Hillary shuts the door on 2012 - almost

In an interview for CNN, Hillary Clinton said that she did not want to serve another 4 years as Secretary of State, nor did she want to run for president:

Q- If the president is reelected, do you want to serve a second term as secretary of state?


Q- Would you like to serve as secretary of defense?


Q- Would you like to be vice president of the United States?


Q- Would you like to be president of the United States?


Q- Why not?

Because I have the best job I could ever have. This is a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath. There are both the tragedies and disasters that we have seen from Haiti to Japan and there are the extraordinary opportunities and challenges that we see right here in Egypt and in the rest of the region. So I want to be part of helping to represent the United States at this critical moment in time, to do everything I can in support of the president and our government and the people of our country to stand for our values and our ideals, to stand up for our security, which has to remain first and foremost in my mind and to advance America's interests. And there isn't anything that I can imagine doing after this that would be as demanding, as challenging or rewarding.

Q- President of the United States?

You know, I had a wonderful experience running and I am very proud of the support I had and very grateful for the opportunity, but I'm going to be, you know, moving on.

There's nothing in those words that would lead you to believe she wants to run. Then again, there is nothing in there that entirely closes off the opportunity either. She is "moving on" she says. That's not to say that if Obama is faltering by late summer that she won't heed the almost certain calls for her to run.

A long shot? Very long. Given the state of the world and our economy, though, anything is possible.

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