American Thinker Blog
April 30, 2011
Egypt draws closer to Iran, HamasApril 30, 2011
Graph for the Day for April 30, 2011April 30, 2011
GOP holds edge on most issues - GallupApril 30, 2011
Governor Daniels to sign bill that defunds Planned ParenthoodApril 30, 2011
Romney: 'Obama should have asked me if Romneycare worked'April 30, 2011
Obama pretends to get tough on SyriaApril 30, 2011
Palin says she would not raise debt limitApril 30, 2011
Playing politics with disaster reliefApril 30, 2011
Dear Southern Storm Victims: You are dead because you didn't believe in global warmingApril 30, 2011
Make Britain a RepublicApril 29, 2011
Raise the Union, Jack!April 29, 2011
Harvard and State Department colluded to get rid of Obama's fatherApril 29, 2011
Graph for the Day for April 29, 2011April 29, 2011
Lara Logan Speaks Out on Her RapeApril 29, 2011
Syrian protestors call for Assad overthrowApril 29, 2011
Carter says US withholding food from NoKos a 'human rights violation'April 29, 2011
Knocking down the 'leading from behind' nonsenseApril 29, 2011
Cause CoutureApril 29, 2011
Court Orders New Sentencing Hearing for Cop-KillerApril 29, 2011
Scott Brown Urges Racial GerrymanderingApril 29, 2011
Public schools, health insurance costs and OPMApril 29, 2011
Uncertainty in Canada as election approachesApril 29, 2011
Don't insult your dog by calling him a 'pet'April 28, 2011
Trump Smells a Rat. Williams Smells a RacistApril 28, 2011
2009 Report: Hawaii Health Department went paperless, discarded documentsApril 28, 2011
Bernanke: What, me worry?April 28, 2011
Obama's shrinking Mideast influence gives way to Iran's growing cloutApril 28, 2011
President Obama has a bad habit of avoiding the straight, simple truthApril 28, 2011
Growth slows to 1.8% in first quarterApril 28, 2011
Graph for the Day for April 28, 2011April 28, 2011
Does Panetta nomination mean deeper defense cuts?April 28, 2011
Obama's long form COLB may be 'fake but accurate'April 28, 2011
Superman to renounce US citizenship?April 28, 2011
'Better things to do' Obama goes to NY to fundraiseApril 28, 2011
No time for 'this kind of silliness'?April 28, 2011
The Celebrity Apprentice BlinkedApril 28, 2011
Obama's 'Bemusement'April 28, 2011
Jews in a Palestinian state?April 28, 2011
Chicago Cardinal suspends Obama buddy Father PflegerApril 27, 2011
Nader calls for primary challengers to ObamaApril 27, 2011
Abbas's farewell to peace process -- embraces Hamas in Palestinian reconciliation dealApril 27, 2011
Members of Society of Professional Journalists Seeking to Rehabilitate Helen ThomasApril 27, 2011
Sudden Jihad Syndrome in Afghanistan - 6 Americans deadApril 27, 2011
Obama releases his long form birth certificateApril 27, 2011
Energy Reality Comes to GermanyApril 27, 2011
Congratulations to Syria - newest member of UN Human Rights CouncilApril 27, 2011
Panetta to become Sec. Defense; Petraeus CIA chiefApril 27, 2011
Gingrich up to his old tricksApril 27, 2011
Endangered listing of lizard may shut down Texas oilApril 27, 2011
Illinois: A Laboratory of InsolvencyApril 27, 2011
Gawker shouldn't mess with TexasApril 27, 2011
Loco in AcapulcoApril 26, 2011
Doug Mataconis, Jazz Shaw, Jeff Dunetz on Moran's showApril 26, 2011
More Huffing and Puffing from Boehner?April 26, 2011
Trump takes up Obama's grades and affirmative actionApril 26, 2011
What Next - the Potomac River running red with blood?April 26, 2011
More Crony PhilanthropyApril 26, 2011
High gas prices starting to devour ObamaApril 26, 2011
Public employee pension bomb is litApril 26, 2011
A 'new level of barbarity' in Mexican drug warApril 26, 2011
Defend mass murderers but not DOMA?April 26, 2011
Why Haley Barbour isn't running for presidentApril 26, 2011
NLRB continues its crusade to unionize AmericaApril 26, 2011
Turkish DelightApril 26, 2011
We have a committee for thatApril 26, 2011
NOAA Fisheries Management -- Masters of MendacityApril 25, 2011
Democrats' taste for (rhetorical) bloodApril 25, 2011
Crawfish TalesApril 25, 2011
Shooting Jews at Prayer (Updated)April 25, 2011
Aircraft Carrier For Sale Or RentApril 25, 2011
C. Edmund Wright on the air in New York TodayApril 25, 2011
French police threaten to strike over ban on drinking on dutyApril 25, 2011
Taliban's 'Great Escape' frees hundreds of prisonersApril 25, 2011
Graph for the Day for April 25, 2011April 25, 2011
Newest Wikileaks outrage: Lets tell al-Qaeda everything we know about them!April 25, 2011
Ice, Arrogant Ignorance, and Global WarmismApril 25, 2011
Obama's incoherent Syria policyApril 25, 2011
Muslims bomb church in Baghdad on EasterApril 25, 2011
The Porous Pay Wall at The New York TimesApril 25, 2011
China: 'Happy Easter. You're under arrest.'April 24, 2011
Palestinian Baby KillersApril 24, 2011
President Obama Is Wrong About AmericaApril 24, 2011
Thomas Friedman, Anti-Semitism and Louis FarrakhanApril 24, 2011
Palestinian police open fire on pilgrims visiting Joseph's TombApril 24, 2011
Good Enough for Government Work?April 24, 2011
Who is running Boeing?April 24, 2011
Has US rejoined bombing campaign in Libya?April 24, 2011
Fed stimulus isn't working - economistsApril 24, 2011
Which liberal cause ranks 1st?April 24, 2011
From Hope and Change to Duck and Hide: Obama swings leftApril 24, 2011
McDonalds attack started over gender, not raceApril 24, 2011
Easter in Fukushima -- American Exceptionalism at WorkApril 24, 2011
Yemen president may step downApril 23, 2011
Dr. Krauthammer's Bland RecipeApril 23, 2011
Koran-burning transit worker re-hired, receiving monetary damagesApril 23, 2011
Obama claims 'no silver bullet' for bringing down gas pricesApril 23, 2011
CNN anchor 'confesses' eco sins for Earth DayApril 23, 2011
The 'Truth' about the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling?April 23, 2011
Crazy Truthers in Democratic partyApril 23, 2011
'Responsibility to Protect?' I call bull on thatApril 23, 2011
Can a Lizard Raise Your Gas Prices?April 23, 2011
The racist attack at McDonaldsApril 23, 2011
Rapist to get $800,000 heart transplantApril 23, 2011
Socialists Rally for Climate Justice in PortlandApril 22, 2011
The '1967 border' -- the lie that won't dieApril 22, 2011
MSNBC's Bashir Challenged by BreitbartApril 22, 2011
'Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend'April 22, 2011
Trump tells Greta: Stop Paying Your MortgageApril 22, 2011
Exit John Ensign. Enter Heller and Angle?April 22, 2011
NLRB's union-friendly decision in Boeing caseApril 22, 2011
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn comes through again; Loyalty among thievesApril 22, 2011
Al Gore's energyApril 22, 2011
Obama tells Holder to 'investigate' high gas pricesApril 22, 2011
Who's a radical, Mr. President?April 22, 2011
Good Friday and Earth Day: Freedom and SlaveryApril 22, 2011
The roots of classical liberalismApril 22, 2011
The Unborn: America's Untapped ResourceApril 21, 2011
Richard Baehr on the airApril 21, 2011
NY Times mindset -- peace hinges on U.S. and Israel, not on Israel and the PalestiniansApril 21, 2011
Outing Obama's Bay Area fundraiser fat catsApril 21, 2011
Boston Globe: Haley Barbour 'Assails' Poor PeopleApril 21, 2011
EPA: Let's Rap About Climate ChangeApril 21, 2011
Removing the Payroll Tax CapApril 21, 2011
Restrepo filmmaker killed in LibyaApril 21, 2011
Wonkette's dearth of common decencyApril 21, 2011
Go green and die: CFL's found hazardous to your healthApril 21, 2011
A debate strategy against Obama for the GOP nomineeApril 21, 2011
Redistribute: What's in a Word?April 21, 2011
The Trump EnigmaApril 21, 2011
UN moves the goalposts on climate change 'refugees'April 21, 2011
Obama's Misery IndexApril 21, 2011
New 'Anti-Bullying Statement' Treats HHS Employees Like ChildrenApril 20, 2011
Will Book on Obama's Mom Shape Birther Debate?April 20, 2011
German press reacts to the Standard & Poor's downgradeApril 20, 2011
The difference between Richard Goldstone and the NY Times: One recants, the other doesn'tApril 20, 2011
Obama's Executive Order coming to cut off funding to his political opponents?April 20, 2011
Just what the unemployed needApril 20, 2011
Obama to Sell GM Stock at Huge Loss to TaxpayersApril 20, 2011
British boots on the ground for LibyaApril 20, 2011
Obama blames everyone but himself for high gas pricesApril 20, 2011
Obama to issue executive order implementing portions of the DISCLOSE ActApril 20, 2011
Al-Qaida Confirms Involvement in LibyaApril 20, 2011
Obama to students: GOP will reduce the deficit 'on your backs'April 20, 2011
Muslim extremists threaten royal weddingApril 20, 2011
EPA says CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions fallingApril 20, 2011
Obama uses false bridge collapse narrative to advocate raising taxesApril 19, 2011
No, Beauty is Not in the Eye of the BeholderApril 19, 2011
Does Obama Think Homosexuals are Unpatriotic?April 19, 2011
Leading warmist admits he was bamboozled by fear-mongers - on nuclear powerApril 19, 2011
Canada may delay incandescent bulb banApril 19, 2011
Green schemer parties with Obama at $35,800 a ticket campaign eventApril 19, 2011
Duke Lacrosse accuser charged with murderApril 19, 2011
NY state bureaucrats decree an end to kickball at summer campsApril 19, 2011
Assad's thugs continue to shoot down unarmed protestors in the streetsApril 19, 2011
Brit Veteran Imprisoned for Koran BurningApril 19, 2011
NATO facing only bad choices in LibyaApril 19, 2011
Monica Showalter, Fausta Wertz, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showApril 19, 2011
Obi-Wan Berwick Rears His Head AgainApril 19, 2011
Obama's distortion of PassoverApril 19, 2011
Andres Serrano's picture of Christ suspended in urine is destroyed in FranceApril 19, 2011
If the unions have lost Detroit, they've lost. Period.April 18, 2011
Trump blowing his own horn - and maybe his chancesApril 18, 2011
If Mortensen is Fair Game, Why Not Obama?April 18, 2011
S&P downgrades entire nation's financial healthApril 18, 2011
Al-Jazeera's fans in the White HouseApril 18, 2011
WI Fleebagger recall petitions stolen from officeApril 18, 2011
Rebels flee key city - ask 'Did NATO take Saturday and Sunday off?'April 18, 2011
'One shock away from crisis'April 18, 2011
Obama ignores czar banApril 18, 2011
Losing the legitimacy to governApril 18, 2011
Saving Motown with sex and drugs, but no rock and rollApril 18, 2011
The news you'll never seeApril 18, 2011
BaracknaphobiaApril 18, 2011
Assad's 'Responsibility to Protect' falls a little shortApril 17, 2011
Did Breitbart Sharpen Palin's MessageApril 17, 2011
Questions for Candidate TrumpApril 17, 2011
FEC to audit Obama's 2008 campaign financesApril 17, 2011
Breitbart in Madison: 'I repeat to the TrumkaObama Class War Cult - Go to Hell'April 17, 2011
Palin a hit at tea party rally in MadisonApril 17, 2011
GM: A loose nut behind the wheelApril 17, 2011
Where are all the 'climate refugees?'April 17, 2011
Wash. Post erases 3,000 years of Jewish indigenous history in Holy LandApril 17, 2011
Now NATO running short of munitionsApril 17, 2011
Trump? What Do We Know?April 17, 2011
Liberal Dominance: You're Not in Kansas Anymore!April 16, 2011
Trump and Obama's Brittle NarrativeApril 16, 2011
Obama to ignore provisions of the Continuing ResolutionApril 16, 2011
PBS Host Advocates Repeal of the 'Natural Born' ClauseApril 16, 2011
On This We StandApril 16, 2011
Afghanistan hopey changey; recruit kills 5 NATO troops, 4 AfghansApril 16, 2011
'Irvine 11' plead not guilty to disrupting Oren speechApril 16, 2011
Arizona: 'The Show Me State' for presidential candidatesApril 16, 2011
Hope and Change? Yes, But Not in that OrderApril 16, 2011
More Obama Administration Whatever...April 16, 2011
Ryan's HopeApril 16, 2011
Beyond Facial Veiling for US MuslimsApril 16, 2011
Obama accuses Republicans of wanting to turn America into a Third World countryApril 16, 2011
It's official: Prosser wins WI Supreme Court contestApril 15, 2011
Prez Pleased That 'Most People' Think Him LegitApril 15, 2011
One-Hundred & Fifty Years and a DayApril 15, 2011
More Islamic Hypocrisy: Jordan to 'Try' Danish Cartoonist for 'Blasphemy'April 15, 2011
Obama's 16 tonsApril 15, 2011
We Need A Genuine Leader. We've Got Obama InsteadApril 15, 2011
NATO says it needs more planes for Libya operationApril 15, 2011
Medicaid, Medicare, whatever...April 15, 2011
More Korans Burned by Rampaging Afghan Allies Than by Terry JonesApril 15, 2011
Mr. Speaker: You Should Have Listened to Michele BachmannApril 15, 2011
Taxes and FreedomApril 15, 2011
Obama: I voted as a Senator to help my career, not the countryApril 15, 2011
Hezb'allah intends to attack western targets in advance of tribunal indictmentsApril 15, 2011
The Spreading of Economic FallacyApril 15, 2011
NY Times gives defenders of discredited Goldstone report a helping handApril 14, 2011
Speaker Boehner invites Netanyahu to address joint meeting of Congress next monthApril 14, 2011
Social Security 'Whoppers' and the Compliant MediaApril 14, 2011
Jobless claims rise; 'unexpected' againApril 14, 2011
The Racist Propaganda Conference for TeachersApril 14, 2011
Iran helping Syria to crack down on protestorsApril 14, 2011
Budget deal: not even smoke and mirrorsApril 14, 2011
Ryan's Budget or BustApril 14, 2011
Indiana Leans towards LifeApril 14, 2011
Government employees benefiting from a possible government shutdownApril 14, 2011
Can Trump Take Us Out of Receivership?April 14, 2011
Obama's mesmerizing speech puts Biden to sleepApril 14, 2011
Straw Man Environmental Alarmism 101, California StyleApril 13, 2011
Obama's DeceitApril 13, 2011
Our Muslim 'Allies'April 13, 2011
Does Obama tell the truth about anything?April 13, 2011
Community Service Block Grants spared much pain in 2011 budget dealApril 13, 2011
Are Boehner and the GOP Skirting Disaster?April 13, 2011
Feed people, not machinesApril 13, 2011
UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humansApril 13, 2011
Are you ready to pay sales taxes on internet purchases?April 13, 2011
Obama Creates 10-15 Full Time Jobs at $100,000,000 eachApril 13, 2011
Inflation near 10% if old measure is usedApril 13, 2011
More Price Ramps AheadApril 13, 2011
Why We Have a Jobless RecoveryApril 13, 2011
The budget deal cut spending, not the deficitApril 13, 2011
Pelosi Proves Palin's PointApril 13, 2011
Deficit jumps 15.7% in first half of fiscal yearApril 13, 2011
Male-female wage gap closingApril 12, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsApril 12, 2011
Important Difference Between a Certificate - vs. Certification - of Live BirthApril 12, 2011
Civil War began 150 years ago todayApril 12, 2011
How's that paywall working out for ya, NY Times?April 12, 2011
NATO attacks ineffectual as Misrata continues to bleedApril 12, 2011
Two short Obama 2012 commercials against Republican nominee Donald TrumpApril 12, 2011
Waukesha county Democratic canvasser changes her tune on clerk's errorApril 12, 2011
Japanese nuclear disaster officially on par with ChernobylApril 12, 2011
U.S. Census Bureau request alarms Tulsa County AssessorApril 12, 2011
New HHS Plan for Health RedistributionApril 12, 2011
NY Times columnist wrong: Congress Can End Social Security Whenever They ChooseApril 12, 2011
Rich Baehr, Stephen Green, Jazz Shaw on Moran's showApril 12, 2011
Budget Cutting in Vogue (at last)April 12, 2011
The White House Needs One More CzarApril 12, 2011
The Feds' Financial Statements in PerspectiveApril 11, 2011
Trump ups the anteApril 11, 2011
Obama Thinks He's WinningApril 11, 2011
Boston Globe Columnist 'Surprised' that Americans are Good PeopleApril 11, 2011
Warmists strike out in attempt to stifle criticismApril 11, 2011
WaPo coddles Hamas, while making Israel look badApril 11, 2011
'Easter eggs' reportedly renamed 'spring spheres' at Seattle public schoolApril 11, 2011
Ignorance is Bliss at the New York TimesApril 11, 2011
French burqa ban goes into effectApril 11, 2011
Boston mayor bans soda from city propertyApril 11, 2011
Rising anger by Christians over seizure of bibles in MalaysiaApril 11, 2011
Syrian protests heating up againApril 11, 2011
Medicare study on 'adverse events' in hospitals is finally releasedApril 11, 2011
R2P: The other shoe dropsApril 11, 2011
Chicago public school forbids kids from bringing their lunch from homeApril 11, 2011
Obama's fiscal feint to the centerApril 11, 2011
Gallon of gas at $3.76 averageApril 11, 2011
Gaddafi accepts'cease fire roadmap' from African UnionApril 10, 2011
Boehner Gave Up Too MuchApril 10, 2011
Obama's conflict avoidanceApril 10, 2011
If Wars and Disasters Boost Economies, Why Not Bomb Our Cities?April 10, 2011
N.Y. Senate hearing on security turns nasty as Islamic terror threat is discussedApril 10, 2011
Attacks from Gaza escalateApril 10, 2011
Judge Sumi and the Wisconsin SupremesApril 10, 2011
Do we need a new 'Space Race?'April 10, 2011
Wisconsin Supreme Court election won't be certified until investigation is completedApril 10, 2011
Rebels losing grip on key cityApril 10, 2011
Budget deal a victory for openness and transparencyApril 10, 2011
The Agency of Change (a poem)April 10, 2011
Ending Medicare as we know it?April 9, 2011
The GOP did just fineApril 9, 2011
The GOP Made a Bad DealApril 9, 2011
Protestors clash with army in CairoApril 9, 2011
What did the GOP 'win' in the budget battle?April 9, 2011
We're saved! Congress, President avoid shutdown with 11th hour dealApril 9, 2011
Pelosi's Planned Parenthood WarApril 9, 2011
Oprah cold-shoulders 'Obama 2012'April 9, 2011
Memphis police union boss suspended for misuse of fundsApril 9, 2011
Ditch high-speed rail-All Aboard Megabus!April 9, 2011
Patriots are like Salmon?April 9, 2011
Gingrich's Ten Steps to an Ongoing GOP MajorityApril 8, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsApril 8, 2011
Terrorism in Their BackyardApril 8, 2011
Time for the Conservative Media to Step UpApril 8, 2011
Obama hit the snooze button when that 3 AM phone call came in about YemenApril 8, 2011
NATO admits failure in going for regime changeApril 8, 2011
A few words on Ryan's 'radical' planApril 8, 2011
Government shutdown nearly assuredApril 8, 2011
Inside the liberal mindApril 8, 2011
Waukesha Democratic election official confirms computer errorApril 8, 2011
Billions for unions - not a penny for the troopsApril 8, 2011
BiofoolsApril 8, 2011
What Would Jesus Do (with the Qur'an)?April 8, 2011
Former US Libyan commander: ground troops may be necessaryApril 7, 2011
Prosser ahead in Wisconsin Supreme Court raceApril 7, 2011
Libya gets worseApril 7, 2011
Suspicions ConfirmedApril 7, 2011
WaPo vs WaPo on who created Palestinian refugee problemApril 7, 2011
Obama's 'Let them eat cake' moment deep sixed by mediaApril 7, 2011
Treasury Dept official appears to cross a lineApril 7, 2011
Ryan's Plan: A Beginning, not an EndApril 7, 2011
Claims about wind farms a bunch of hot airApril 7, 2011
Stay Strong, My Brother & Sister PatriotsApril 7, 2011
Muslims don't need excuses for killingApril 7, 2011
America Cannot 'Afford' President Obama's PoliciesApril 7, 2011
Alec Baldwin: Obama can't spend because of the financial crisisApril 7, 2011
Sharpton introduces Obama as 'Servant in Chief'April 7, 2011
Gaddafi writes 'Dear Son' letter to ObamaApril 7, 2011
Democrats Ponder Kicking their 'Atlas Shrugged' Agenda into OverdriveApril 7, 2011
The return of the Dust Bowl?April 6, 2011
It's 2012 on Obama's calendarApril 6, 2011
WaPo falsifies Mideast history a la AhmadinejadApril 6, 2011
Why Trump Is Surging in New HampshireApril 6, 2011
WI Supreme Court race probably headed for a recount (updated with final results)April 6, 2011
CBS, WaPo get early retiree cash from ObamacareApril 6, 2011
Frank Rich lets the cat out of the bagApril 6, 2011
Rand Paul tests the presidential watersApril 6, 2011
Two top Obama officials denigrate Congress and usApril 6, 2011
Formed in the fireApril 6, 2011
Whining from NPR's former CEOApril 6, 2011
Obama envoy: Islam is the Solution not the ProblemApril 6, 2011
NATO planes nowhere to be found as rebels flee BregaApril 6, 2011
The IRS Does Its BusinessApril 5, 2011
Why we can't tax ourselves out of the deficit problemApril 5, 2011
NY Times touts 'new' peace plan that Abbas previously rejectedApril 5, 2011
Bachmann 'Lies' about Family History, Obama 'Invents'April 5, 2011
Obama's bizarrely discouraging pep talkApril 5, 2011
$8.5 billion in Losses but Pay Raises for Postal Workers?April 5, 2011
Stay out of it, GeneralApril 5, 2011
Egypt presidential candidate said they will 'fight back' if Gaza attackedApril 5, 2011
UN, France intervene in Ivory Coast civil warApril 5, 2011
Lindsay Graham's capitulation to IslamistsApril 5, 2011
Another one bites the dustApril 5, 2011
Another short term Continuing Resolution?April 5, 2011
The Real Issues in WisconsinApril 5, 2011
Teenage Would-Be Suicide Bomber Promises to Strike AgainApril 5, 2011
Aaron Gee, Doug Mataconis, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showApril 5, 2011
Paul Ryan is a very serious manApril 5, 2011
KSM to get military tribunal after allApril 4, 2011
Goldstone is gone -- but NY Times steps into the anti-Israel breachApril 4, 2011
Another Ethics Problem?April 4, 2011
Koran-inspired Libyan rebels 'as likely to attack the CIA as Qaddafi'April 4, 2011
Vanity Fair Test Marketing the Obama 2012 Campaign ThemesApril 4, 2011
Flip Flop: Now Obama wants Yemeni leader outApril 4, 2011
Will the senate stand up for the First Amendment?April 4, 2011
Prosser vs. Kloppenburg: Wisconsin Supreme Court battle royaleApril 4, 2011
Liberals proved spectacularly wrong about traffic deathsApril 4, 2011
Dems Fear Tea PartyApril 4, 2011
Special thanks to Kenosha's public sector union protestersApril 4, 2011
Another day, several more Obamacare waiversApril 4, 2011
Ryan Budget Forces Dems' HandsApril 4, 2011
Stamp of approval?April 4, 2011
I Can't Get No...April 4, 2011
The Bookworm TurnsApril 3, 2011
Islam, Zafar and the 4:34 DanceApril 3, 2011
NY Times: with tears for Goldstone, but none for IsraelApril 3, 2011
Robert Reich: Who You Calling a Liar?April 3, 2011
A Victory for Free Speech and Free PeopleApril 3, 2011
Brazil a magnet for terroristsApril 3, 2011
Washington Post Misses Real Ron Brown StoryApril 3, 2011
Novella's DilemmaApril 3, 2011
Charlie Sheen bombs in DetroitApril 3, 2011
Code Pink reappearsApril 3, 2011
Barack Obama's favor to George SorosApril 3, 2011
Open government sites set to go darkApril 3, 2011
Leaving Afghanistan to Its 'Blasphemy' Murder Mobs (updated)April 3, 2011
Bitter irony of socialized medicineApril 3, 2011
Friendly fire incident in LibyaApril 3, 2011
Obama and Immelt Playing US Like FoolsApril 2, 2011
Goldstone recants? (Updated)April 2, 2011
The Religion of Perpetual Outrage strikes againApril 2, 2011
Real California PollutionApril 2, 2011
Activist federal judge hands down unconventional rulingApril 2, 2011
Republicans Need to Get Rid of CollectivismApril 2, 2011
Graph for the Day for April 2, 2011April 2, 2011
Bombing both sides?April 2, 2011
Hidden bailout of unions and big corporations in ObamacareApril 2, 2011
Taking, not makingApril 1, 2011
Morning-After Pills Linked to Blood ClotsApril 1, 2011
What the 'Arab Spring' has SprungApril 1, 2011
A NY Times writer defies the paper's taboo on 'terrorism' in IsraelApril 1, 2011
Farrakhan got $8 million from GaddafiApril 1, 2011
Courage in MissouriApril 1, 2011
Tax Policy Expert Bruce Springsteen Criticizes Gov. ChristieApril 1, 2011
NATO to rebels: If you kill civilians, we'll bomb you tooApril 1, 2011
WI teacher charged with email threats against WalkerApril 1, 2011
Shutdown? Why are we still discussing the 2011 budget?April 1, 2011
Obama's Mad Max warApril 1, 2011
Sleeping on the job, a collective bargaining benefit in ChicagoApril 1, 2011
Obama ignorant of his choicesApril 1, 2011
Trump Claims Ayers Wrote Obama's 'Dreams'April 1, 2011
Paul Krugman: Another Day Older and Deeper in DebtApril 1, 2011
April 1, 1945: L-DayApril 1, 2011
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