American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2011
Ed Lasky, Stephen Green, Jazz Shaw on Moran's ShowMay 31, 2011
Weiner speaks to press, makes himself look guilty of somethingMay 31, 2011
Stammering the FutureMay 31, 2011
Sociologist Sued for Exposing Islamic Jew-HatredMay 31, 2011
American Thinker upgrades its publishing software todayMay 31, 2011
Honoring our military heroes by playing golfMay 31, 2011
Students suspended for wearing white T-shirtsMay 31, 2011
Would someone please remove the banana from the economy's tail pipe?May 31, 2011
Good news: Housing prices cosmically lowMay 31, 2011
News from Libya: No, really...May 31, 2011
Weinergate: Distasteful, but now a public issueMay 31, 2011
Iranian cleric implies it's OK to kill Israeli childrenMay 31, 2011
21st century warfareMay 31, 2011
Obama's Symbolic Chevy Volt FollyMay 31, 2011
WaPo Denies GOP a Platform They Gave ObamaMay 30, 2011
Obama chews gum at Joplin memorial service (updated)May 30, 2011
South Beach Miami Memorial Day War ZoneMay 30, 2011
Germany's impending energy suicideMay 30, 2011
A Quick Look at Media Reaction to 'Deconstructing Obama'May 30, 2011
Call your congressman, not your stock broker, for hot tipsMay 30, 2011
Increase in CO2 emissions means world on the brink, say warmistsMay 30, 2011
DNC Chair Wasserman-Schultz a gift that keeps on giving (updated)May 30, 2011
Extremists takes over key city in southern YemenMay 30, 2011
In for a penny, in for another 65 billion EurosMay 30, 2011
Allen West, All the Way, Someday?May 30, 2011
NATO airstrike kills 14 civilians; Karzai issues 'last warning' to NATOMay 30, 2011
Palin swarmed at 'Rolling Thunder' rallyMay 30, 2011
Update from Syria: Assad losingMay 30, 2011
Know your enemyMay 30, 2011
Good news: Brotherhood sheikh to run for president in EgyptMay 29, 2011
Michelle Obama's high staff turnoverMay 29, 2011
The Preferred Option: Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and SamariaMay 29, 2011
Ireland may need more cash; Greece nears defaultMay 29, 2011
Iran seeks its own state-run internetMay 29, 2011
Ah, that 'unexpected' bad economic newsMay 29, 2011
Farewell to the little Mars Rover SpiritMay 29, 2011
Blago retrial to hang on definition of 'Quid Pro Quo'May 29, 2011
Marines and their Devil DogsMay 29, 2011
First Amendment Trumps Sharia in DearbornMay 29, 2011
Fine, lads, you can have himMay 29, 2011
The Sad Consequences of 'Shacking Up'May 29, 2011
NATO General injured in suicide attack in AfghanistanMay 28, 2011
Egypt opens Rafah crossing into GazaMay 28, 2011
The decline and fall of newspapers, continuedMay 28, 2011
India denounces US military aid to Pakistan - againMay 28, 2011
Iran increasing role in Syrian crackdownMay 28, 2011
Rudy tops new poll?May 28, 2011
Ban on corporate campaign donations overturned in VirginiaMay 28, 2011
CAIR Wants Homeland Security to Silence 'Fear-Mongers'May 28, 2011
'Slut': What's in a name?May 28, 2011
The perverse left down underMay 28, 2011
The top 10 most well read cities in AmericaMay 28, 2011
Over-reliance on auto-pilot operation can lead to disasters like Air FranceMay 27, 2011
Covering for Obama's high unemployment resultsMay 27, 2011
Dissed in Sudan: where is the outrage?May 27, 2011
Inflation up, consumer spending anemic for AprilMay 27, 2011
GOP employs little used rule to block recess appointment of WarrenMay 27, 2011
Pakistan puts the screws to our military and intel peopleMay 27, 2011
PATRIOT Act Renewed - But is it Legal?May 27, 2011
Our government has made promises that we can't fulfill even if we raise tax rates to stratospheric levelsMay 27, 2011
New rating shows US 44th in energy competitivenessMay 27, 2011
The silver lining behind the NY 26 cloudMay 27, 2011
America's Attitude toward Israel Proves that the US is Still ExceptionalMay 27, 2011
Libyan 'Freedom Fighters' Murderous Jihad Against Non-Arab BlacksMay 27, 2011
America's Ten Most Dangerous Cities and their MayorsMay 27, 2011
Michelle Obama Can't Let Criticism of Her Rapper GoMay 27, 2011
Barney Frank in ethics imbroglio about his former loverMay 27, 2011
Judge strikes down WI collective bargaining lawMay 26, 2011
How WaPo skews 'news' coverage against IsraelMay 26, 2011
The Gold Plated Blunder of the CenturyMay 26, 2011
SCOTUS backs Arizona immigration lawMay 26, 2011
Massive Baghdad Shiite Rally Chants 'No, No America'May 26, 2011
EPA Administrator confirms no water contamination from frackingMay 26, 2011
Opposition to Obama due to racism: ClyburnMay 26, 2011
US withdraws diplomats from Yemen as fighting escalatesMay 26, 2011
MSNBC host calls Laura Ingraham a 'right wing slut' on his radio show (Updated: Schultz suspended)May 26, 2011
At Texas Statehouse, Raucous Protesters Blast Lawmakers for Backing Down on TSA Anti-Groping BillMay 26, 2011
The Dark Horse Who Could Win It AllMay 26, 2011
Don't Believe Everything You Hear About NY-26May 26, 2011
Obama Takes Ownership of Second TermMay 26, 2011
First find several dozen rich political loons....May 26, 2011
George Soros, The Koch Brothers and the Internal Revenue ServiceMay 26, 2011
Senate rejects Ryan budgetMay 25, 2011
The Liberal Media LieMay 25, 2011
Obama dumped by big Dem donor (updated)May 25, 2011
It's all a conspiracyMay 25, 2011
Creeping anti-Semitism in the New York TimesMay 25, 2011
Edwards set to be indictedMay 25, 2011
Pakistan's Military Elite: Trained in Anti-Americanism, and Believe 9/11 Was a 'Jewish Conspiracy'May 25, 2011
Dem wins NY-26: World ends for GOP tomorrow says mediaMay 25, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Naked LiberalsMay 25, 2011
Ich bin ein IsraeliMay 25, 2011
Guilty until proven innocent of unspecified actsMay 25, 2011
Bibi DiplomacyMay 25, 2011
Shock and dismay on the leftMay 25, 2011
At least Obama clarified some thingsMay 25, 2011
Seamus Obama's DreamMay 25, 2011
Double Dip Recession?May 24, 2011
Why Did the Congress Love Bibi?May 24, 2011
The Pro-Palestinian PresidentMay 24, 2011
NPR's campaign finance nerveMay 24, 2011
Regime Appoints New Deputy Minister of PropagandaMay 24, 2011
Obama and Ahmadinejad: Increasing the chances of the 12th ImamMay 24, 2011
Fed Chairman's grand scheme, QE2, has failed miserably.May 24, 2011
Obama's Pledge to JoplinMay 24, 2011
Reid breaks with Obama on IsraelMay 24, 2011
Decision day for NY-26May 24, 2011
Romney way ahead in NHMay 24, 2011
Game On: Pawlenty calls for phase-out of ethanol subsidiesMay 24, 2011
SCOTUS orders release of 30,000 CA criminalsMay 24, 2011
Obama, the 'anti-Israel president'May 24, 2011
Kennedy Library's Springtime for Sharia AwardMay 24, 2011
Monica Showalter, Doug Mataconis, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showMay 24, 2011
A Class of Economic Zombies, Another Triumph of SocialismMay 24, 2011
Jon Huntsman: The Mandarin Candidate 'Resets'May 24, 2011
Pawlenty calls for end of ethanol subsidies - in IowaMay 23, 2011
Obama's limo 'bottoms out' in DublinMay 23, 2011
Blarney and BarryMay 23, 2011
Socialists buried in Spanish electionsMay 23, 2011
An apology to IsraelisMay 23, 2011
Now he tells usMay 23, 2011
Taliban attacks Karachi naval air baseMay 23, 2011
Obama clarifies remarks on borders at AIPACMay 23, 2011
Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney appears on Libya TV to support GaddafiMay 23, 2011
China's rise: A ResponseMay 23, 2011
Pakistan grants China a naval base near Persian Gulf entranceMay 23, 2011
'B'roke Obama' Goes to MoneygallMay 23, 2011
Candidate Obama's promise on 'right of return'May 23, 2011
Saudi woman detained for drivingMay 22, 2011
"Taliban is Afghanistan. Afghanistan is Taliban."May 22, 2011
The Debt Ceiling Will Be Raised - No Question about ItMay 22, 2011
Libyan rebels accused of reprisal attacksMay 22, 2011
Iran continues to flex its musclesMay 22, 2011
Taliban increasing attacks on government buildingsMay 22, 2011
3rd time's the charm; Saleh to give up powerMay 22, 2011
Dem candidate draws even in NY-26May 22, 2011
Mitch Daniels opts out of runningMay 22, 2011
Michelle Obama Campaigning for PresidentMay 22, 2011
Troubled Foxconn factory in China rocked by explosionMay 22, 2011
The difference between legality and ethicsMay 21, 2011
Media Shielded Voters from Obama's Israel IntentionsMay 21, 2011
Bibi lets Obama have it - diplomatically speakingMay 21, 2011
The U.S. Must Pay the JizyaMay 21, 2011
Two-Faced Hamas on the Two-State SolutionMay 21, 2011
R2P'Od: Assad continues to murder his own citizensMay 21, 2011
Cain makes it official: he's runningMay 21, 2011
Prosser still the winner in WI Supreme Court recountMay 21, 2011
Washington Post slams Obama for undermining peaceMay 21, 2011
Obama abandons American interestsMay 21, 2011
Why Israel cannot trade land for peaceMay 21, 2011
No Congressional Oversight for 'Limited' Military Action?May 21, 2011
IMF approves $37 billion for PortugalMay 20, 2011
Gary Johnson's Tea Party Résumé Going Up in Smoke?May 20, 2011
Obama's anti-Israel speech should surpise no oneMay 20, 2011
Obama wants 'big concessions' from BibiMay 20, 2011
Feeding the CrocodileMay 20, 2011
Allen West Responds to Obama's Demands on IsraelMay 20, 2011
Parts of Patriot Act extended 4 yearsMay 20, 2011
Just what they need: Chinese give Pakistan 50 fighter jetsMay 20, 2011
McDonald's stands up to the food policeMay 20, 2011
Obamacare: Another waiver for favored clientMay 20, 2011
Communist Cuba's War on EntrepreneurshipMay 20, 2011
Obama to Assad: Lead reform or get out of the wayMay 20, 2011
Time to Tame Wild FedsMay 19, 2011
Dems Unleash the Dogs of FearMay 19, 2011
Is the IRS sending a message?May 19, 2011
Obamas Middle East Speech - the Good and the BadMay 19, 2011
Obama and IsraelMay 19, 2011
NY Times in full anti-Bibi fury as he heads to D.C.May 19, 2011
GOP establishment darling Mitch Daniels wants to avoid wedge issuesMay 19, 2011
Obama's disappearing act with the pressMay 19, 2011
Radical professor Liu's nomination in jeopardyMay 19, 2011
Gates: Pakistan's leadership didn't know Osama was hiding in AbbottobadMay 19, 2011
Report: Obama to call for Egypt debt forgiveness todayMay 19, 2011
Where's Reverend Sharpton?May 19, 2011
The ObamaCare Escape HatchMay 19, 2011
Director Lars Von Trier: 'OK, I'm a Nazi'May 19, 2011
Palestinian State: 'Not Necessarily a Bad Thing'?May 19, 2011
An Incandescent Bulb In Obama's HeadMay 19, 2011
Grow up, Secretary GeithnerMay 18, 2011
Revolutionary Guards and Ammo Dispatched to SyriaMay 18, 2011
Death by Metaphor; Goodbye Newt!May 18, 2011
Bibi, Barack and TomMay 18, 2011
The terror plot the FBI refuses to investigateMay 18, 2011
WaPo's grim preview of Bibi trip to DC -- When spin turns into outright distortionMay 18, 2011
U.S. to Partner with Taliban...Instead of Killing ThemMay 18, 2011
Solving the Piracy ProblemMay 18, 2011
Obama plans more Mideast aidMay 18, 2011
Quick: name the president who's shown contempt for the War Powers ActMay 18, 2011
Meet your new enemy: AQ names temporary chiefMay 18, 2011
Sex abusing priests? Blame it on WoodstockMay 18, 2011
Graph for the Day for May 18, 2011May 18, 2011
'Giving improvised and makeshift reasoning a bad name'May 18, 2011
Obama fundraising has a so so startMay 18, 2011
Majority of our Pakistani Allies Grieve for Bin Laden, and Plurality See Him as a Martyr for JihadMay 18, 2011
Food Stamp MillionaireMay 18, 2011
Potatoes the latest victim of food policeMay 18, 2011
Just when is it that the US will hit the 'debt ceiling?'May 17, 2011
The Long Overdue Palestinian StateMay 17, 2011
NY Times derides Netanyahu's two-state plan, but gives uncritical play to Abbas's agendaMay 17, 2011
Another Senate seat becomes likely GOP pickupMay 17, 2011
Paul Ryan to stay put in House; won't run for SenateMay 17, 2011
20% of new Obamacare waivers are from businesses in Pelosi's districtMay 17, 2011
Charles Schumer: Vote-Chasing Purveyor of Economic FallacyMay 17, 2011
California Assembly passes 'card check' for agricultural workersMay 17, 2011
'Perp Walk' of IMF Big Shot Outrages French LeftiesMay 17, 2011
Rich Baehr, Barry Rubin, and Jeff Dunetz on Moran's showMay 17, 2011
Big week for Middle East diplomacy in WashingtonMay 17, 2011
Report: Iran building missile base in VenezuelaMay 17, 2011
Chuck Roger on Fox Business NetworkMay 17, 2011
Carlos Santana wants to change our evil waysMay 17, 2011
Mika Brzezinski knows a housekeeper's value: less than the IMF's managing directorMay 17, 2011
Definition of a 'dead cat bounce'May 17, 2011
An Acid Shower in IranMay 16, 2011
Geithner to tap federal pensionsMay 16, 2011
Strauss-Kahn Shares the LoveMay 16, 2011
About That National DebtMay 16, 2011
92 Year-Old Palestinian Arab Woman Who Witnessed the 1929 Hebron Anti-Jewish Pogrom Urges Another Larger OneMay 16, 2011
Mainstream Media's Mea Culpa: Arab Spring or Nuclear Winter?May 16, 2011
The Republican field winnows itself downMay 16, 2011
Why I Take Obama's 'Common' Offenses Against Officers PersonallyMay 16, 2011
Stim bill failure - by the numbersMay 16, 2011
Muslim Brotherhood uses Holocaust to delegitimize IsraelMay 16, 2011
Ron Paul's Lapses Give Libertarianism a Bad RapMay 16, 2011
Yesterday was Sunday: Where was your Commander-in-Chief?May 16, 2011
Bill Gates' Education Buying Spree - For What?May 16, 2011
Why an alligator stocked moat is bureaucratically impossibleMay 16, 2011
Hits Keep on Coming for Bill RichardsonMay 16, 2011
The lid is off in EgyptMay 16, 2011
HUD doesn't care much about your tax dollarsMay 15, 2011
Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language'May 15, 2011
Friedman on Camus and the Arab SpringMay 15, 2011
OMB Needs a Union Now?May 15, 2011
Druckenmiller on the Debt CeilingMay 15, 2011
The Ultimate OxymoronMay 15, 2011
Obama's Gas Solution: More GovernmentMay 15, 2011
Nakba Day protestors charge Israeli border; 8 deadMay 15, 2011
NATO needs to escalate bombing: Brit officialMay 15, 2011
'D-Day' on MondayMay 15, 2011
Taliban visited bin Laden at compoundMay 15, 2011
IMF chief charged with sexual assaultMay 15, 2011
The Pelosi-Obama Policies: Campaign 2012May 15, 2011
Portal residents not laughing at Obama's alligator moat jokeMay 15, 2011
Huckabee declines to runMay 15, 2011
Police Raid Florida Mosque in Politically Correct FashionMay 14, 2011
Beware Grand Budget DealsMay 14, 2011
Bill Clinton is a dangerous manMay 14, 2011
End of an era in American politicsMay 14, 2011
Good News! Medicare and Social Security running out of money faster than first thoughtMay 14, 2011
IN court says no right to resist illegal police entry to your homeMay 14, 2011
Porn found in Osama's compoundMay 14, 2011
Feds burn Texas during Obama campaign stopMay 14, 2011
Outraged Texas Lawmakers Seeking to Stop TSA AbusesMay 14, 2011
Surveilling Pears instead of the borderMay 14, 2011
Thanks for the idea of an alligator filled moat Mr. PresidentMay 13, 2011
Mitchell Out as U.S. Mideast EnvoyMay 13, 2011
Obama's "Common" AssociationsMay 13, 2011
Egyptian Democrats: "The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine"May 13, 2011
A Warning to America: Geert Wilders in Nashville, Tennessee 5/12/11May 13, 2011
Libyan rebels visit White House - ask for moneyMay 13, 2011
Revenge for bin Laden in Pakistan: 80 deadMay 13, 2011
The Cruelty of Caesar's CharityMay 13, 2011
Pakistan's army chief refuses to cooperate in rooting out IslamistsMay 13, 2011
The European Union suffers another body blowMay 13, 2011
Americans oppose raising debt ceiling by 47-19 marginMay 13, 2011
Superman loves America - againMay 13, 2011
Helmet cams worn by SEALs reveal how bin Laden diedMay 13, 2011
Please Pardon Lieutenant Colonel LakinMay 13, 2011
Hot Christmas gift item: Obama SEAL action figureMay 13, 2011
Two accused in New York terror plotMay 12, 2011
60% Obama Approval? My Ass--ociated PressMay 12, 2011
Harvard grapples with rejectionMay 12, 2011
EU debt crisis could widen: IMFMay 12, 2011
Turkey's PM Erdogan: Hamas is not a terror groupMay 12, 2011
Reid thinks Founding Fathers would support NLRB against BoeingMay 12, 2011
Michelle Obama Thesis Explains Presence of RapperMay 12, 2011
Lost in TranslationMay 12, 2011
NY-26: Jack Davis is the First Tea-In-Name-OnlyMay 12, 2011
'The Least Important Person in Washington'May 12, 2011
Should China Kill the Dalai Lama?May 12, 2011
Why the Left doesn't understand (or want) American exceptionalismMay 12, 2011
At What Point is Spiking the Football Excessive Celebration?May 12, 2011
Palin Slam-Author Advised To Take Ethical Training While Palin Was ClearedMay 12, 2011
Blue State Conservatives: The Silence of FearMay 11, 2011
Ireland plans pension fund grabMay 11, 2011
Should Obama tout bin Laden killing in campaign speeches?May 11, 2011
The California strategy for wasteful spendingMay 11, 2011
SecGen calls for Libyan cease fireMay 11, 2011
Afghanistan strategy and the death of OBLMay 11, 2011
Our beloved mediaMay 11, 2011
It's baaack: Dems to reintroduce DREAM ActMay 11, 2011
OBL: deadly yes; sophisticated, not even closeMay 11, 2011
Obama visits Texas; meanwhile back at the capitol...May 11, 2011
What Now? Reflecting on the Past Week, and What's AheadMay 11, 2011
Liberals in AZ seeking to form new stateMay 11, 2011
Where's Osama's son?May 10, 2011
Jeff Dunetz, Jazz Shaw, and Monica Showalter on Moran's showMay 10, 2011
WaPo 'news'' coverage with an 11-to-1 pro-Fatah, pro-Hamas biasMay 10, 2011
Is Obama's Urge to Close Guantanamo Hampering Intelligence Gathering?May 10, 2011
UN aid chief calls for pause in Libya bombingMay 10, 2011
Chomsky's take on the assassination of OBLMay 10, 2011
Microsoft buys Skype for $8.5 billion in cashMay 10, 2011
Boehner takes hard line on debt ceiling dealMay 10, 2011
Assad says he's winning in bloody crackdownMay 10, 2011
A hijacking dry run?May 10, 2011
Now we know: SEAL's braced for firefight with Pakistani troopsMay 10, 2011
Michelle O Invites Rapper to Join 'In Your Face Club'May 10, 2011
SC senate passes 'The Incandescent Light Bulb Freedom Act,'May 10, 2011
US, Pakistan had secret deal to take down Osama unilaterally?May 9, 2011
Turkey: Thousands Mourn Bin Laden, Condemn AmericaMay 9, 2011
55% of Americans Prove Failure of EducationMay 9, 2011
Obama's Next VacationMay 9, 2011
The national disaster which isn't being reported.May 9, 2011
Rep. Donnelly to run for IN senate seatMay 9, 2011
Osama Bin Laden's strategy sounds familiarMay 9, 2011
Internet boom 2.0May 9, 2011
UVA Afraid to Prosecute Lying Law StudentMay 9, 2011
Van Jones Targets Trump, Lil' John and Star JonesMay 9, 2011
Iran readies Bushehr nuclear plant for start upMay 9, 2011
'Senior Pakistani government official' admits ISI help for bin LadenMay 9, 2011
Home values plunge 3% - no end in sight to housing crisisMay 9, 2011
CSI Santa Fe...Closing in on Big Bill?May 9, 2011
Cheney defends CIA interrogatorsMay 8, 2011
WaPo grants Hamas immunity from terrorismMay 8, 2011
Meanwhile, more blood in Syrian streetsMay 8, 2011
Massive intel haul from OBL compound largest everMay 8, 2011
Ten die in Egypt violence between Muslims and ChristiansMay 8, 2011
Obama's half-brother Roy fills traditional role as troublesome siblingMay 8, 2011
Pakistan outs CIA chief in IslamabadMay 8, 2011
Why Pakistan knew it could hide OBLMay 8, 2011
Ahmadinejad associates arrested for being 'magicians'May 8, 2011
Thank Ronald Reagan for OBL's deathMay 8, 2011
It's harder to get a job at Walmart than it is to be admitted to an Ivy League school.May 8, 2011
Remember when?May 8, 2011
Anatomy of a national bankruptcyMay 7, 2011
Another Brilliant Obama CzarMay 7, 2011
Did Naval Burial Ceremony for Bin Laden Curse Jews and Christians, and Confer Pardon and Paradise on the Muslim Mass Murderer?May 7, 2011
Conceal and carry shot down in IllinoisMay 7, 2011
Timid Republicans Backing Off Ryan's Medicare ProposalMay 7, 2011
Power struggle in Iran between president and supreme leaderMay 7, 2011
Incredible: German judge files complaint against Merkel for saying she was 'glad' OBL was deadMay 7, 2011
US went for 'double play' but missed AwlakiMay 7, 2011
US tells Pakistan to name names of ISI agentsMay 7, 2011
Hundreds of AQ sympathizers protest in front of US embassy in LondonMay 7, 2011
Why would Obama be interested in the views of anti-Israel blogger Andrew Sullivan?May 7, 2011
Don't let the Euro hit you in the butt on the way outMay 7, 2011
From Kabul, Taliban Threatens To Avenge Bin Laden's DeathMay 6, 2011
Government action to reduce prices at the pumpMay 6, 2011
BLS BSMay 6, 2011
A Greenie fesses upMay 6, 2011
Obama's Birth Certificate and Osama's Death PictureMay 6, 2011
The debate's big winner was Herman CainMay 6, 2011
Jay Leno Does Osama: 'The Pakistani Hillbillies'May 6, 2011
Hit and Run Journalism in Kansas CityMay 6, 2011
Will Obama be rescued by a bad economy?May 6, 2011
All the presidency's a stageMay 6, 2011
How about American 'sensitivities," Mr. President?May 6, 2011
Detroit, the end game of liberalismMay 6, 2011
Our Master of DeconstructionMay 6, 2011
Chicago Muslim Convert Sentenced for Murdering Five Family Members Who Had Not Converted to IslamMay 6, 2011
Public Radio's not so sophisticated sophistryMay 6, 2011
Graph for the Day, May 6, 2011May 6, 2011
Print media's last stand: subsidiesMay 6, 2011
Lib talker: When are SEALs going to assassinate Bush?May 5, 2011
NY Times hails Palestinian 'unity' accord, hides early frictionsMay 5, 2011
The true meaning of GeronimoMay 5, 2011
Obama insults Muslims by hiding OBL photosMay 5, 2011
Andrew Bostom Interviewed About Bin Laden's Burial and Death PhotosMay 5, 2011
What free country? Obama wants to track your car mileageMay 5, 2011
Germany's Merkel in hot water over her comment on OBL's deathMay 5, 2011
Was OBL really growing pot?May 5, 2011
Obama's promotion of 'unity' falls a little flat with former President BushMay 5, 2011
Obama snubs 9/11 families at Ground Zero todayMay 5, 2011
When a picture isn't worth the paper it's printed onMay 5, 2011
Latest Anti-Bullying Angle: 'Social Justice' Helps Bullies Get in Touch with FeelingsMay 5, 2011
Not a Paper Tiger...but maybe a Cardboard Cowboy?May 5, 2011
First Lady Loves Risqué BeyonceMay 5, 2011
Mitt's top NH supporter desertsMay 5, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood and Spring Time for Sharia in ArabyMay 4, 2011
No child is too young to be a pawn of the leftMay 4, 2011
'Responsibility to Protect'.... Everyone except TexansMay 4, 2011
Obama, We Hardly Knew YeMay 4, 2011
The Obama Admin post-OBL bungling continuesMay 4, 2011
After Osama...May 4, 2011
Obama waffled on the OBL mission?May 4, 2011
Palestinians once again prove they are not interested in peaceMay 4, 2011
Obama's secret teleprompter coach revealedMay 4, 2011
Hedegaard Show Trial in DenmarkMay 4, 2011
Egypt's Brotherhood hearts OsamaMay 4, 2011
After bin Laden, the torch passes to the Muslim BrotherhoodMay 4, 2011
Bush declines invite to appear with Obama at Ground ZeroMay 4, 2011
The Obama bungle and dither teamMay 4, 2011
End the War on Terror Now!May 4, 2011
A lesson in Criminal Justice at U.W. OshkoshMay 4, 2011
That Famous Situation Room photoMay 4, 2011
The Uniform Reaction to a Thug's DeathMay 4, 2011
Muslim-raised Jessica Mokdad Might Have Wished She Grew Up Like Katy Perry - In a Christian HomeMay 4, 2011
Finally, Once Again, America's President Is FearedMay 3, 2011
Rich Baehr, Jazz Shaw, Fausta Wertz on Moran's showMay 3, 2011
Did Wikileaks force the attack on Osama 18 months before the election?May 3, 2011
Pakistan's Zardari claims his country 'did their part' in killing OsamaMay 3, 2011
Conservatives Win Big in CanadaMay 3, 2011
Conservation catch 22May 3, 2011
Will Conservatives Embrace Paul Ryan's Call to End Corporate Welfare?May 3, 2011
Whiskey for our SEALs, Beer for their Horses...May 3, 2011
Isn't Execution without Trial Worse than Waterboarding?May 3, 2011
Kill vs Capture, Did Obama Make the Right Choice?May 3, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood on 'Sheikh' Bin Laden's Killing: A Re-Affirmation of Shared GoalsMay 3, 2011
Osama Bin Laden and his tourist hideawayMay 3, 2011
Lara Logan Lucky To Be AliveMay 3, 2011
'The war people are trying to take money from our school'May 3, 2011
What Color is Obama?May 2, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsMay 2, 2011
Thank God for Obama's Broken PromisesMay 2, 2011
Was there a deal to pull out of Afghanistan for getting OBL?May 2, 2011
We Did Not FailMay 2, 2011
Playing the Race Card Against MatriculationistsMay 2, 2011
Privatize Social Security - A necessary step to restore fiscal health to AmericaMay 2, 2011
Obama gets OsamaMay 2, 2011
Bin Laden's Burial and Our DhimmitudeMay 2, 2011
The 'T word' for Bin Laden, but only an 'M' rating for HamasMay 2, 2011
Top Ten Problems for Liberals on OBL's DeathMay 2, 2011
Now Can We Stop Condemning Israel for Targeted Assasinations?May 2, 2011
Will Bin Laden's Specter Still Hover Over American Life?May 2, 2011
Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We Will BeMay 2, 2011
Obama's Osama speech: once again he goes for the reverb (updated)May 2, 2011
A symbolic death with great meaning (updated)May 2, 2011
Brother of Iranian dissident leader in U.S. abducted in ParisMay 2, 2011
Xinhua: 'Huge Warship on the Verge of Setting Out, Fulfilling China's 70-Year Aircraft Carrier Dream'May 2, 2011
Pakistan braces for terrorist onslaught from Taliban and other extremistsMay 2, 2011
Was Osama's burial at sea Islamically correct? (updated)May 2, 2011
Pakistan has some explaining to doMay 2, 2011
Osama's Dead; Obama Re-elected?May 2, 2011
The Racism RacistsMay 2, 2011
Obama and Susie's Lemonade StandMay 2, 2011
CEO of Black Chamber of Commerce Says Obama is 'Dangerous'May 2, 2011
Fillツ弾r up at Sinopec and GazpromMay 2, 2011
DNA Confirms bin Laden KilledMay 1, 2011
King Obama?May 1, 2011
Obama COLB release and the pollsMay 1, 2011
For the last time - we're not targeting Gaddafi!May 1, 2011
Barack Obama's Aborted Sibling?May 1, 2011
The Logic of a Corporate TaxMay 1, 2011
Step right up and see The Incredible Obama!May 1, 2011
The Mubarak MythMay 1, 2011
Nonunion civil servants restore the civilityMay 1, 2011
The Racial Royal Wedding TestMay 1, 2011
Risk to Fukushima 50 FallingMay 1, 2011
Dearborn, Michigan: America's First Sharia-Compliant Muslim Enclave?May 1, 2011
You might be a left head, if ...May 1, 2011
Your stim dollars at workMay 1, 2011
More trouble with those deadly metaphors
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