Sign of the Times: School in NJ named for Obama to close

As reported on March 18, 2011by Rachel Rose Hartman of Yahoo! News: "The Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park, N.J. will be shuttered this summer, largely due to low enrollment."

Formerly known as the Bangs Avenue School, the Asbury Park district decided in 2010 to change its name to Barack H. Obama Elementary.

"At the time that the school acquired its new name, administrators took a lot of flak for ostensibly focusing on the name change instead of the plight of its students. But the city resident behind the movement, Myra Campbell, believed it would ‘send a subliminal message' to the students," notes Hartman.

"Every time they walk through the school doors, there's going to be a certain amount of pride in where they [the students] go to school," Ms. Campbell informed a local paper before enrollment plummeted. "We now move forward," Campbell continues, "in trying what we can to improve the academic skills of the students and also the social skills."

What appropriate imagery the soon-to-be abandoned school provides for the empty emotionalism behind the entire Obama phenomenon. Electing Obama somehow "sent a subliminal message" to Americans and the world that everyone should have a "certain amount of pride" in the new politically correct president. Even though the media-created image was completely disconnected from the substance of the real Obama, the image alone was to magically make the world a better place. It was all about happy feelings, rainbows and fluffy bunnies.

We were supposed to ignore the fact that Obama's redistributive justice ideology was unworkable and would be abandoned and shuttered once fully exposed.

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