NPR targets Michelle Malkin's family on 'comedy show'

Recently defunded NPR apparently thinks it's funny to falsely accuse Michelle Malkin of being a birther while making lame jokes about her family. This, at a time, when Malkin's kin is frantic with worry over the disappearance of her niece.

Malkin has a transcript of the inane little radio skit so I won't duplicate it here. Her comments:

The premise of Jobrani's p.c. comedy gag is completely false, as actual readers of my work know. I was one of the first conservatives to criticize Birthers who go to the extreme and have never accused President Obama of being a "secret Muslim." To the contrary, I've criticized him for his rather open and out-of-the-closet apologias for jihad and his perfunctory, bloodless, vague public condemnations of Islamic terror attacks on Americans. As for my "fear that there are Muslims amongst us who are hiding their true identity," go ask Attorney General Eric Holder what "keeps him up at night."

Jobrani's a poor man's Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert, pandering to progressives with lazy caricatures of the Right, with the encouragement and approval of high-minded libs practicing supposedly indispensable, public interest journalism that rural America can't live without, don't you know!?

How many conservative comedians (besides token P.J. O'Rourke, who panders to the Left with his attacks on Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio) get an equal opportunity to lampoon their political opponents on NPR airwaves?

Wait, wait...don't tell me.

The "comediens" didn't even bother to discover Malkin's position on the issues they were criticizing her for. That's par for the course. Liberals can't separate people into individuals; they have to lump them into a group in order to discuss them among themselves. They constantly go after Black conservatives for not toeing the company line on race and other issues. It simply can't penetrate their thick skulls that human beings might have an individual outlook on life hence. anyone who deviates from what they consider the norm is ripe for the worst kind of smears and falsehoods being thrown at them.

Believing that ALL conservatives think Obama is a Muslim, or wasn't born here bespeaks a shallowness, a laziness of thought that is revealed by this unconscionable attack on Malkin's family in their time of trial. It reveals more about those so casually tossing the smears than anything that Malkin has said about the left in the past.

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