The slow motion ethnic cleansing of Jews in Europe

Muslim immigrants are being permitted to finish Hitler's grand plan to make Europe Judenrein -- ethnically cleansed of Jews. That's the inescapable conclusion when one observes what is happening in many European countries. David J. Rusin writes on Islamist Watch:

Dutch politician Frits Bolkestein, who opined on the grim choices facing visible (e.g., Orthodox) Jews in his nation:

The former EU commissioner says there is no future for this group in the Netherlands because of "the anti-Semitism among Dutchmen of Moroccan descent, whose numbers keep growing."

He feels that this group of Jews should encourage their children to emigrate to either the United States or Israel, because he has little confidence in the effectiveness of the government's proposals for fighting anti-Semitism.

Bolkestein's remarks echo those of Benjamin Jacobs, the country's chief rabbi, who told Arutz Sheva in 2010 that "the future for Dutch Jewry is moving to Israel." Indeed, some Jews are acting. The same news service reported in December that the son of Raphael Evers, another leading Dutch rabbi, "has announced plans to move to Israel due to anti-Semitism":

"It's not that you can't leave the house, but you need to constantly hide, to be careful," he explained. He related his own cautionary measures, which include avoiding certain neighborhoods, and hiding his kippah (yalmulke) when walking through areas with a high number of Muslim immigrants.

Next consider Sweden. Last month, the Simon Wiesenthal Center urged traveling Jews to exercise "extreme caution" due to "harassment of Jewish citizens in the southern city of Malmö." An estimated 60,000 Muslims comprise a fifth of Malmö's population and hate crimes regularly impact the lives of its 700 remaining Jews. "The city's synagogue has guards and rocket-proof glass in the windows," the Telegraph notes, "while the Jewish kindergarten can only be reached through thick steel security doors." With the government's response a mix of denial and blaming the victim, many Jews are leaving Malmö - and even Sweden altogether.

Daniel Pipes has been writing about this sad situation for years. But it appears the problem is getting worse, and spreading - in countries which pride themselves on being enlightened and tolerant. There can be no satisfaction in pointing out that Dietrich Bonhoffer was correct when he warned: "First they came for the Jews." The Swedes, the Dutch, and all the others who tolerate this behavior will themselves be subject to similar (and eventually worse) forms of jihad. They have the ability to stop it now, if they find the political will. But they are too cowardly to do so.

Meanwhile, the remnant of European Jewry is forced to flee.

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman
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