Barack and the bear
In 1984, Ronald Reagan ran a brilliant 30 second spot about "the bear". While the adversary then was the USSR, one of the responses to the threat portrayed in the ad is identical to our current President's reaction to Islamic murderers. First, we had his response to Major Hasan's wanton murder of fourteen Americans, and now to the murder of the two airmen in Germany.
Despite help from outlets like CNN that presumably took their cue from the Oval Office and reported the German attack without mentioning Islam, or the too familiar battle cry preceding the "heroic" attack on unarmed people, the word is leaking out to anyone paying attention. Unfortunately, too many Americans will be taken in again, accepting the assault as mysterious, spontaneous, isolated case of "gun violence".
The White House has developed a clear pattern when responding to Islamic attacks on Americans. We now see them and the rest of the left extending to Islam the same delusional cover traditionally granted ghetto violence. As Reagan's ad says, "...for some people the bear is easy to see; others don't see it at all..."
Ronald Reagan never conducted a foreign policy based on see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. He had no trouble seeing the bear, calling it evil and going on to defeat it.
Mr. President, we knew Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan is an inspiration to us.
You sir are no Ronald Reagan.