Gov. Christie dismantles a state affirmative action office

As Ed Lasky notes, "the New York Times is going to love this." From NRO:

"The four-year-old state Division of Minority and Women Business Development has been quietly dismantled by the administration of Gov. Chris Christie, which continues to register small businesses and help them obtain state government contracts on a race- and gender-neutral basis," according to NJ Biz (subscription required).

Skewering sacred cows is what is endearing Gov. Christie to many conservatives and centrists alike. The man is fearless in taking on entrenched interests, and that includes the racialists who think minorities are too stupid to apply for race and gender neutral contracts all by themselves.

My guess is that this will increase minority contracts at the state level because the paperwork burden has just been significantly lessened. Increased competition can only be good for the taxpayers too.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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