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March 12, 2011
The union bullies in Wisconsin target businesses (updated)
Wisconsin's public employee unions are now hell-bent on punishing selected Badger State taxpayers for the transgressions of electing Scott Walker and sending too many Republicans to the legislature.
Warning: If you are an independent conservative thinker, the following letter will really raise your blood pressure. Please do not attempt to drink hot beverages during the next 60 seconds.
March 10, 2011Mr. Tom Ellis, PresidentMarshall & Ilsley Corporation770 N. Water StreetMilwaukee, WI 53202SENT VIA FASCIMILE AND REGULAR MAILDear Mr. Ellis:As you undoubtedly know, Governor Walker recently proposed a "budgetadjustment bill" to eviscerate public employees' right to collectively bargain inWisconsin. ..As you also know, Scott Walker did not campaign on this issue when he ran foroffice. If he had, we are confident that you would not be listed among his largestcontributors. As such, we are contacting you now to request your support.The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose GovernorWalker's efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees inWisconsin. While we appreciate that you may need some time to consider thisrequest, we ask for your response by March 17. In the event that you do notrespond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand withGovernor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters,and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining,please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott thegoods and services provided by your company. However, if you join us, we willdo everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership in the fight topreserve the right of public employees to be heard at the bargaining table.Wisconsin's public employee unions serve to protect and promote equality andfairness in the workplace. We hope you will stand with us and publicly share thatideal.In the event you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact theexecutive Director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Jim Palmer,at 608.273.3840.Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to hearing fromyou soon.James L. Palmer, Executive DirectorWisconsin Professional Police AssociationMahlon Mitchell,PresidentProfessional Professional Fire FightersJim Conway, PresidentInternational Association of Fire Fighters Local 311John Matthews, Execuctive DirectorMadison Teachers, Inc.Keith Patt, Executive DirectorGreen Bay Education AssociationBob Richardson, PresidentDane County Deputy Sheriffs AssociationDan Frei, PrersidentMadison Professional Police Officers Association
I wonder if the ghost of Vito Corleone had a hand in drafting this letter. Or perhaps Dr. Evil, while stroking Mr. Bigglesworth, was paid a consulting fee by these Wisconsin public employee union presidents. Most likely, these unmasked union racketeers believe Orwell's famous line should read, "All animals are equal but union animals are more equal than others."
No matter, the letter reeks of fear, desperation and recklessness. Any pretense these unions had of showing civility, intelligence, or rational thought has evaporated in the sunlight. We are left with the uninhibited tantrums of a spoiled child, angrily lashing out at his parents who have begun to teach the painful lessons of sharing with the rest of the family.
Any doubts that his letter was a media plant, a charge made by a number of progressive blogs, has been answered. M and I Banks's reply also shows that the public employee union presidents were dead wrong as to the political contributions made by M & I during the November campaign. How many of these letters were sent out and whose mailing list was used remains to be discovered.
M&I Bank Issues Response to Letter From Wisconsin Union Group Threatening to Boycott M&I
MILWAUKEE, March 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ ‐‐ M&I Bank (M&I) today issued the following statement in response to a letter it received from a union group threatening to boycott M&I if M&I does not publicly oppose Governor Walker's budget repair bill.M&I has not taken, and will not take, a position either for or against the budget repair bill. As M&I has publicly stated before:‐‐ M&I has not contributed to any candidate and did not contribute to Governor Walker or Mayor Barrett in the last gubernatorial election.‐‐ M&I has over 6,000 employees in Wisconsin, and, in the great tradition of political freedom in this country, those employees have the right to contribute to the candidate of their choice.‐‐ M&I employees contributed to both Wisconsin gubernatorial candidates in the last election.M&I is proud of our tradition of standing with teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees to support, improve, and grow Wisconsin communities. M&I has 188 branches in cities, towns, and villages throughout Wisconsin, and M&I employees work side‐by‐side with these dedicated public employees in civic endeavors across the state.
Any doubts that his letter was a media plant, a charge made by a number of progressive blogs, has been answered. M and I Banks's reply also shows that the public employee union presidents were dead wrong as to the political contributions made by M & I during the November campaign. How many of these letters were sent out and whose mailing list was used remains to be discovered.
h/t to "chilipalmer" in AT's comments section.