American Thinker Blog
March 31, 2011
Oil Prices To Stay HighMarch 31, 2011
Obama's Contribution to the Emerging Middle East LandscapeMarch 31, 2011
Obama Self Destructing Over LibyaMarch 31, 2011
C. Edmund Wright on Jim Bohannan Show TonightMarch 31, 2011
Bostom Radio Appearance: Sharia-Based Murder of Rape VictimsMarch 31, 2011
The Return Of Musa KusaMarch 31, 2011
Obama administration chaos over 'boots on the ground' in LibyaMarch 31, 2011
Assad: Fooled us twice, shame on usMarch 31, 2011
A Single Question for Ban Ki-moonMarch 31, 2011
Bengladesh: Fourteen Year Old Girl Raped, Charged With Adultery, and Lashed to DeathMarch 31, 2011
Power to the States: The Welfare EditionMarch 31, 2011
Obama on Libya: The Magic is GoneMarch 31, 2011
Waiting for Obama to assume his PresidencyMarch 31, 2011
Obama's energy policy: Same old, same oldMarch 31, 2011
No hope for fiscal sanity? - GOP deal close with White HouseMarch 31, 2011
Obama gets award for transparency - in secretMarch 31, 2011
Government Motors may be outsold by Ford in FebruaryMarch 31, 2011
Put up our sign or else! Wisconsin's new union protection racketMarch 31, 2011
More secret executions in IranMarch 31, 2011
'Alternative' Health Care in the Land of EnchantmentMarch 31, 2011
Responsible journalism? NBC sends GE story down the memory holeMarch 30, 2011
Deconstructing Obama Makes Fox & FriendsMarch 30, 2011
A fanciful Wash. Post 'news' article replete with anti-Israel biasMarch 30, 2011
Libya: Bombing to Support Jew-Hating Jihadists?March 30, 2011
Trump birth certificate: asked and answeredMarch 30, 2011
Obama approval in near free fallMarch 30, 2011
Obama's titanic housing policy failuresMarch 30, 2011
Should we arm the Libyan rebels?March 30, 2011
Marco Rubio - leaderMarch 30, 2011
Obama's TV ratings for his speeches continue to plummetMarch 30, 2011
Union mob actions costs Wisconsin taxpayers $13 Million, so farMarch 30, 2011
Another state drops ObamacareMarch 30, 2011
Medicaid for non-American non-immigrants?March 30, 2011
Are you ready for 'Cash for Clunkers - The Return?'March 29, 2011
Thank You, President ObamaMarch 29, 2011
Obama and the Birth Certificate -- Trumped AgainMarch 29, 2011
Hitchens: The Iraq EffectMarch 29, 2011
Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated)March 29, 2011
Syrian cabinet resigns amid massive unrestMarch 29, 2011
How big is the federal budget disaster?March 29, 2011
Obama's speech a mix of lies and wishful thinkingMarch 29, 2011
Pakistan depends more on China for arms than USMarch 29, 2011
Tim Wu: The Man Who is Destroying the Tech IndustryMarch 29, 2011
Hugo Parrots MichelleMarch 29, 2011
Obama's selective compassionMarch 29, 2011
Israel's Knesset Debate and J Street's AgendaMarch 29, 2011
Fausta Wertz, Monica Showalter, and Jeff Dunetz on Moran's showMarch 29, 2011
Want to live forever? Raise the price of gasoline!March 29, 2011
American Indians Putting Faith in Government 'Help'?March 28, 2011
Panic sets in on the leftMarch 28, 2011
Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statisticsMarch 28, 2011
What went wrong with the Deepwater Horizon blowoutMarch 28, 2011
Obama's Libya speech reverb watchMarch 28, 2011
Welcome to Yemen, al-Qaeda terroristsMarch 28, 2011
More on the U.S. military Japanese Aid WorkMarch 28, 2011
Robots MIA in FukushimaMarch 28, 2011
Obama, in TV address, will claim Libyan lives saved by interventionMarch 28, 2011
On such trifles, American excellence hangsMarch 28, 2011
Ayers affirms he wrote Dreams from my FatherMarch 28, 2011
What if they held an employment fair but no employers came?March 28, 2011
It would have been big news if only Dick Cheney were still V.P.March 28, 2011
The energy superpowerMarch 28, 2011
High Speed DelusionMarch 28, 2011
Romney's Big Political HurdleMarch 27, 2011
NY Times wrongly blames Israel for lack of peace talks with Syria, PalestiniansMarch 27, 2011
The Triangle Fire And Public Employee UnionsMarch 27, 2011
Why NATO will never take command of the Libya operationMarch 27, 2011
Would the last business leaving Illinois please turn out the lights?March 27, 2011
Obama says Libyan campaign 'making progress'March 27, 2011
Now Obama's just like Ike?March 27, 2011
Steyn on LibyaMarch 27, 2011
Violent demonstrations in Great BritainMarch 27, 2011
Farrakhan defends GaddafiMarch 27, 2011
Obama Strikes Out at the UNHRCMarch 27, 2011
R.I.P. Geraldine FerraroMarch 26, 2011
Economic danger signs mountingMarch 26, 2011
Geert Wilders in Rome: Defending the West from Cultural Relativism and JihadMarch 26, 2011
Crawfish TalesMarch 26, 2011
DHS funded propaganda event cancelledMarch 26, 2011
Rebels retake key eastern townMarch 26, 2011
Get ready for 'Government Shutdown: The Sequel'March 26, 2011
Syrian troops murder protestors: Where's the UN?March 26, 2011
Adios, Katie CouricMarch 26, 2011
Canadian government fallsMarch 26, 2011
Danger in the Census NumbersMarch 26, 2011
Egypt: Arab 'Democracy' Gives Way To A New Islamist StateMarch 25, 2011
Democrat Senator tells how he really thinks about our freedomMarch 25, 2011
It gets even uglier in WisconsinMarch 25, 2011
Good news: Libyan rebel commander fought against US in AfghanistanMarch 25, 2011
Peace feelers from Gaddafi's inner circle?March 25, 2011
Donald Trump and the Birth CertificateMarch 25, 2011
A war he owns but refuses to acknowledgeMarch 25, 2011
ObamaCare: Don't say you weren't warnedMarch 25, 2011
Bad omen for Obama; Locked out of White HouseMarch 25, 2011
Better think twice about taking that trip to the grocery storeMarch 25, 2011
Only the first stepMarch 25, 2011
Yemeni president near deal to resignMarch 25, 2011
Union uses images of OK City bombing in collective bargaining adsMarch 24, 2011
Be careful what you wish forMarch 24, 2011
Kansas City Star whitewashes Senator McCaskill's offensesMarch 24, 2011
Al-Jazeera, Global Jihad, and the Suicide of the WestMarch 24, 2011
Obama's Illegal WarMarch 24, 2011
Will SEIU Tape Its Next Corporate Kill?March 24, 2011
NYT, WaPo agree -- Deadly Jerusalem bus bombing was not an act of terrorismMarch 24, 2011
Fukushima: better but not goodMarch 24, 2011
Significant decline in Anti-Muslim 'hate crimes' since 2003March 24, 2011
Not a war: A 'kinetic military action'March 24, 2011
Reuters should stop trying so hardMarch 24, 2011
9/11 Is So YesterdayMarch 24, 2011
Gadhafi's 40 virginsMarch 24, 2011
On Birth Issue 'The Donald' Trumps Other RepublicansMarch 24, 2011
The Lethal Dhimmitude of Our Armed ForcesMarch 24, 2011
Egypt Air removes Israel from mapMarch 24, 2011
Why incumbency mattersMarch 23, 2011
Obama's fatuous statement on terror bombing in JerusalemMarch 23, 2011
The Power of Samantha PowerMarch 23, 2011
The Libya 'Campaign' and Western MalaiseMarch 23, 2011
For crying out loud, Barry - Make up your mind!March 23, 2011
America at the service of the UNMarch 23, 2011
Congress and its war powersMarch 23, 2011
'Therapy-Dog' Sessions For Yale's Liberal Law StudentsMarch 23, 2011
Drill, Bebê, Drill...March 23, 2011
The Good Scouts of Cary IllinoisMarch 23, 2011
Soros heavily involved in the 'Responsibility to Protect" movementMarch 23, 2011
General Ham 'Strung'March 23, 2011
For Democrats, taxes are for other peopleMarch 22, 2011
R2P starts at homeMarch 22, 2011
Libyan Policy Known Unkown?March 22, 2011
Anyone Want to Connect the Petro-Dots?March 22, 2011
Ed Lasky, Rich Baehr, Stephen Green, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showMarch 22, 2011
Egyptian Referendum Favors Muslim BrotherhoodMarch 22, 2011
The Left's Economic Terrorism Plans for AmericaMarch 22, 2011
The 'Legality' of the Act of War in LibyaMarch 22, 2011
A Liberal and Libya as the Worm TurnsMarch 22, 2011
Intellectuals vs. Men With MachineryMarch 22, 2011
Obama's Actions Are Legal - So FarMarch 22, 2011
Playing taxpayers for suckersMarch 22, 2011
Cost of Libyan war could wipe out GOP budget cutsMarch 22, 2011
Better late than never: Obama informs Congress of Libya actionMarch 22, 2011
Palestinians use R2P to call on international community to clamp down in IsraelMarch 22, 2011
The 'good old days' are not so very oldMarch 22, 2011
Enter the USDA, to Rescue Americans From... SomethingMarch 22, 2011
Judge Sumi's personal biasMarch 22, 2011
Obama praises Chile's policies that he won't permit for usMarch 22, 2011
Barack Obama is Like the iPhoneMarch 22, 2011
Save Education, Privatize Government SchoolsMarch 22, 2011
Thomas Lifson on the airMarch 21, 2011
The Ignorance of the Anti-Nuclear Power PressMarch 21, 2011
Politically Incorrect March Madness NotesMarch 21, 2011
Libya: Where's Congress? Worse Yet, Where Are Conservatives?March 21, 2011
Pawlenty, the Presidential Campaign, and the EvangelicalsMarch 21, 2011
Google to fight global warming 'ignorance'March 21, 2011
Your tax dollars funding a second left wing radio network: the BBCMarch 21, 2011
'Uncivil disobedience'March 21, 2011
NPR targets Michelle Malkin's family on 'comedy show'March 21, 2011
By the Numbers: Obama's Alliances vs. Bush's UnilateralismMarch 21, 2011
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister calls for bombing of IsraelMarch 21, 2011
The UN's Commission on the Status of Women strikes out againMarch 21, 2011
Libya: The "No Mercy" StandardMarch 21, 2011
Wisconsin's Patriots undeterred by Judge Sumi's activism or union intimidationMarch 21, 2011
CNN's 'priorities'March 21, 2011
Brotherhood the victor in Egyptian referendumMarch 21, 2011
Two faced Arab League condemns coalition bombingsMarch 20, 2011
'This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'March 20, 2011
Wash. Post covers Hamas' war on Israel, but not Hamas' war on journalistsMarch 20, 2011
Senator McCain and Gun ControlMarch 20, 2011
Costa Mesa, CA government to lay off half their workers due to pension costsMarch 20, 2011
Socialists protest against Obama in RioMarch 20, 2011
While the world watches Libya, Hamas strikesMarch 20, 2011
The Rise of Samantha Power and the risks for the American- Israel relationshipMarch 20, 2011
Far left deserts Obama on Libya - mostlyMarch 20, 2011
Why intervene in Libya when protestors are dying in Syria too?March 20, 2011
Kill the pirates - Save the Unions: Donald TrumpMarch 20, 2011
President Obama Goes to War - Without CongressMarch 20, 2011
DC Metro Subway: Spring Breakers BewareMarch 19, 2011
Gaddafi warns Obama: 'You will regret it...'March 19, 2011
What's in a name? Biden Station open, Obama School to closeMarch 19, 2011
IPCC guru was a student when writing 'authoritative' reportsMarch 19, 2011
Obama's idea of 'intervention' in LibyaMarch 19, 2011
Libya: Have we learned nothing?March 19, 2011
Biden compares GOP strategy on budget with blaming rape victimsMarch 19, 2011
Oooops! CBO says Obama's budget understates deficitsMarch 19, 2011
Obama and the Libya decisionMarch 19, 2011
Activist Judge sides with public sector unions, againMarch 19, 2011
Sign of the Times: School in NJ named for Obama to closeMarch 19, 2011
Second thoughts on Green dogma -- from a surprising sourceMarch 19, 2011
Harry Reid's 'dogged' defense of NPRMarch 19, 2011
About those high gas and oil pricesMarch 18, 2011
US should shun enforcing no fly zone in LibyaMarch 18, 2011
Obama treats whistleblowers as if they were enemies of the stateMarch 18, 2011
Hillary Clinton 'fed up'March 18, 2011
Rand Paul unveils deficit cutting planMarch 18, 2011
Fukushima And The Truth?March 18, 2011
Those Who Live in Glass HousesMarch 18, 2011
Chilling threats made against AlthouseMarch 18, 2011
What planet does the Libyan Foreign Minister live on?March 18, 2011
30 Yemeni protestors dead as troops fire into crowdsMarch 18, 2011
Milwaukee police officer busted for I.D. theftMarch 18, 2011
House votes to defund NPRMarch 18, 2011
Updater-in-chiefMarch 17, 2011
Inflation, Back to the '70s We Go!March 17, 2011
Congressman Anthony Weiner is the Democrats' Court JesterMarch 17, 2011
Obama Leads Sheen by Only 13 Points More Than Does PalinMarch 17, 2011
Higher taxes can't solve the deficitMarch 17, 2011
Wisconsin or Venezuela?March 17, 2011
On Japanese nuke story, the boy who cried wolf might get eatenMarch 17, 2011
Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of timeMarch 17, 2011
2 Dem officials indicted in tea party election fraud caseMarch 17, 2011
Ray Nagin clone in the White HouseMarch 17, 2011
Obama's Tactless DiversionsMarch 17, 2011
A Teachable Moment for Barack ObamaMarch 17, 2011
Power CorruptsMarch 17, 2011
The neighborhood mosqueMarch 17, 2011
Voting 'present' - againMarch 17, 2011
Hillary shuts the door on 2012 - almostMarch 16, 2011
Netanyahu in 1978March 16, 2011
Obama's political bracketsMarch 16, 2011
Miami-Dade voters recall big-spending mayor by 9 to 1 marginMarch 16, 2011
NFL player spokesman: Playing for owners like 'slavery'March 16, 2011
Waiting on tenterhooks to see who Obama likes for NCAA tourneyMarch 16, 2011
Pakistani court frees Raymond DavisMarch 16, 2011
'Fukushima 50' battling another fire, possible reactor breachMarch 16, 2011
Everybody's Asking 'Is Obama Mentally Present?'March 16, 2011
Few people prosper under the new health care lawMarch 16, 2011
Defending the Dream of Re-Distributing the WealthMarch 16, 2011
WI Republicans Leading in Lib Recall PollMarch 16, 2011
House passes 3 week budget extensionMarch 16, 2011
'Outstate' Wisconsin vs the unionsMarch 15, 2011
Double, double standards on being shocked, shockedMarch 15, 2011
NY Times at last discovers Palestinian incitementMarch 15, 2011
Did Obama's election cause the earthquake and tsunami?March 15, 2011
Two states bail out of global warming lawsuitMarch 15, 2011
Liberals and Nuclear Power: Any Risk a Bad Risk?March 15, 2011
An Abominable DiscrepancyMarch 15, 2011
Teachers misbehave; students stay after schoolMarch 15, 2011
Dayton's disgraceMarch 15, 2011
Tom Lifson, Monica Showalter, Jazz Shaw on Moran's showMarch 15, 2011
Supplemental SAT for Wisconsin StudentsMarch 15, 2011
A little perspective on the deficitMarch 15, 2011
A liberal comes to terms with Obama's failureMarch 15, 2011
The U.S Should Get Rid of GaddafiMarch 14, 2011
Saudis challenge TehranMarch 14, 2011
Media can't resist Sarah PalinMarch 14, 2011
Japan's ResilienceMarch 14, 2011
Wash. Post bends truth on settlements, covers up Abbas's anti-Israel incitementMarch 14, 2011
If You Missed Deconstructing Obama on Book-TVMarch 14, 2011
Embarrassed To Be AmericanMarch 14, 2011 drops Illinois affiliates in the wake of internet taxMarch 14, 2011
'Jihad Cosmo' - a glossy fashion mag for the Islamist femaleMarch 14, 2011
Another explosion at Japanese nuclear plantMarch 14, 2011
Let's hear it for the 'working class' teachers of Illinois!March 14, 2011
Pelosi and Dems cash-in on WisconsinMarch 14, 2011
Wisconsin's useful idiotsMarch 14, 2011
Japan is not Haiti ....March 14, 2011
Durbin predicts GOP temp budget measure to passMarch 14, 2011
State Department spokesman resigns over remark about Manning treatmentMarch 13, 2011
Keith Ellison's TaqiyyaMarch 13, 2011
Hold the Hypocrisy, New York TimesMarch 13, 2011
WaPo shields Abbas from blame as terror attack kills five IsraelisMarch 13, 2011
Seeking humor in assassination?March 13, 2011
Why Obama has no business being President of the United States: Reason #2,558March 13, 2011
Obama hits the links while catastrophe confronts close allyMarch 13, 2011
A tale of two paradesMarch 13, 2011
The awesome power of natureMarch 13, 2011
Japan's Disaster and US FinancesMarch 13, 2011
Meltdown probable: Authorities evacuating hundreds of thousandsMarch 13, 2011
What A Tsunami Really IsMarch 13, 2011
Arab League backs Libya no-fly zoneMarch 13, 2011
Is copying the European model really so bad?March 12, 2011
West Bank family murdered in their sleep: Palestinians celebrateMarch 12, 2011
The union bullies in Wisconsin target businesses (updated)March 12, 2011
Bill Clinton thinks drilling delays 'ridiculous'March 12, 2011
Confirmed: Frankfurt jihadist viewed 'Redacted' clipMarch 12, 2011
How a socialist would 'cut' the deficitMarch 12, 2011
5 arrested in plot to kill Alaska judge, state troopersMarch 12, 2011
There's nothing wrong with bullying if you have an ObamawaiverMarch 12, 2011
Idiot global warming fanatics blame earthquake on climate changeMarch 12, 2011
Explosion at Japanese nuke plantMarch 12, 2011
Tepid TeaMarch 12, 2011
Don't Cry for Mohammad Hamdani Rep Keith EllisonMarch 11, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsMarch 11, 2011
Deconstructing Obama Book-TV debutMarch 11, 2011
Japan hit by 8.9 earthquakeMarch 11, 2011
Scarborough for Senate?March 11, 2011
Incredible - NPR exec caught on tape saying she would hide donation from Muslim Brotherhood from governmentMarch 11, 2011
There's no crying in politics, right?March 11, 2011
Bullying really isn't what it used to beMarch 11, 2011
HHS waivers playing into GOP hands on Obamacare repealMarch 11, 2011
Cowards, More Cowards, and HeroesMarch 11, 2011
Stop government funding of La RazaMarch 11, 2011
Obama's timidity on Libya encouraging GaddafiMarch 11, 2011
Is Obama a radical or a typical DemocratMarch 10, 2011
Budget Cuts Lingo, Stranger Than FictionMarch 10, 2011
When public unions take overMarch 10, 2011
A flow of anti-Israel poison -- from Israel, to Britain, to the heart of the U.S. capitalMarch 10, 2011
Friend vs. Friend in Obama's AmericaMarch 10, 2011
Milton Friedman's Memo to WisconsinMarch 10, 2011
Rand Paul injects a little reality into Senate debate over spendingMarch 10, 2011
Saudi 'Day of Rage' a fizzle?March 10, 2011
NPR Better Off Without Taxpayer Support?March 10, 2011
Brits intercept weapons from Iran headed for the TalibanMarch 10, 2011
France recognizes Libyan rebelsMarch 10, 2011
Another smear against Rep. King by the former 'paper of record'March 10, 2011
Predictive: The Chris Matthews Thrill-o-MeterMarch 10, 2011
'The Boehner Killers' Bowl for Abortion DollarsMarch 10, 2011
Ron Schiller is out of another job--even before he beginsMarch 9, 2011
Wisconsin limits collective bargaining rights for gov workersMarch 9, 2011
Central Virginia Honors the Memory of a Young AirmanMarch 9, 2011
Inside the Obama AdministrationMarch 9, 2011
At the NY Times, Israel can't win; Palestinians can't loseMarch 9, 2011
'Just words,' Mr. President?March 9, 2011
Maine Republicans don't want Olympia SnoweMarch 9, 2011
NPR President ResignsMarch 9, 2011
The states' pension bombMarch 9, 2011
Government handouts make up 1/3 of wagesMarch 9, 2011
Celebrating Women's Day by beating womenMarch 9, 2011
Union thugs try to silence recall effort in WisconsinMarch 9, 2011
Some helpful suggestions for the Democratic senate campaign committeeMarch 9, 2011
Rep. King gets increased security from threat the left says doesn't existMarch 9, 2011
'Waiving' goodbye to the ConstitutionMarch 8, 2011
The Baehr EssentialsMarch 8, 2011
NPR exec caught on hidden camera trashing conservatives, sliming JewsMarch 8, 2011
George Will's Atrophied Intellectual CuriosityMarch 8, 2011
Compost from CongressMarch 8, 2011
High Schools not lining up to invite Obama to speak at graduationMarch 8, 2011
The case of the missing Iranian nuclear threat in new NIEMarch 8, 2011
DOJ Flagship Initiative: Lost at SeaMarch 8, 2011
Is Gaddafi ready to step down?March 8, 2011
Obama takes steps to promote terrorism and ruin America's image, while stoking a climate of fear and creating more terroristsMarch 8, 2011
Jeff Dunetz, Doug Mataconis, and Jazz Show on Moran's showMarch 8, 2011
The $223 Billion February Deficit in PerspectiveMarch 8, 2011
Renowned Historian Lauds Sarah Palin, Tea Party and AmericaMarch 8, 2011
Do as I say...Not as I doMarch 8, 2011
Ensign to retire. GOP breathes sigh of reliefMarch 7, 2011
The wages of a social issues 'truce'March 7, 2011
The Rise of Dollar RiskMarch 7, 2011
WaPo confirms Netanyahu's beef that Israel gets short end of the stickMarch 7, 2011
Administration seeking 'non-intervention' intervention in LibyaMarch 7, 2011
Mugabe to sell uranium to IranMarch 7, 2011
'The most transparent administration in history' comes down hard on leakersMarch 7, 2011
'I got my bar mitzvah at the New York Times'March 7, 2011
Before the name 'Sheen' was dragged through the mudMarch 7, 2011
Obamacare waivers hit a milestoneMarch 7, 2011
Wisconsin Dem senators coming home soonMarch 7, 2011
Obama's commitment to fight anti-Semitism questionedMarch 7, 2011
Bill Daley accuses advocates for no-fly zone of not knowing what they're talking aboutMarch 7, 2011
In the midst of plenty, wantMarch 6, 2011
Two Brief Refreshing American TalesMarch 6, 2011
WaPo tackles riddle of Palestinians' 'strange quiet' amid Arab upheavals -- and gets it wrongMarch 6, 2011
Thousands of Muslims torch Christian homes, churches in EgyptMarch 6, 2011
Is Walker's resolve weakening?March 6, 2011
Steyn: 'Why are we still in Germany'March 6, 2011
Three cheers for Obama! He got his first round of golf in yesterdayMarch 6, 2011
Saudis gear up for the Kingdom's 'Day of Rage'March 6, 2011
GOP takeover prospects in the senate brightenMarch 6, 2011
Ivory Coast soldiers kill unarmed women protestersMarch 6, 2011
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn a class act? Don't bet on it.March 6, 2011
Was Huckabee wrong in criticizing Portman?March 5, 2011
The phony drop in unemploymentMarch 5, 2011
Where have the civility police gone?March 5, 2011
Bloody 'Fast and Furious' program approved by Holder's DOJMarch 5, 2011
Brits refuse to fund some UN agenciesMarch 5, 2011
The dark side of yesterday's unemployment numbersMarch 5, 2011
Iran voted in as member of UN's Commission on the Status of WomenMarch 5, 2011
The 'violence of faction' in WisconsinMarch 5, 2011
Senators Urge Obama to Throw Out Dr. Berwick NominationMarch 5, 2011
Pakistan's Infamous blasphemy lawMarch 5, 2011
So a narcissist meets a brick wall ...March 5, 2011
Saving money by double countingMarch 4, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood is officially A-OK for the Obama AdministrationMarch 4, 2011
What's wrong with this map?March 4, 2011
A Tutorial on PollsMarch 4, 2011
Romney and Gingrich on Jihad (and Sharia)March 4, 2011
Gulf Oil Spill Could Have Been Stopped 48 days EarlierMarch 4, 2011
German jihadist has links to Islamist groupsMarch 4, 2011
Protestors damage Madison capitol to the tune of $7.5 millionMarch 4, 2011
Senator Brown says Hitler and Stalin opposed labor unions tooMarch 4, 2011
What, me worry? China ups defense spending 12.7%March 4, 2011
Academic 'superstar' professors who sell out to tyrantsMarch 4, 2011
Human Rights Watch ignored human wrongsMarch 4, 2011
Wisconsin Democrat's union contract conspiracy revealedMarch 4, 2011
Bring us the heads of Wisconsin Democratic senators!March 4, 2011
Barack and the bearMarch 3, 2011
Liberal Media Gives Black Racism A PassMarch 3, 2011
Obama's own 'hero project'March 3, 2011
Calderon and the Mexico MessMarch 3, 2011
Stalemate in Libya?March 3, 2011
Gunman Screams 'Allahu Akbar', Obama Sees Motive UnclearMarch 3, 2011
China Returns as North Korea's DefenderMarch 3, 2011
Senator Akaka will not seek re-electionMarch 3, 2011
Voters don't want Social Security, Medicare cuts: WSJ pollMarch 3, 2011
A Democrat Discovers 'Jihad'March 3, 2011
Satirist Iowahawk schools Nobel Prize winner KrugmanMarch 3, 2011
Fast food medicine in CanadaMarch 3, 2011
Obama Claims Tea Party Has 'Subterranean Agenda'March 3, 2011
Alexis Carrington wears Obama to the OscarsMarch 3, 2011
Holder raises the threshold for black voter intimidation of whitesMarch 2, 2011
NYT, WaPo ignore Clinton condemnation of UN Human Rights Council's 'structural bias' against IsraelMarch 2, 2011
Wisconsin protest: teacher or students?March 2, 2011
Our patronizing President lectures the JewsMarch 2, 2011
Back in vogueMarch 2, 2011
The terrorist who burrowed inMarch 2, 2011
'My People' and the American People Eric Holder ServesMarch 2, 2011
The Carniegie Corporation's assistance to pro-amnesty groupsMarch 2, 2011
British PM backs off of 'no fly zone' idea when Obama votes 'present'March 2, 2011
China Tightens Control Over Its Raw Earths IndustryMarch 2, 2011
Has Huckabee Gone Birther?March 2, 2011
Julian Assange: The Jooooos are after me!March 2, 2011
Forbidden and permitted for teensMarch 2, 2011
Farrakhan: Middle East style rebellion coming hereMarch 2, 2011
Spencer (Coggs) For Hire, 'I'm a labor guy.'March 2, 2011
Crazy in 'socialist' Seattle: Bending the Law for 'Social Justice'March 2, 2011
Newt first to the starting line for 2012March 1, 2011
Israel's new shieldMarch 1, 2011
Inflation: What me worry?March 1, 2011
Graph for the Day for March 1, 2011March 1, 2011
The Ideal Liberal Car...March 1, 2011
In the eye of the beholder, Iran's loony view of 2012 Olympic logoMarch 1, 2011
Sex Trumps Religion in UKMarch 1, 2011
Gov. Perry's 'gaffe' that wasn'tMarch 1, 2011
Obama gets benefit of doubt during slap-down from Gov. WalkerMarch 1, 2011
Ed Lasky, Elise Cooper, and Jazz Shaw on Moran's showMarch 1, 2011
Washington Post punctures another Obama boastMarch 1, 2011
Libya and the UN's Human Rights CouncilMarch 1, 2011
Wisconsin Dem assemblyman to GOP colleague; 'You are effing dead!'March 1, 2011
The Polecat of the Senate
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