Obama to students: GOP will reduce the deficit 'on your backs'

Not only is this a dishonest statement, but note where the president claims to want to increase education spending while cutting the deficit.

The Hill:

President Obama on Tuesday told Virginia community college students that unless young people mobilize, special interests in Washington will balance the federal budget by slashing student aid and other education spending.

"I can't afford to have all of you as bystanders," Obama told a town-hall meeting at Northern Virginia Community College. "There are powerful voices in Washington; there are powerful lobbies and special interests in Washington. And they're going to want to reduce the deficit on your backs. And if you are not heard, that's exactly what's going to happen."

He told students that Republicans want to cut Pell Grant scholarships with their budget, but that his own budget plan would increase education spending while reducing deficits by $4 trillion over 12 years.



The president got applause when he called for $400 billion in new cuts to the Pentagon and for taxing the wealthy.

"We are going to have to ask everyone to sacrifice, and if we are going to ask community colleges to sacrifice...then we can ask millionaires and billionaires to make a little sacrifice," he said.

But he's NOT asking community colleges to sacrifice - that's the whole point of his speech. He is telling these naive kids that he can increase spending - and decrease it at the same time. This magic act will be performed by "taxing the wealthy" and cutting our military to the bone.

There is increasing evidence that Obama's hateful, partisan speech last week backfired badly. The American people may not be enamored of GOP budget cutting proposals but they hate Obama's partisan tone even more. He has yet to sell the voters on his plan - especially since there are no specifics and, as we have seen above, Obama is talking out of both sides of his mouth; promising to cut the deficit and increase spending at the same time.

How long can he fool some of the people? As long as no one confronts him about his lies.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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