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March 22, 2011
The 'good old days' are not so very old
Do you remember the good old days...
* ...When observing the Constitution by getting congressional approval to use military force was still fashionable?
That was a mere eight years ago when President Bush 43 got bipartisan support to attack Iraq.
* ...When protesting was the highest form of patriotism and bombing Muslim countries was impeachable?
That was only three years ago before the installation of a Democratic administration.
* ...When France was ridiculed for having no martial spirit?
That, too, was about eight years ago when America sought French help in Iraq. Granted, France had to elect a Hungarian president to find it, but France lent early support to the popular unrest and then led the offensive in Libya while mighty America, under the leadership of the Divine Obama, dithered for weeks. Finally, President Obama reluctantly got on board and "pulled the trigger" from...Brazil.
Who's spineless now?
Ah, the good old days. Where have they gone?