What if they held an employment fair but no employers came?

As unemployment around the country has increased many civic, religious, cultural and professional groups around the country have held job fairs. To be successful these job fairs obviously require potential employers and potential employees; at the fairs the two groups meet, greet and hopefully match. However, lacking one of these entities, the fair will fail.

And that is what happened in Taunton, Massachusetts where a job fair, an almost annual event since 1984, had to be canceled because not enough employers registered. Usually attracting over 20 employers, only 10 reserved space this year; of these three were temporary job agencies while another provided support services to those in need of a job.

Meanwhile unemployment in Massachusetts , not so fondly called Taxachusetts, is 8.7%.

That means a lot of job seekers looking for too few available jobs.

Time to try something else. But what? How about lower taxes for a start?

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