.  OBL knew the means justified ends -- Hope and Change by whatever means necessary, even the ‘moral' rationalization of violence.

Who would have guessed -- Osama Bin Laden just took one for the Alinsky team.
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